Wing Chun is not the easiest martial art to teach. The techniques come from a philosophy and list of principles. Due to this, the application of the techniques can be done with many variations that can be considered “correct”. These variations can cause added frustration. This is due to the details when it comes to teaching the variations. So that being said, you need to give ample attention to your students to genuinely help them understand, learn, and apply their Wing Chun. Sifu Och’s three sections of teaching his main classes help accomplish that.
Sifu Och’s Three Sections of Teaching
Beginner Class
The beginner class is for those students that are within their first year of training. We typically have one main instructor on the floor who has trained for at least 3 years. He or she helps the new student’s build their fundamentals. The focus of this section of class is to build their immediate ability to stop basic, common attacks. In our article When to Learn Chi Sao & Wooden Dummy we cover in more detail what our philosophy is for that class. We want to make sure that when a student leaves our doors the are able to hand dangerous situations as quickly as possible.
Much like a building we must set the groundwork. Within someones first year of training we teach them the basics to a few things. First, we guide them through the basics of footwork. Second, while building their footwork we help them through the concepts of using two hands at the same time. Thirdly, we want to build an attacking mindset. Instead of being focused on the perfect counter, block, or defense, we want our students to build an immediate offensive mindset.
Intermediate Class
For our Intermediate class we move past our basic footwork and attacks and start building our combinations. After initial contact you must follow up to finish your opponent. Building on the foundation of attacks we begin to teach students how to effectively and efficiently follow up.
Not only do we build in the ability to follow up and finish an opponent we also begin to lean heavier into reaction training and sparring. There are three main stages of development which I go into more detail in my article Three Cycles of Martial Art Training. The last of these stages is reaction which is the hardest to master. Speed, technique, power, all mean nothing if you do not have the correct timing.
Conner McGregor said “Precision beats power, and timing beats speed” in a post fight interview. You can take this one step further and say that without any form of timing you cannot fight. So you MUST develop your timing. Wing Chun is very effective when used properly. But due to many attacks being intercepts versus blocks, learning the timing can be tricky. You must devote consistent hard work in sparring and active attacker training.
Advanced Class
At our advance class level we begin the refinement of the techniques. We being teaching and using the Wooden Dummy at this level. Now that there has been years of using the Wing Chun shapes and applying them against pressure we can now upgrade them to the fullest level.
The Wooden Dummy training helps conditioning of the arms as well as tightening of form. Since the dummy does not hit back it serves no purpose other than that refinement of techniques. Spacing, shapes, rooting, all can be worked on using the dummy.
When at the advanced class we now also pass on the more traditional aspects of Wing Chun including Long Pole and Butterfly Swords. Wing Chun needs to stay applicable to the current martial arts you might run in to. However, you must keep your roots strong in the history of your training. Now that your training is coming full circle we finish the circle with advanced techniques and weapons.
Sifu Och Wing Chun Kung Fu
Call us: 863.800.0171
116 East Pine Street, Lakeland, FL 33801 (Downtown Lakeland)
Intercepting is always better than blocking. We are going to look at what the definition of intercepting is before we give some practical ways of accomplishing that. Webster’s dictionary defines intercepting as “to stop, seize, or interrupt in progress or course or before arrival”. The best way to view intercepting is that last part of the definition, “interrupt”. Not only is the attack itself being interrupted, but the timing of your opponent should be as well. And that is the key, the timing. When timed properly your opponents attack will be nullified and you will be primed to launch a second attack (in theory before his second) or you would have already hit him. Now that we have addressed what intercepting as a concept let me provide you with 4 Ways to Intercept your opponents attacks using Wing Chun.
4 Ways to Intercept: Option 1 – The Intercepting Fist
The first technique we will go over is the Intercepting Fist. Made famous by Bruce Lee, this technique is typically taught fairly early on in student’s training. The idea is to counter the opponents punch with a punch of your own. By keeping your elbow down and pressing from center mass you are elbow to offset your opponents strike. This can quickly be follow up a flurry of punches we refer to as Chain Punches. Keeping the strikes down the center you are able to maintain control of your centerline.
When you substitute a Paak Sao with an intercept you will find it can be much easier to deal with a second and third punch. Part of this is due to the fact that you are returning the opponents punch with a punch. They will be slightly less confident with their next punch as opposed to when you simple deflect their initial punch with a Paak. Second to that, the Intercept automatically covers your opposite side incase of a second attack. Whereas the Paak leaves you more open.
4 Ways to Intercept: Option 2 – The Turning Punch
The Turning Punch basically the other side of the same coin referring to the Intercepting punch. The Intercepting fist is typically used to refer to the lead hand being used with the lead foot to interrupt the opponent. This is illustrated in the first photo to the right.
Turning punch is simply using the the same structure but opposite hand to accomplish the same goal. Since the punch is coming from the back foot, the turning punch will have more power and torque then the straight Intercepting. However, much like the Paak punch, if not used properly, can leave you open on the inside for an attack.
4 Ways to Intercept: Option 3 – The Tan Sao
The Tan Sao is a very effective and sound way to intercept a strike. You have not only nullified the attack but you have also almost guaranteed a strike of your own. Tan and the actual punch are the exact same shape. The only exception is what the hand is doing at the end. You can see here in the photo the Tan Sao is an hand open towards the ceiling. By opening the hand the focus of the technique is diverted to the elbow. The Punch itself can be delivered to the head, or for a taller opponent you can strike the ribs.
Since the Tan extending through the strike towards your opponent, it makes stopping a second strike fairly straight forward. You can transition to a Paak Punch if the Strike is down the center. Or, you can continue pressing forward with a Bui Sao against a hook punch.
4 Ways to Intercept: Option 4 – The Paak Punch
Our last technique for this article on intercepting attacks is the Paak Punch. Clearing the attackers hit with Paak good, but combining it with straight punch is better. Since the Paak is coming off of the back foot there is a lot of power and structure with this counter. The Paak is also quite diverse.
When used, you can use the Paak to press forward and crush the attackers structure. You can guide his hand downward if he is taller. You can also use it to setup a baiting for the second punch.
Bonus: The Paak Punch is also a great attack to throw in a kick along with it. By doing this you maximize Wing Chun’s ability to use multiple weapons at once. You can see here in the photo, Sifu Justin used the Paak, Punch, and Kick. He uses the kick just before the punch clears the arm to finish the attack.
Final thoughts
When it comes to Intercepting timing is everything. You can have GREAT structure, technique, and power. But, if you do not practicing your techniques in LIVE sparring scenarios you will get hit no matter how good you think you are. There is no substitute for hard work, and good punches to the face. Train hard and never give up.
Why Choose Sifu Och Wing Chun
Practicing provides numerous benefits, including:
Physical Fitness: Enhance strength, flexibility, and endurance.
Mental Clarity: Develop focus and discipline through structured training.
Self-Defense Skills: Learn effective techniques for personal safety.
Cultural Enrichment: Gain insight into a centuries-old tradition.
Want to Get Started? Join Sifu Och Wing Chun today and embark on your journey through the world. Fill out our contact form to discover why we are your best choice for Wing Chun Kung Fu and martial arts training in Lakeland, Florida!
Related articles on the Sifu Och Wing Chun website:
The Strength of My Wing Chun Journey: By Ryan Beck
The Strength Behind Wing Chun: Techniques to Empower Your Martial Arts Journey
Wing Chun is different for each practitioner: how they move, when they flow and even the strength used. Each person is trained and trains differently; they all have different weaknesses and advantages. There are skills we all must learn and others that must be figured out individually.
Gains can come fast while mastery takes years to achieve. After approximately three years, I have seen these gains made by myself and others which means you can gain these as well.
My Wing Chun Journey: The Start
When I first started training with Sihing Garret in Tampa, I was the only regular student. His boxing background, plus his time training in Wing Chun under Sifu Och really set his skills apart. After the first class, I told myself, that no matter what, I would commit to training for at least one year, at that point I would re-evaluate. Not even two months later, I came to the realization that Wing Chun was in my soul and I was hooked. With any form of martial arts, there are typically two types of gains: physical and mental.
Physical goals are the easiest to see. I noticed I was moving faster, able to go longer, and could even tell my eyes where processing information faster. Slowly, was becoming a better fighter. I believe this primarily has to do with my instruction, training and dedication. These physical gains are generally noticed fairly consistently by all. You get out what you put in. These are the gains that pushed me through my first year.
Wing Chun Journey: My Second Year
When my one-year marker hit, I looked back on all the gains I had made. The surprising part about this reflection was the mental and lifestyle achievements. These types of gains are much harder to identify. I saw my temper cooled, I was eating healthy and living a healthy lifestyle. The craziest part was that these changes, these gains started to become evident, when I saw the people around me changing as well. They were growing through my growth. My wife and our two daughters started eating healthier, drinking water and working out. In addition, my wife and our girls are on their own martial arts adventure too.
The only limitation Wing Chun has to personal growth, is people’s willingness to grow. It’s not always easy to train. Let’s be honest, it’s hard work. After a long and hot day at my job, I don’t always want to train. We can always find a reason. I will never forget my Sifu once said, “instead of an excuse, just say it’s not a priority.” This is something I strive to apply to all aspects of my life. The interesting part is that once I am at class, I am always glad that I went. This is true in life, it’s never as bad as we thought it was going to be.
Wing Chun for Life: I will never quit.
Over the course of my Wing Chun journey thus far, I have found three strong reasons why I will never quit Wing Chun. The first reason is my family, I see the change in them and they look to me for guidance in life. Without martial arts, I am not sure I would know what direction to take them. The second reason is the tradition and culture, I have always been interested in the history and where Wing Chun comes from – not only the fighting, but the lifestyle as well.
Wing Chun: A History bigger than myself
There is such a history, that every time I Chi Sao, I feel like I am a part of something bigger than myself. The third and final reason I will never quit Wing Chun is the personal and physical aspect. I have grown tremendously since starting Wing Chun. The best part is how much growing I still have left to do. I know I can be faster, I know I can be even more technical and I know I have a lot more to learn and for me this is exciting!
My Wing Chun Journey could be yours
Gains can always be made in Wing Chun as long as goals are being set and matched, as long as a person is dedicated to train and as long as the community is strong. Wing Chun is limitless! If I can train hard even when I don’t want to or kick open new doors when I am too tired to, then there is nothing I can’t do, in life or in Wing Chun.
Start your Journey with Sifu Och Wing Chun
Are you ready to discover the transformative power of Wing Chun? Begin your journey with Sifu Och Wing Chun today! Fill out our contact form to start your journey and take the first step towards enhancing your martial arts skills and personal development.
In this Article: “A Letter To Myself-Marcus Morales”, Marcus tells us his story of how he started his Wing Chun Training. We hope you enjoy this little story!
A Letter To Myself-Marcus Morales
Do you know the feeling you get when you are about to do something and you do not know what the outcome is going to be? It happens all the time. For example, imagine it is the middle of summer, you are at the local pool cooling off along with a bunch of other people, and suddenly you decide you want to dive off the platform and continue to develop your patented cannonball dive. There you go, walking past everyone and you climb to the first level.
But, You realize that there are steps that will take you to the second tier and you follow them up another level.Then you see there is yet another set up steps and they take you to the very top platform. Somehow, you have managed to get up there, where no one else dares to go. There you are, standing at the highest level at the public pool with your lucky red bathing trunks. The ones with yellow rubber duckies on them. You look down and see that you are on the edge, staring at the crystalline blue water, deciding whether or not to jump.
The Jump
That is exactly how I felt when I was standing outside the door of Sifu Justin Och’s Martial Arts school. I was standing there, watching everyone doing all kinds of crazy things. Trying to decide whether to step inside or just keep walking. I must confess that I only knew a little about Wing Chun. I consider myself to be a bit of a tough guy; grew up in some tough neighbor hoods. I also served my country for six years and finished my obligation with an honorable discharge. During that time I even came back from a major injury in the Army. Suffice it to say, I thought I was tough enough. But something kept urging me to step inside, so I did.
In the Water
Once inside, I was intimidated by all the people there, knocking each other around. I stood there, at that ceramic tile square at the entrance to the school. And the, Sifu came along and welcomed me in. He was not what I expected. Truth is…I didn’t know what to expect. But he walked up to me, with a thousand-watt smile on his face, and made me feel right at home. I didn’t know this until later, but he had just finished wrestling on the floor with some of his students.
One more thing I did not expect. I was still a little defensive, mostly because I didn’t know much about how things worked. All Sifu did was invite me to join in on the class he was conducting and then he would get back to me to see whether I wanted to be a part of it, so I accepted the invitation. I have not left the school since.
Learning How to Swim
From the very First minute you become a part of the school’s family and its culture. I was automatically being grabbed and tossed. I even received a stiff punch to the face, and just like that I was absolutely drawn to the scene. Somehow, despite all the punches and tosses, the sore bones and sprains, I have become more and more involved in the art. Sifu is there, with a smile on his face, teaching you everything you need to know about the art. And this is not a man who is boastful or driven by a sense of superiority. No… this man truly loves to tach, he wholeheartedly love the art, and he absolutely enjoys his students.
Sifu Och
One other thing that Sifu Och strives for at his school is the development of a community within the school. He is constantly coming up with events for the school, activities designed to strengthen the camaraderie within the student, to help foster positive relationships between the students, ones that they can potentially carry along wit them throughout their lives. I have come to believe that his desire to develop and nurture these positive relationships is at the core of the most successful martial arts school. Creating bonds not only between student and teacher, but between students, strengthens the school itself.
Sifu’s Students
The students at the school are without a doubt the greatest assets Sifu has at his disposal. From the Green Sashes all the way to his instructor level students. They understand Sifu’s philosophy when it comes to helping everyone who start training. They
Sal Ficaro came to Sifu Och Wing Chun about one year ago. He tried one of our classes and got very frustrated with himself and decided to leave. Sifu Och was able to talk to him and arrange for private lessons instead to help him through those first steps of learning. When I took on Sal and his private lessons I knew this would be a difficult task. Sal was not used to Wing Chun and it’s movements. However, I knew that it could be done because Sal had the right mindset. In this article, Sal Ficaro: Ageless Training, Sal will tell a little bit about himself and his training here.
Sal Ficaro: Ageless Training
“Hello, my name Salvatore Ficarro I am 58 years old. I’ve been training at Sifu Och Wing Chun it’s been a learning process. Timothy Kittelstad is one of the trainers at this studio and he is absolutely wonderful. Even though the journey has been tough I absolutely love it.
If anybody is in the 40s or 50s age and would like to learn some self-defense they should not hesitate. They should come down to Sifu Och and start their own journey! Your age shouldn’t hold you back. I’m 58 but that is just a number. I don’t allow that to be an excuse to not learn something new. Life can be very hard. And many times you want to just give up. But the wonderful things in life take some time to learn.
When you are working hard to learn something you may fall a little short. And when that happens, as long as you get back up and come back stronger that day was a success. There are days I feel I’m only at maybe 60% where I should be. But if I leave at 61% that means I am improving. Then next time maybe I’m at 70% or 80%. As long as you work hard and improve, no matter how small the improvement, you will always be able to grow. The staff at Sifu Och Wing Chun are the best trainers I’ve ever seen. They are their to help you. All they want is for you to be your best. And I want you to succeed. I feel if you give it a try your will fall in love with it.”
Age doesn’t Stop Hard work
Sal shows that now matter your age you can accomplish anything with hard. Day after day Sal comes into class and puts in a hard days training. Starting from private lessons he has been able to work himself into the group classes. The most impressive thing about Sal is his determination. He doesn’t care about belts, or awards, or flashy techniques. He simply wants to know that he can take care of himself. Each day he comes in and builds himself from the last class.
Age is just a number. Everybody has hurdles they have to learn to overcome. Everyone has their own life story. Once you learn to accept your story and do the best you can with what you have you can start to really learn new things.
Instead of complaining about his age, or “not being able to move like he used to”, Sal trains his body to move the best it can right now. Because that’s what matters, the now. Not the past, not the future, but right now. What are you doing right now to make a difference in your life? If nothing than you should find the reason why. And then find a strong reason why you need to change that. Sal is a great example of someone who tackles life no matter what happens.
Why Wing Chun Changed My Perspective on Martial Arts
My martial arts training started late in 2006 at Dan Parrish’s Taekwondo school. The sole purpose of me training there was for it to be an outlet for my anger issues. When my training first started, my attitude toward others, school, and life in general was horrible. At the same time that I was practicing Martial Arts, I was also regularly seeing a “Guidance counselor“ . With the help of my “guidance counselor“, my instructors at my Martial Arts school, and my parents… I was able to reduce the amount of anger I’ve always had and calm down as much as possible.
My Journey Toward Wing Chun
As years went on I became a black belt at the same martial arts school but under a different instructor who’s name is Master Gary Hernandez. Around that time is when I watched the first Ip man movie. That’s when I wanted to start to learn any new style of Kung Fu, but Wing Chun in particular.
Introduction to Ip Man
Something terrible occurred I was working towards my 2nd degree black belt. A near fatal incident happened to my mother and now ex-stepfather. Once that happened, my training drastically went downhill. I wasn’t wanting to throw a single punch or block a single strike.
The Journey Toward Wing Chun: Lessons and Growth
After a while, when I knew my mother would be OK I began to start training again. But this time I was traveling with a friend every Thursday and Saturday to Zephyrhills to continue my training. I was also training and teaching as one of the head instructors at my Lakeland taekwondo school. As 2014 was coming to A conclusion, my taekwondo school and Lakeland shut down because of financial issues which allowed me to become A full fledged student under Gary Hernandez.
Once I became a student under Gary Hernandez I started training in the super foot system and earned my 2nd degree black belt. Soon after I received my next rank, I moved further away to the city of Winter Haven which kept me from training because of transportation issues. I had no idea there were Wing Chun classes near me or even what Wing Chun was.
Lakeland Wing Chun
Fast forward towards 2016, I stumbled across the Wing Chun school in Lakeland. I searched Wing Chun classes near me. At the time I was very hesitant about walking in and asking questions because of the simple fact that I did not know how I would be able to make it to classes without there being A problem. I am glad to say that I do not regret walking into the front door.
I met both the manager, Timothy Kittelstad, and the owner, Sifu Justin Och. They immediately made me feel welcome.
One of the many reasons why I love to train at this particular school is because of the authenticity of the Wing Chun that is being taught. There’s no place else like it, and there’s no other place that you can learn wing Chun from one person that’s been certified under multiple lineages. So far what I’ve gained and hope to continue gaining is the realness of Wing Chun.
How the principles of Wing Chun affect more than just a persons martial art aspect, but also different aspects of every day life and activities. I’ve also learned and have gained many different techniques that is and will be always important to any true martial artist.
Wing Chun’s Greatness
Lastly, one thing I’ve gained since I’ve signed up at Sifu Och’s Wing Chun is the love and care that he provides and all of his students. Anyone who signs up will be able to experience the greatness and directness and effectiveness of Wing Chun. I am so glad I looked up Wing Chun classes near me and found this school
They will also how hard and dedicated all the students are to their training. They will also be able to see how family oriented the school and the atmosphere is. Sifu Och’s Wing Chun classes near me were well worth it, beyond what I had ever expected. Don’t put it off, you’ll regret not starting sooner.
– written by Najai McCullough
Are you ready to start your own Wing Chun journey?
At Sifu Och Wing Chun, we’re committed to helping students achieve their goals, both on and off the mat. Take the first step today!
The form, or kata, is present in almost every possible martial art. Each art will, however, vary in how much emphasis and time it spends working on these forms. Some martial arts incorporate them, but do not place much emphasis on perfecting them; while others will spend a great deal of their time working on mastering all their forms. Either way, forms are an essential part of martial arts – yet an often under-appreciated one. We will explain Importance of Martial Art Forms here.
Martial Art Forms: A Pathway to Skill Enhancement and Focus
The Hidden Benefits of Practicing Martial Art Forms
What is a Kata or Form? “Kata” is a Japanese word that literally translates into “form” in English. At its core a form is simply a sequence of martial art techniques, or one side of a choreographed fight. The main goal of a form is to preserve and drill techniques for new and future generations of practitioners. The idea is that you learn a multitude of skills while executing your art’s blocks and strikes. These blocks and strikes then become your muscle memory and are much easier to execute in a sparring or fighting scenario.
Martial Art Forms: Foundations of Skill and Precision
Present day forms are often used in demonstrations and competitions. For competitions, judges will score on a ten point scale that is usually given after all competitors have demonstrated their form. That way they can compare competitors against each other and score them accordingly. In days past, forms were used as military drills or as a sign of defiance towards the government.
Achieve Focus and Control with Martial Art Forms
The forms were sometimes used with weapons and empty hand to drill fighting techniques in soldiers. While in other areas, the form was done after a long day of enslavement to show slave drivers that they could not break their spirit.
What skills do we gain from forms?
Practicing forms has the opportunity to offer many benefits. The most obvious being the learning and drilling of a new technique or sequence. One must do forms repeatedly, giving the practitioner ample time to work on mastering the skill. Some forms are more focused on centering the mind of the practitioner and preparing them for the class they are about to enjoy. These forms will appear more meditative and will warm up the necessary muscles for class.
Enhancement of overall martial art skill
There is also a subset of skills that practicing forms enhances in any martial artist. This includes power, breath control, focus, precision, and muscle memory. Power comes through the repetition and learning how to add torque and core strength behind your strikes. Breath control is another, often forgotten, aspect of both power and focus. Proper breathing during forms allows one to channel more energy behind their strikes as well as focus their attention on the one hit.
Unlock Mastery: The Essential Nature of Martial Art Forms
Precision of technique occurs in the practitioner through repetition. The more repetition, the more precise the movements become. Likewise the muscle memory gained through practicing forms allows for techniques to become more natural and automatic. So that when needed, the body has no problem executing the technique. It becomes much more likely that you will be able to use the moves with a split seconds warning.
Forms as a Pathway to Improved Techniques
Though many of these skills are often taught verbally, like most aspects of martial arts, you have to practice to make the art your own. Practicing forms is important because it gives the artist time to work through their martial art and learn new things along the way. Forms preserve history and teach us lessons long past, learned from those that came before us. The next time you practice your form, ask yourself: am I just going through the motions, or am I really getting all that I can from this form?
The world of modern martial arts is full of commercialized schools with watered down training. In an attempt to please the masses, martial arts has become what people want it to be and drifted away from what it was. The following is a list of common Lost Qualities of Modern Martial Arts. Some of these are either severely lacking or missing entirely.
The Power of Fundamentals: Reviving Lost Qualities in Martial Arts
The Martial Art of Manipulation
The ability to make your opponent do exactly what it is that you want them to. This may mean causing them to react to something that you throw and then exploiting their reaction. Or using their previous attack to your advantage by controlling it and guiding it into your next attack. Manipulation also involves the use of feints and other misleading maneuvers that end in a desired response.
The Chinese Art of Timing
Timing is an essential martial art skill, and most learn it through trial and error. The problem with this approach is that it takes a very long time for the practitioner to be able to execute proper timing and even longer to understand what they are doing. Timing training can and should be supplemented with drills that specifically target the skill.
Ducking, Bobbing, and weaving
Too often do we choose to rely exclusively on the blocks that our art has taught us, while completely ignoring the fact that we don’t actually need to even make contact with the attack. Not only does this eliminate the blow, but we are also able to keep both of our hands up and ready to attack at will.
Development of senses
This quality refers to both improving our natural senses and becoming more aware of our surroundings. Improved senses naturally increase our situational awareness and both lend themselves to increasing our personal safety. Allowing us to be able to effectively use our martial art skill.
Conditioning and Bone Hardening
Though highly prized by some schools, many others choose to ignore the benefits of conditioning. The body should be able to withstand a good degree of abuse in order to have the confidence to be an effective fighter. Odds are that you will get hit, what counts is that you are able to come back from that hit and power through – causing more damage to your opponent.
Many martial arts will focus on blocking an attack, and then following that block with a strike. Instead of choosing to defend and attack at the same time. They get stuck on their traditional blocks while the opposite hand just idly sits and waits.
Developing intent over instinct
Many fighters prove to be either overly intentional in their movements or overly instinctual. A good martial artist will develop a fighting style that balances these two traits, and develops the muscle memory required to execute it. To a point where they are strategic, yet also reactive with good instincts.
Proper Breath Control
Developing appropriate breathing supports each and every martial art technique. Allowing for more focused and powerful strikes. As well as better cardiovascular function and endurance during a match. There are so many Lost Qualities of Modern Martial Arts that need to be reclaimed.
Familiarity of pressure points
When all else fails, it is always nice to know how to exploit pressure points. Often times it is the more muscular men that are more susceptible to this exploitation, due to the greater surface area and nerve endings the muscles bring.
Simultaneous blocking and attacking
Many martial arts will focus on blocking an attack, and then following that block with a strike. Instead of choosing to defend and attack at the same time. They get stuck on their traditional blocks while the opposite hand just idly sits and waits.
Development of character and personal strength
Finally, martial arts is not in its’ entirety about fighting. A true martial artist aspires to better themselves in every area of their life, from their character to their physical fitness. They choose to respect themselves and others, and strive to pass on the great knowledge that the martial arts has taught them.
Unlock Your Potential: Why Essential Skills Matter in Martial Arts
All martial arts were designed during times of strife in order to combat the ugliest parts of humanity. You must keep these in mind during training to ensure the original intentions of these arts are not forgotten. Does your school incorporate all, some, or none of these qualities?
Related articles on the Sifu Och Wing Chun website:
Kicking is hands down one of my favorite things to do. It’s just so versatile. Once you learn how to use your legs, a whole new world of possibilities opens up. And it is a beautiful world. But this world is full of complexities and a ridiculous amount of different kicks. Not to mention the fact that almost every martial art will perform each kick slightly differently. These two facts combine to make learning kicks more difficult than it needs to be, but we are here to help clear some of that confusion. The Kickers Guide A-H (Part I) is a nearly comprehensive list of kicks known to the martial arts world:
Our Martial Arts Guide to Kicks Starts with the Basics
Axe Kick
An axe kick is usually preformed either to someone already on the ground or to the collarbone/sternum of a standing opponent. Use a straight leg to come in a downward motion striking with the heel. The two biggest variances are in the load of the kick: some people perform axe kicks by swinging a straight leg up into the air and back down again, while others bring their knee to their chest, kick up, and then drive down. The first is easier to perform and more common. The second offers a more controlled technique and is better for attacking a standing opponent.
Back Kick
Also known as a donkey kick, this kick attacks an opponent that is directly behind you. This kick is more commonly used in fights where there are multiple opponents, as for a general rule you would not want to turn your back on an opponent.
Butterfly Kick
This kick is often more for demonstration than practical self defense. It comes from either standing, or a running step in. The body twists as both legs come off the ground, one after the other, with the entire body more or less parallel to the ground. Striking occurs with the heel coming down on the opponent. A very beautiful kick.
Fish Kick
A flick like kick done with pointed toes, typically aimed at the groin. The kick comes up in a snapping motion, with the strike occurring somewhat like the flick of a fish’s tail. This kick also targets the head during fighting combinations that end with the opponent being pulled down to knee height.
Front Kick (Push/Snap)
A front kick refers to either an upward snapping motion (striking under the chin), or a forward thrusting motion (pushing with the ball of the foot). Either way, the kick comes in a direct line in front of the body, usually with the hips squared. This kick is often used to push opponents away, or as an entry move to a follow up technique.
Half-Moon/Crescent (Reverse Half-Moon/Crescent)
This kick starts with the knee brought up and into the chest. The foot is then thrust out and around, from the outside of the body in. The reverse kick comes from the inside out. This kick is primarily used as an entry move to get past an opponent’s guard, but can also strike to the side of the face or body.
Half Crescent/Tong Kick
Finally, A forward thrusting kick done with the foot and knee tilted at a 45° angle to the outside of the centerline. Directed toward the knees, hip, or ribs. The Tong kick is similar to the Half Crescent Kick, except the foot and knee are tilted at a 45° angle to the inside of the centerline. This can be aimed at the diaphragm or chin.
These kicks and more make up the bottom half of our martial art strikes, keep an eye out for our next article on the second half of these kicks!
Why Choose Sifu Och Wing Chun?
Practicing provides numerous benefits, including:
Physical Fitness: Enhance strength, flexibility, and endurance.
Mental Clarity: Develop focus and discipline through structured training.
Self-Defense Skills: Learn effective techniques for personal safety.
Cultural Enrichment: Gain insight into a centuries-old tradition.
Want to Get Started? Join Sifu Och Wing Chun today and embark on your journey through the world. Fill out our contact form to discover why we are your best choice for Wing Chun Kung Fu and martial arts training in Lakeland, Florida!
Related articles on the Sifu Och Wing Chun website:
The punch is a staple in every conceivable martial art. Even those that focus on ground work, like Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, at least address how to defend against a punch. In short, martial artists like to punch. But when a Karate guy says punch, and a Wing Chun guy says punch, they don’t always mean the same thing. Punches across the arts vary widely and each art has its own reasoning for choosing to punch slightly differently.
Karate & Tae Kwon Do
When it comes to Karate and Tae Kwon Do, the punch is exactly the same. As a martial artist holding an instructor level in Karate, I figured that I would not have to research the Karate punch and moved straight into Tae Kwon Do. The very first video I found on Tae Kwon Do punching sounded like I could have made it myself and called it “The Karate Punch.” This punch primarily hits with the first two knuckles closest to the thumb. If you make a fist, you should be able to draw a line from those two knuckles straight up your arm, matching the bones in the forearm. In traditional drills practitioners will chamber at the waist or hip and strike out as the other arm draws back with equal force. However, in sparring or other applications, the punch will usually come from somewhere near the face. Practitioners use this punch because it allows for the structure of the arm to back up the power of the punch.
WIng CHun
In Wing Chun Kung Fu, the punch looks a little different. Instead of a fist with fingers down parallel to the floor, the Wing Chun punch ranges between a 45 degree angle to perpendicular to the ground (depending on the school); with the pointer finger at the crest of the angle and the pinky at the bottom. These punches come through the centerline of a practitioner’s body, attacking with a square chest. The punch strikes from a state of relaxation to tension. It is less forceful than the Karate or TKD punch, but can deliver the same power. Practitioners use this punch for a couple of reasons. This punch is “invisible” because it is often more difficult to see coming. By simply taking the shortest and most direct route to its destination. It also requires the opponent to be closer, being more effective for close quarter contact.
Sifu Och’s Wing Chun Florida School
These two different variations of the punch represent either end of the spectrum. Karate and TKD on one side with Wing Chun Kung Fu on the other. Most other martial arts will fall somewhere in the middle of these punches. Tai Chi punching incorporates the relaxation to tense aspect associated with Wing Chun to the horizontal aspect of Karate/TKD. Whereas in Aikido, they do not focus as much on the techniques of the punch, rather using it as supplementary to other techniques. Muay Thai, Boxing, and Mixed Martial Arts, all utilize a punch called the jab. That is very similar to the Karate/TKD punch, but originates from a guard up by the temples and is more often used as an opening technique.
Though each martial art may punch a little differently, there are a few concepts that are generally constant. One being to engage the core. Punches may be executed by the arm, but they come from the whole body. Likewise most martial arts will encourage putting hip torque behind punches to make them more effective and powerful. As well as a strong base through structure and rooting. Even though these fine points may be difficult to visibly discern, they are what makes any punch a good punch.
The ability to close the distance with an opponent is essential to any Wing Chun practitioner. You must be able to quickly respond to an opponents attack and shut them down to avoid follow up attacks. Different ranges call for different responses. That being said we will cover a few Wing Chun Entry Techniques here in this article. Before reading this article we suggesting checking out our previous article Wing Chun Vs Jab, Cross, Hook Takedown Combo. We explain the difference between committed and non-committed strikes which is essential to your training.
Hand Entries
Paak Slip
In our previous article Wing Chun Vs Jab, Cross, Hook Takedown Combo we touch on the idea of using the Paak to simply slip off the first punch. Connected is a video of Master Sifu demonstrating this technique. He explains how to utilize the Paak to deflect the initial blow and then glide off into a strike. A very effective and quick technique.
Paak Punch
The Paak Punch is a very effective combo to use. Instead of trading blow for blow with an opponent, the Paak Punch allows you to strike and defend at the same time. When countering a cross or straight punch this is a definite must. You are able to either crush a punch and counter above it with a punch of your own. Or, you can slip the punch and strike the ribs. Either way you are able to immediately counter straight punches and close the distance.
Paak into Bui or Tan
If an opponent does not throw a committed strike it can be very difficult to throw a counter. In this case it would be prudent to defect the first punch with a Paak and then counter the second punch. Two great choices would be either a Tan Punch or Bui Sao Punch.
A Tan Punch would be a great choice against any sort of straight punch. Since the Paak would have simply deflected the first punch you can use this as a set up for the second punch counter.
If he throws a haymaker or wide hook the Bui Sao Punch would be the best choice. The curved shape of the Bui Sao would match the trajectory of the hook allowing for maximum protection.
Kick Entries
Shadow Kick
If facing an opponent that moves a lot, pushing off the front foot, a Shadow Kick may be a option to consider. Our article Kung Fu Kicks goes into more detail about this kick. The idea is to crush into your opponents leg with a stomping motion. Typically aimed to blow out the knee the lead hand will typically drop as a result opening up an nice window for an attack.
Crescent Kick
Finally, the Crescent Kick. One of the most effective ways to use this kick is to the ribs when they extend their punch. This has the same shape as the Shadow Kick but instead of going down it strikes forward. You must thrust your entire body behind the kick. When this is done the head usually comes down as a result of the body caving into the kick. This allows for an easy strike to the head.
The Key to Closing the Gab
All of these techniques are futile if you do not close the distance with the right timing. You can only develop timing with hours of practice. Doing techniques in lines are a great way to build the structure for them and speed. However, if you do not consistently keep up your training your timing will be off an no amount of skill will help you if you do not time it correctly.
Why Wing Chun’s Practical Approach Makes It Unique
The Wing Chun Difference
The wing chun difference for me started at Sifu Och about a year and a half ago and couldn’t be happier that I did. Prior to, I had practiced Karate for ten years and had already fallen madly in love with the martial arts. The Karate that I do incorporates a mixture of Tung Su do, Aikido, and Jujitsu and is infinitely different. When I moved to Lakeland for school, I knew that I had to find somewhere new to practice. As a broke college student, I also knew that I couldn’t really afford to train, but I really couldn’t afford not to.
After doing a trial at Sifu Och, I decided that I had to make it work. This place was just too good not to train here, and I knew I would regret it years from now if I hadn’t started now. Not later.
Why Wing Chun’s Direct Approach Is Ideal for Beginners
First Weeks of Training wing chun difference
The first two weeks of training I was extremely cautious and suspicious of everything that Sifu taught. It was so different from everything I knew, that at first it felt like it couldn’t possibly be right.
But over those two weeks I grew to trust Sifu and appreciate it as a martial art. Now whenever I feel like something isn’t right, it’s usually because I’m doing it wrong. It is so different than Karate that it took a lot of getting used to. I constantly wanted to use my legs and felt trapped in all the hands only combat that they focus on in beginner Wing Chun. Though I was reluctant to rely heavily on them, hand work was something that I desperately needed to improve.
Another major difference that messed with my head was how Wing Chun fights squared up instead of sideways. I had to constantly force my back shoulder into a square position effectively distracting me – but I quickly learned to love having both hands up and in front of me.
Karate girl learns to Love Wing Chun
Learning to love Wing Chun was a struggle at first. Because some of the techniques were contrary to my first love of Karate, it felt a little bit like betrayal. I had been training Karate for ten years! For the past five years, I had been teaching and instructing the art that I love. Now suddenly I was at the bottom of the food chain, knowing absolutely nothing about it – it was a hard transition to say the least, but one well worth making.
I was soon able to respect and appreciate each art for their differences, and have started down the road of incorporating them both.
First couple of months in Training
Learning this itself is hard. For the first couple of months I was very confused in my training. Trying to keep up with all the Chinese terminology and different techniques. It took about 2-3 months for my confusion to subside and for me to feel comfortable, performing all the moves that I’d learned.
Too many give up to quickly
Unfortunately, a lot of people give up in those first few months feeling like they won’t ever get it. Every single person that I got my first sash with has left as well, and it is so sad! What I have learned from has been exponentially beneficial to almost every aspect of my life.
The Wing Chun Difference is Amazing
My overall health and fitness has improved including strength and endurance. My mental health improved as well, relieving the stresses of daily life in class every night. This year I started a very emotionally draining internship dealing with girls that have been sex trafficked. It has allowed me to refrain from going insane and relieve my frustration.
I would recommend Sifu Och to anyone that wants to be able to protect themselves. If you want to better their health, and make friends – and who doesn’t want that? You should be down here training.
Written by Sarah L.(recently passed her year and a half mark!)
Wing Chun vs Jab, Cross, Hook, Takedown was a question a beginner posted for anyone to answer on a Facebook group. He asked for the key to using Wing Chun vs Jab, Cross, Hook, Takedown Combo. Sifu Justin Och and Senior Instructor Garret Brumfield posted a video titled “Wing Chun vs Jab, Cross, Hook, Takedown Combo”.
In this article we will address some of the finer points. Stopping this combo is no easy task but Wing Chun does have an answer.
Wing Chun vs Jab, Cross, Hook, Takedown Combo
The Jab
If you are to deal with an attack you must understand it. To understand strikes you must make a distinction between committed and non-committed strikes. A committed strike could be defined as a strike that has the entire weight of the body fueling the power for the strike. Alternatively, a non-committed strike will be much faster but won’t have the power. A jab is a non committed strike. That being the case, the counter must be equally fast. As you can see in the video Sifu Och uses his paak sao but immediately follows up with a straight punch. This allows for quick adjustments where needed.
The Jab, Cross
If your opponent crosses immediately after his jab you may not have time to follow up off the initial strike. Sifu chose is one of the most direct options to counter although there are many variations. The hand that was used to paak the initial strike simply follows its trajectory to the face. In conjunction, the back hand paaks the next strike. This results in and immediate strike to your opponents face.
The Jab, Cross, Hook
Let’s say that your counter does not damage your opponent enough. As a result, he follows up again with a hook. The hook that Sifu Och Demonstrates is a very tight “rabbit” hook. Theses types of hooks are very hard to deal with. A Bui Sao, Bui Jee, Man Sao will be very hard to execute in this scenario. You must be able to fully extend these techniques for them to become effective. When the opponent throws this hook, it will be very tight to the body with a lot of torque. Torque equals power, and if you are unable to fully extend your technique it will crumble. In this scenario Sifu chooses to utilize upward elbow to cover the opponents strike. He is now able to strike with is other hand and move on with his attack.
The Jab, Cross, Hook, Takedown
Finally, we moved on to dealing last part of the combo. None of your counters have successfully stopped your opponent but because you are in so tight he feels the need to shoot in and take you down. There are two scenarios to be address when an opponent shoots in on you. If he gets under your elbow or not.
If he does not get under your able a you can simple remove the foot he is attacking and stop his forward motion with a Gum or Jum Sao to the neck\head. This is addressed in our article Fighting Footwork where we go into a little more depth. However, if he does get behind one of your elbows you must sprawl back or you will be taken down. Once you have sprawled you can then establish a line of defense again with your Jum or Gum Sao. This line allows you to regain your structure and move on with your attack.
End the fight
At each stage of the attack your goal as a Wing Chun practitioner should be to the end the fight. When you respond to an attack you should be immediately seeking to follow it up to finish your opponent. You would only utilized these counter techniques if you are unable to flow into and 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, etc. follow up. So in theory, your opponent will never get to his takedown, or his cross for that matter. However, that is why we as martial artists should always be prepared. If the worst happens, you will be ready.
Almost every martial art will include sparring in one way or another. Some may start it right of the bat, while other schools may wait until the student is more familiar with techniques; but either way, it is very often incorporated into training. Sparring can be a great tool for applying techniques learned in class in a less rigid and more organic activity. Despite its usefulness, many of us are not as skilled at sparring as we would like. Here in Sparring Weaknesses: A Checklist are some of the most common sparring weaknesses and how to avoid them:
How to Eliminate Sparring Weaknesses and Improve Instantly
Sparring is a key part of martial arts practice, allowing you to test your skills against a real opponent. However, it’s not uncommon to make mistakes that hold back your progress. If you’re struggling with sparring weaknesses, you’re not alone. Fortunately, these weaknesses can be identified and corrected with focus and commitment.
Here’s a detailed checklist of common sparring weaknesses and practical tips to address them, ensuring that you can improve both your defense and offense skills:
Sparring Weaknesses: A Checklist:
Dropping your hands
This one is a no brainer but happens way too often. Fighters will drop their hands when they back away from the opponent, thinking that they are safe – and then get hit with a kick. Or, even more likely, they will drop their hands while kicking. Focusing on the legs and forgetting about the arms, making you a bigger target for a follow-up attack or even a simultaneous one. Keep your arms up at all times and check to make sure that those arms aren’t telegraphing any of your moves (i.e. twitch or downward movement before a kick, pulling back or clenching before a punch, etc.)
Sparring Weaknesses: A Checklist
Pendulum fighting:
This is when the fight swings back and forth like a pendulum. One fighter will attack, then the other, going back and forth as if the opponents were taking turns. In any sparring match, you want to avoid getting into a predictable rhythm. If your opponent is more experienced, he or she will exploit that rhythm and attack off-beat catching you in the middle of a sequence. To counteract this weakness add more variety to your attacks. Maybe charge the opponent without giving them the opportunity to hit back, add in combos, or dodge their next attack and move in.
Single attacks
Too many people come in with a single jab or front kick thinking it’ll get the job done. While it is okay to employ some single attacks throughout your match, make sure that you aren’t relying on them. Try adding in a low and a high strike, or a combo that includes both hands and feet.
All defense/offense
Many of the more timid fighters may focus on their defense in the beginning, looking to minimize the damage rather than gain advantage over their opponent. This may be a good place to start but if you are looking to improve your game, their needs to be a good balance of both defense and offense. Other people, however, may focus more on offense and neglect their defense. This weakness may not be much of a problem in the dojo, but would certainly be in a real fight. Increasing your awareness of the problem should lend to solving it. If that isn’t enough, shift your entire focus to the opposite problem. If you are a defensive fighter, try to go a round entirely offensive and vise versa. Your muscle memory should kick in and make it a fairly balanced fight of what you know and what you are focusing on.
All hands/feet
Similarly to the offense/defense problem, some people find that they are more comfortable with either their hands or feet and will focus in on one or the other. It always comes down to balance. Entire martial arts will prioritize hands over feet or vise versa. It is really up to the individual to find what works for them within his or her style. If you feel like you are too frequently using your hands or feet, find a good technique you like and drill it like crazy. If you are more of a foot sparer, find a good hand technique and practice until it flows in easily with your sparring. From there it will be easier to add in more techniques, creating balance.
Sparring with an ego
This one is probably the most dangerous of all the weaknesses. Sparring should be used as a tool to learn and better oneself, not as a means to assert dominance or ‘win’ a match. When you focus on whose better or winning a match, the focus shifts from inward improvement to outward comparison. And although competition can be healthy and helpful, if it’s used in the wrong way people can get hurt.
Identifying Key Sparring Weaknesses
Dropping Your Hands One of the most common mistakes is dropping your guard during sparring. This leaves you vulnerable to punches and kicks. Without proper hand positioning, you lose the advantage of protection, making it easy for your opponent to exploit openings.
Tip: Always keep your hands at chin height. Your guard should be firm and ready to defend or strike at any moment.
Pendulum Fighting: Swinging Between Offense and Defense Pendulum fighting refers to swinging from offense to defense without a clear purpose. In this situation, a fighter focuses too much on attacking, leaving openings for counterattacks, or spends too much time defending without capitalizing on opportunities to strike.
Tip: Aim for balanced sparring, where you transition seamlessly between offense and defense. Don’t let your attacks leave you exposed.
Focusing Too Much on Single Attacks Many beginners focus solely on one strike at a time, hoping for a knockout. However, relying on a single punch or kick can easily be countered or blocked, leaving you vulnerable.
Tip: Mix up your attacks. Use a combination of strikes, fakes, and footwork to keep your opponent guessing.
How to Address These Sparring Weaknesses
1. Keep Your Guard Up at All Times Maintaining a solid guard is essential. When your hands drop, you give your opponent an opening to strike. It’s crucial to keep your defense tight while preparing for the next move. Practice drills that reinforce good guard habits and ensure your hands never leave their protective position.
2. Strike with Balance and Control Instead of swinging wildly, focus on controlled, powerful strikes that flow naturally. Balance your attacks with defense to prevent overcommitting. When you remain balanced, you avoid leaving yourself wide open for counterattacks and maintain greater control throughout the fight.
3. Embrace Defensive and Offensive Techniques Simultaneously A key element of sparring is the ability to combine defense and offense. Always anticipate and respond to your opponent’s moves while preparing to land your own. Practice defensive blocks or parries and immediately transition into a counterstrike to maintain offensive pressure.
How to Fix Your Sparring Weaknesses and Perform Like a Pro
Consider the last time you sparred. Do any of these sound familiar? Frequent assessments of your strengths and weaknesses are healthy in order to develop as a fighter. Don’t ever settle for average, constantly strive to be better.
Getting tested in martial arts can be nerve racking but also invigorating. Your abilities are all laid out to bare for all to see. No more excuses just reaction. This is quite exciting. Along with that is the satisfaction when all your hard work does actually pay off. Attaining the next level feels great and if you earned it you should feel proud. However, “The Fatal Flaw in Testing” is what I would call the Sprint Mentality.
Sprinting for your test: The Fatal Flaw in Testing
Finals week, the week before the last set of tests for college students. Energy drinks, microwaved food, and zombies with backpacks become rampant on college campuses. Students will “cram” in those last extra hours of studying to strive for that grade at the end of the semester. This is the same as I call it, the “Sprint” in martial arts. Martial art students will train for months but many times you will see a tendency to really step up the training right before a test. Even though this does encourage that extra training at the end of a section there is a fundamental flaw to this process.
Student’s who are training hard consistently will have no need to sprint at the end because they will already be prepared for the test. But for this to be realized your goal must be analyzed. If your goal is to simply achieve belt ranks, then cramming is a perfectly legitimate way to achieve that. However, if your goal is to be prepared at all times for combat, then you should train as if you had testing every day.
One Breath
Grandmaster Ken Chun, from Wing Chun Dynamics in California, visited our school and gave a great tip on mindset. He explained that in an encounter you have one breath to channel all of your training to defend yourself. In that one breath you must focus your mind and your body to one task.
He also explained that this should be trained every single day. In other words, you shouldn’t wait for the week before testing to snap into that “one breath” mode. Every single punch, every single kick, every single takedown should be done with the same mentality. If you don’t accomplish this attack it could be the end, not of your opponent, but of you! So as you train, take in that one breath mentality every single time you move.
Your actual goal
Attacks on the street may have indicators. However, indicators do not come a week ahead of time. They may only be caught a moment or two before something happens. That being the case, if you do not keep yourself optimally prepared you could be overtaken. If preparing for testing is your ultimate goal, you are in danger of getting caught. Testing should not be used as your goal. Your goal should be your training regiment. Each day you should seek to improve and upgrade that training. The result of this shift is that your perspective changes on your testing. Instead of looking at that as an end game, it is used to evaluate whether or not your training is effective to keep you prepare.
The importance of keeping your training up is even emphasized in martial arts business circles. Even with these successful million dollar schools the owners understand that their training is top priority. John Kovar, found of Kovar systems lists Training first, then Teaching, then Business. You don’t know when you are going to be attacked so every training day is vital to you surviving an attack.
So ask yourself, what are you training for? Have you fallen prey to the The Fatal Flaw in Testing? Are you training for a belt? Social standing? Sense of accomplishment? Or are you preparing yourself for real, terrifying, messy combat?
We see it all the time. Someone will come into a class with the goal of learning realistic self-defense. However, they have no intention of getting hurt in the process. And then the first class happens. They realize that goal is a little bit more difficult to achieve than they had imagined. So what is at the root of this fear? And how do we combat it both mentally and physically? In reality, true martial art injuries are less common than that of football and hockey players. But the martial arts is still viewed as the more dangerous activity – Still Afraid to Get Hit? Let’s unpack that.
Afraid to Get Hit? Mental Preparation
Fear of getting hit is a common enough mindset. It most certainly makes sense: why would I intentionally do something that would hurt me? We all have built up layers of protection in our minds that keep us from doing things that will hurt us. The body has countless mechanisms in place to protect itself and is reluctant to consciously allow harm. But when it comes to martial arts, we have to weigh the risks against the benefits. Do I want to (a) be able to defend myself when I really need to or (b) avoid the possibility of immediate injury in my martial arts class? Choosing option A is the first step toward changing this mindset and moving toward being an effective fighter. The second step is a bit more complicated: accepting that you are, beyond a shadow of a doubt, going to get hit. A lot.
Hopefully your school implements safe sparring practices like gloves, a mouthpiece, and head gear – and doesn’t glorify students beating each other into a pulp. But if they do implement safe sparring practices, be rest assured that there is little to no risk of serious injury. Minor cuts and bruises yes, muscle strains and sprains maybe, but serious injury – unlikely.
Afraid to Get Hit? Physical Preparation
After you have accepted that you will be getting hit, the best way to prepare for that is a lot of practice. Practice in the air, against a punching bag, and with a partner who is willing to take it slow until you get the technique. Learn the defensive techniques and practice them until they are a part of your muscle memory and engrained in your subconscious. Practice until you no longer have to think about which technique to use, because you already know.
No one is going to be a great fighter their first day, like everything it takes practice; but if it isn’t the right kind of practice, it could only make it worse. Say you are practicing with someone who always throws their attacks in the same sequence. Or they aim toward the side of your head instead of straight at it. Or obviously telegraphs their moves. The amount of progress you make working with this person is going to be considerably less than working with a good partner.
Ultimately, it is possible that your fear of getting hit is actually a fear of failure. A fear, not of getting hurt, but of losing and being considered lesser than your opponent. When I first started sparring, I was a purely defensive fighter. This was solely for the reason that I was afraid to try and attack. I was afraid to attack because I knew at first I would fail. In my mind trying and failing was worse than not trying at all. For other people, they fear the pre-punch anticipation. Meaning, not knowing when or how they are going to get hit. But if you ask any instructor, they would rather see someone who puts in the effort and fails over someone who never gets hit any day.
Fighting Stances Across Martial Arts: What you need to know
Martial Art Fighting Stances and Structures are literally the foundation of any martial art, making it exponentially important to just about everything we do. It dictates the amount of power we can expend in our punches, what areas of the body become more vulnerable and open, and how easily we can throw in kicks. Most martial arts will include a variety of different stances yet will usually rely on one in particular as their fighting stance. Every possible fighting stance has its own advantages and disadvantages and complements the individual art. Though there are countless variations, the most prominent fighting stances fall into the categories of side and front stances.
Fighting Stances across Martial Arts: Mastering the Foundations of Combat
The Role of Fighting Stances
Fighting stances form the foundation of every martial art, influencing balance, defense, and striking power. This article explores the nuances of fighting stances across various martial arts styles and why mastering them is critical for effective combat.
Exploring Stances in Martial Arts
1. Wing Chun’s Centerline Stance
Focused on efficiency, dynamic movement while keeping rooting structure to minimize openings and maximizes attack speed. There are two styles of this stance. Close where the feet are in one line pointed towards the intended attacker or direction. The Second Wing Chun Stance is wider for more mobility in all directions with the front toe pointing inward. This second stance has a 50/50 weight distrubution when engaged with the assailant. A 70/30 weighted in the back leg when not engaged and keeping mobile. The Wing Chun stance prioritizes a centerline approach, ensuring efficiency and protection in close-quarters combat.
2. Karate’s Deep Stance
A low, grounded posture emphasizes balance and powerful strikes. Karate Stances focuse on a low, rooted stance to generate powerful strikes and maintain stability during attacks and defenses.
3. Boxing’s Neutral Stance
The boxing stance emphasizes agility and defense, providing quick footwork and hand protection for effective strikes and evasion. Light on the feet, this stance prioritizes mobility and quick counters.
4. Muay Thai’s Balanced Stance
Combining offense and defense, it supports strikes and clinching.Fighting Stances in Martial Arts. Muay Thai combines an upright posture with mobility, enabling devastating strikes using elbows, knees, and kicks.
5. Brazilian Jiujitsu, Judo, Wrestling, and Grappling Stances
Grappling arts, such as Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, adopt stances that facilitate leverage and control in ground fighting scenarios. These wrestling like stances adjust both high and low to leverage, pull, and push an opponent off balance. Assisting in throws and takedowns into ground positions of control.
What is the Best Martial Art Fighting Stance?
The real question is what kind of fighter do you want to become? Figure that out and then Flow and train in that stance or stances.
Why Choose Sifu Och Wing Chun for Fighting Stance Mastery?
Sifu Och Wing Chun Kung Fu Academy in Lakeland, FL, offers expert instruction on practical stances and combat techniques, including:
Real-world applications tailored to self-defense.
A focus on efficiency, precision, and adaptability.
Training programs suitable for beginners and advanced martial artists.
By mastering the Wing Chun stance, you’ll develop unparalleled balance, control, and striking efficiency, essential for effective combat.
Side Stance – Martial Art Fighting Stances
Primarily, in this stance they claim that there is less of a target area for the opponent to exploit when the body is sideways instead of full on. Another advantage is that this is an easier stance to kick from. Since most of the weight is already on the back leg, there is minimal prep work needed in order to pull off a kick.
In this stance, the practitioner turns their body sideways so that they are essentially perpendicular to their opponent. Both feet are on one line with the majority of the weight shifted toward the back leg. Some of the martial arts that favor use of this stance are Karate, Tae Kwon Do, and Judo. Martial artists who use this stance do so for a few reasons.
Most of the time, you can do so without visibly shifting your weight, making it easier to conceal the kick until it has already made contact with the opponent. Some possible disadvantages to this stance exist as well. When a fighter employs this stance it will be easy to attack from the front hand and foot, but much more difficult to attack with the back limbs. Though it is certainly possible to attack with the back hand and foot, it will be highly telegraphed to the opponent due to the amount of distance the attack has to travel and the shift in body weight.
Front Stance – Martial Art Fighting Stances
The front stance is a favorite of those in Wing Chun, Muay Thai, and Krav Maga. In this stance, the practitioner squares their hips and shoulders to face the opponent. Both feet point toward the opponent, one foot back, weight low and evenly distributed. This stance allows for greater structure than the side stance with a higher capability for impact. The ability to root is gained making you less likely to be pushed off balance. This stance also allows for all weapons to be closer to and facing the opponent. With the shoulders square, both arms have the opportunity to be equidistant to the opponent. This makes it easier to pull off combos and simultaneous hand techniques.
Avid side stance practitioners may claim that a front stance makes you more susceptible to body blows. This is due to having the whole torso facing the opponent; however, both arms and legs are free to help guard. Another possible disadvantage to the front stance is the groin being a more open target. In Wing Chun, they combat this issue by turning the front foot in slightly making it so that the leg can block the groin.
Martial Arts Fighting Stance Conclusion
Though forcing all martial art fighting stances into these two categories may be a vast oversimplification. It actually shows how much we all have in common. In fact there are some martial arts that do not fit in these categories at all. As an example, Jiujitsu and Aikido prefer a stance somewhere in the middle, neither a front nor side stance. But after you get past all of the different techniques and ways of doing things, at the root of it all is a solid stance and that is something we can all agree on.
Step-by-Step: What You Need to Know About Kung Fu Belt Ranking
Kung Fu in its origins does not have any sort of belt system. The Chinese would wear sashes whether they trained martial arts or not. Sashes were used to help with carrying day to day odds and ends. So then why do you see modern day (typically American) Kung Fu Belt Ranking used by schools? The main reason is here in American we feel the desire to achieve or attain very strongly.
Unlock Your Martial Arts Potential with Kung Fu Belt Ranking
Kung Fu Belt Ranking: Goals Karate and Tae Kwon Do as businesses have flourished in America. This is partially due to their dynamic movements but also due to their ranking. Attaining a Black Belt brings with it not only a social recognition but also sense of accomplishment. Setting short term goals and hitting them on the way to a larger goal is the key to achieving long term success in anything. Since these systems already had these concepts in place their transition to America was very fruitful.
Kung Fu (Wing Chun in particular) while popular hasn’t been able to reach the same level of success. Since Wing Chun is a conceptual art it is very hard make the teaching uniform. Without a standard it is difficult to reward someone for their achievement. This concept is difficult for Americans, generally speaking, to let go of and stick to for a long period.
The need to feel achievement is not only reason, after all american’s are used to instant gratification. Technology is a big part of that. If a student trains for years on end and feels no achievement or sense of accomplishment their spirit can get dampened. As a result of our culture conditioning us many masters decided to implement something to combat that.
Sifu Och Wing Chun: Belts and curriculum
5th level Master, Sifu Och has been able to create a curriculum and belt system that works very well. The belts provide short term goals that are attainable within 3 months for the lower ranks. As a student progresses the term in between ranks increases and the amount of material grows.
Sashes and Sash Testing
Sifu Och Wing Chun has broken up into stages from beginner, intermediate, inter-advanced, advanced which leads us to the highest levels of being a Black Sash. Subsequently, he then broke those sections into smaller sub sections. Shirt Colors divide the main sections: White (beginner), Blue (intermediate), Red (advanced), Black (Sifu Level). The Sections within those shirt colors are divided again by sashes:
Sifu Och uses a rotating curriculum. We group students together by their main sections and have them all work on the same material. For example: if you have a white shirt, whether you are a white black belt, or a yellow white belt, you will all work on 1 of the 5 sections going towards blue shirt. As a result we accomplish a couple of different goals.
First, brand new students are able to work with more experienced students. It is not wise to pair up two brand new students with each other. The old adage, “blind leading the blind” applies perfectly. Neither of them know the techniques but more importantly they do not know how to help the other person train the technique. Having that person a few steps ahead of you when you start out as a partner can make the difference in someone staying or not.
Second, it keeps things fresh. We are able to continue to challenge students who are unable to actually make it to testing. Instead going over the same material again and again, they are able to go over new things and continue growing until they are able move to the next level. As a result of this, students also get a good review of the material once it cycles back around. This ensures that the material is well known before graduating to the next big section.
American Kung Fu
Even though traditional Kung Fu does not use any sort of ranking system, there can be great benefits to having them. Goals and purpose bring a powerful dynamic to ones training.
Sash testing provides a check up every three months on how the student is doing. As well as giving them a list of techniques they did well on, poorly on and how to fix them. Traditionally a student would get better by just showing up to classes. But this doesn’t mean each student gets better at the same pace. Some students would get significantly better if they had a quicker understanding or insight. Leaving students who don’t have this to “figure it out… hopefully”. Instead sash testing allows a student to have progressive and very clear steps on what they need. As well as what they are needing to do better on. Giving them clear goals, insight, understanding and the ability to fix what could become bad habits. Sash testing are a great way to do quarterly check ups with your coaches and instructors in a clearly written and explained format.
This is your Call to Action: Sifu Och Wing Chun is your best choice for Wing Chun Kung Fu and Martial Arts training in Lakeland, Florida. Our proven, structured system ensures you are always moving forward in your martial arts journey. Join us today and start your training! Contact us now to begin.
Training in the martial arts is a great way to improve your personal safety and increase knowledge in self defense. But if you aren’t aware of your surroundings, no degree of training is going to help you. Having situational awareness is a choice; one you have to make early on if you want your training to have any real world practicality. So how do we make this choice?
The Best Situational Awareness Strategies for Personal Defense
Understanding the problem
The two major obstacles preventing people from having good situational awareness are naivety and laziness. In general, people want to believe in the good of others and often believe that rape or theft is something that happens to other people, but not me. Having this mindset lulls people into a false sense of security which will often last until something does happen, or the person makes a personal decision to make sure that it never does. The laziness factor is hugely prevalent and goes hand in hand with naivety.
Strategies for Situational Awareness
Situational Awareness Techniques You Must Know to Stay Protected
If I believe that nothing bad will happen, then why should I take steps to ensure that it won’t? It is difficult and emotionally draining to be constantly aware of your surroundings, but entirely necessary if you want to be an effective martial artist. The key is to get to the point where practicing situational awareness is habit, eliminating the need to go that extra mile.
Practical Ways to Increase Situational Awareness
Now that we understand the problem, it’s time to fight it:
NEVER text and walk. This is especially important when transitioning between locations, such as your place of work and your car. Wait until you are in a locked car to address anything on your phone. There have been numerous incidents of muggers targeting people on their phones, simply because they aren’t paying attention. Phone calls are also not advised, however, if you must – make sure to keep your eyes up, still monitoring your surroundings.
Have your keys ready before you get to the car. You don’t want to be rummaging around in your bag at your car, looking for keys – especially at night. The car is a common place of attack and requires extra caution. Do the same from the car to the front door.
Always check the area around your car before you get in. Is anyone close enough to get in your car between the time that you unlock it and the time that you are inside? Also make sure that no one has put anything on your car that may impair your driving, necessitating a stop down the road.
Check the back seat. Take a look through the windows in the back and make sure that there is no one already in your car waiting for you. Behind the wheel of the car is not the time you want to find out that there is someone in the back dictating your next stop.
When entering a building, look for exits. Locate the nearest exit and the quickest route. Whenever possible, position yourself facing the majority of the room and the exit, never with your back to it.
How Situational Awareness Saves Lives: Proven Strategies for Safety
Your Compelling Call to Action
Are you ready to take control of your safety and gain life-saving skills? Join Sifu Och Wing Chun Kung Fu Academy in Lakeland, Florida, today! Click here to fill out our contact form and start your journey toward becoming more confident and prepared for anything life throws your way.
Benefits Beyond Physical Safety
Situational awareness goes beyond physical protection. It builds confidence, sharpens mental focus, and enhances decision-making under pressure. These skills are invaluable not just in self-defense but also in daily life, from managing work stress to navigating complex social dynamics.
Developing situational awareness is a skill that takes both time and dedication. These suggestions are a good starting point to increasing your situational awareness, and the list will only grow once you start practicing them. Some Practices may seem over the top and near paranoia, but personal safety is not something to be taken lightly. When it comes to personal safety and the safety of those around us, we cannot expect someone else to protect us. Take matters into your own hands, be prepared, and decide to be that one person that is actually paying attention.
Key Strategies for Enhancing Situational Awareness
1. Observe and Assess Your Environment
Pay close attention to your surroundings. Identify exits, potential hazards, and individuals behaving unusually. Being proactive about observation reduces reaction time and keeps you better prepared.
2. Trust Your Instincts
Your intuition is often your first line of defense. If something feels off, take it seriously. Trusting your gut can prevent escalation and help you avoid risky situations.
3. Practice Peripheral Awareness
Expand your field of vision by practicing peripheral awareness. Avoid focusing solely on your phone or a single point of interest. This habit helps you notice subtle cues that could indicate danger.
4. Adapt to Different Scenarios
Every environment presents unique challenges. Whether you’re in a quiet neighborhood or a bustling city, adjust your level of awareness accordingly. Martial arts training reinforces the ability to adapt quickly and efficiently.
Why Choose Sifu Och Wing Chun
Practicing provides numerous benefits, including:
Physical Fitness: Enhance strength, flexibility, and endurance.
Mental Clarity: Develop focus and discipline through structured training.
Self-Defense Skills: Learn effective techniques for personal safety.
Cultural Enrichment: Gain insight into a centuries-old tradition.
Want to Get Started? Join Sifu Och Wing Chun today and embark on your journey through the world. Fill out our contact form to discover why we are your best choice for Wing Chun Kung Fu and martial arts training in Lakeland, Florida!
Related articles on the Sifu Och Wing Chun website:
There are many kicks used in a fight. Some more useful than others. In this article, Kung Fu Kicks, we will show some of the kicks used at Sifu Och Wing Chun. We will review the Inside and Outside Shadow Kicks, Tong Kick, Half Crescent, and Side Kick.
Kung Fu Kicks: Unlocking the Secrets of Dynamic Power
Before going into the the specific kicks let us touch on Wing Chun as a system to set the groundwork. In short, Wing Chun’s goal is to end the fight as quickly as possible. Every strike intent on crushing the opponent. Understanding that goal the kicks that we choose to utilize fall into the place.
Inside Shadow Kick
One of the most useful kicks to use is the Inside Shadow Kick. Kicking the opponent in the knee is one of the quickest ways to end the fight. With this Shadow Kick, considerable force can be driven through a target at a downward angle. The setup (implied in the name) is that the kick is done in the shadow of your hands. As a result, an opponent will find it difficult to avoid or stop this type of kick. The reason is because it is usually done in unison with the hands. Not only can it be used to attack it can be used in defense as well. It can be used to stop low kicks to the leg.
Outside Shadow Kick
Equally important, not all enemies or targets will be directly in front of you. The Outside Shadow Kick allows you to hit targets off center. They can also be used to block kicks depending on the angle. Furthermore, one advantage of this kick in particular is it can be used to drive out the support leg of an opponents kick. Jum Saos together with a low shadow kick can block roundhouses and blast the supporting leg.
Tong Kick
The Tong kick is similar to a front kick. Uniquely, however, it thrusts in upward diagonal angle. Can be used for multiple targets, but it’s primary hit is the Xiphoid. Combined with a Double Jum Sao, this is a great choice to counter a roundhouse. In addition, it can be used used to strike the ribs or inside of the thigh.
Half Crescent Kick
The Half Crescent Kick similarly takes the same shape as the Inside Shadow Kick. The difference is it drives forward as opposed to down. This kick is usually delivered to the ribs when a punch is thrown. Countering a Jab or Cross style punch with a Crescent Kick is a great option. It is unexpected which it was lends to it’s usefulness.
Side Kick
Overall, the Side Kick is one of Wing Chun’s longest ranged weapons. One of it’s main uses is delivering a powerful strike to the side when turning to face the opponent may not be available. Whether it’s a question of speed or restriction doesn’t matter. The side kick allows an immediate response to someone coming from the side. It can be done two different ways:
Static, fired directly from your stance:
or with a skip. The skip allows for a the distance and power to be increased by swinging the back foot foot. The base is re-established closer to the target and momentum is gained which increases the power.
(To view a video of the skipping side kick click the following link: Skipping Side Kick Video. )
The key to your Kicks
One thing all of these kicks have in common is what part of the foot is going to be used to strike the body. If you read our article “Fighting Footwork” you will see how the body needs to be aligned through the heel for structure. With the correct structure your power drives from your legs through your heels for maximum damage. This is similar to a person doing a heavy squat. Moreover, to support the weight the heel must be used. Piggybacking off of that concept is another, focused energy. If you take the energy you would use to slap someone and applied it to a needle, you will easily penetrate the skin. Just the same with your kick, if you drive all your power through your heel your damage is focused through that one point as opposed to spread through whole foot.
The Art of Kung Fu Kicks
Kung Fu kicks represent a balance of strength, precision, and practicality, making them invaluable tools in martial arts training. Unlike kicks from other disciplines, Kung Fu emphasizes efficiency and adaptability, ensuring that every move is both powerful and purposeful. At Sifu Och Wing Chun Kung Fu Academy, our training focuses on these principles, helping students develop kicks that are not just showy but effective in real-world scenarios.
Whether you’re new to martial arts or looking to refine your technique, mastering Kung Fu kicks can elevate your skill set and give you a unique edge in both self-defense and combat situations.
Key Characteristics of Kung Fu Kicks
Kung Fu kicks are distinct in their approach and execution. Here’s what sets them apart:
Direct and Efficient Movement Wing Chun Kung Fu, in particular, values kicks that conserve energy while delivering maximum impact. This directness ensures minimal exposure to counterattacks.
Low and Practical Targets Kung Fu kicks often aim for low targets such as knees, shins, or groin areas. These targets maximize effectiveness while reducing the risk of imbalance.
Body Alignment and Balance Proper alignment and balance are critical. Each kick integrates seamlessly into the practitioner’s stance, maintaining stability even during rapid movements.
Adaptability Across Ranges Kung Fu kicks are versatile, working effectively in both close and mid-range combat. They complement strikes, blocks, and grappling techniques, making them a well-rounded component of any fighter’s arsenal.
Types of Kung Fu Kicks
Several kicking techniques are integral to Kung Fu, each serving unique purposes:
High Front Slanted Kick (Tong Kick) A straightforward upward kick aimed at an opponent’s chin or midsection. It’s excellent for closing distance or disrupting an attacker’s stance.
Side Kick (Yeung Geuk) Known for its power, the side kick can target an opponent’s ribs or legs with force, pushing them off balance.
Sweep Kick A low, circular kick designed to trip or destabilize an opponent. It’s an excellent tool for setting up follow-up attacks.
Roundhouse Kick (Waai Chek Geuk) Delivered with a rotation of the hips, this kick generates significant momentum and power, making it a formidable strike.
Training Kung Fu Kicks the Right Way
Mastering Kung Fu kicks requires disciplined training and attention to detail. Here’s how Sifu Och Wing Chun ensures students achieve excellence:
Proper Technique Development Our instructors focus on teaching correct foot positioning, body alignment, and follow-through to maximize power and precision.
Strength and Flexibility Training Kicking effectively demands a combination of strength and flexibility. Our classes incorporate targeted exercises to build these attributes.
Realistic Application Students practice kicks in simulated combat scenarios, ensuring they understand how to execute them under pressure.
Safety First While learning powerful techniques, we emphasize safety and control to prevent injuries during practice.
The Role of Kung Fu Kicks in Self-Defense
Kung Fu kicks are not just tools for demonstration—they’re practical in real-world self-defense situations. Low and direct kicks are ideal for disarming opponents without overcommitting. When executed properly, a single well-placed kick can neutralize a threat, giving you the opportunity to escape or counterattack.
At Sifu Och Wing Chun, we teach our students how to integrate kicks seamlessly into their defensive strategies, making them prepared for any situation.
Sifu Och Wing Chun: Your Path to Mastery
When it comes to learning effective Kung Fu kicks, Sifu Och Wing Chun Kung Fu Academy in Lakeland, Florida, stands out as the best choice. Here’s why:
Certified Wing Chun Expertise Our lineage is rooted in authentic Wing Chun, ensuring students learn time-tested techniques from credible instructors.
Comprehensive Training From foundational skills to advanced applications, our training programs cover every aspect of Kung Fu kicking techniques.
Real-World Application We prioritize practicality, teaching students how to use kicks effectively in both controlled and unpredictable situations.
With Sifu Och Wing Chun, you’ll gain not only the physical skills but also the confidence to defend yourself and others.
Start Your Journey Today
Master the art of Kung Fu kicks with Sifu Och Wing Chun Kung Fu Academy. Take the first step toward achieving power, precision, and practicality in your martial arts training. Fill out our contact form to schedule your first class today!
The first few months of a martial artist are crucial to their success. Instructors must work to instill confidence from day one. The student must learn to trust not only their instructors but also the techniques they are learning. If a student knows what he is learning is practical and useful from the start he will stick around for the fine tuning of those techniques.
At Sifu Och Wing Chun we want to help students learn a basic Wing Chun Defense right from the beginning. To help cover some of the most basic attacks we teach 3 defenses right away: Bui Sao, Tan Sao, and Gan Sao.
Bui Sao
Haymakers (wide hooks) are some of the most common attacks you will see on the street. Without training the body’s natural tendency to draw power will be to twist. This results in a chain and ball effect on the arm with the punch being the ball of course. While these can still do damage they can be easily defended with proper training. That is why one of the first techniques we teach to new students is the Bui Sao. The deflecting hand is shaped as if you were blocking light from the sun. Palm facing away from the body pressing from the elbow. The palm will be about forehead height and the elbow in line with the trachea. This provides a wall of cover with the forearm.
Tan Sao
One of the more famous moves in Wing Chun is the Tan Sao. When teaching it to children we call it the “pizza hand”. This is due to the palm facing upward with the arm extended outward. The Tan Sao is used primarily against straight punches. It deflects punches off the centerline either to the inside or the outside opening up your opponent for a variety of follow ups. You can view a video of the Tan Saos on our Instagram by clicking here>Tan Saos.
Gan sao
Used against nasty body shots or uppercuts is the Gan Sao. Translated it means “low plowing hand”, this technique is very effective for defending the lower half of the body. To shape your Gan Sao simply reach your hand out in front of you as if you were shaking hands with someone. Your hand should end up in front of your belly button and your elbow about a fists distance off of your rib cage. This allows your ribs to be covered and consequently, your hand is now fairly close to your opponents body. You are now prepared for an easily follow up such as a palm to the ribs or an uppercut to the face.
Basic Wing Chun Defense Striking
All three of these defenses have something in common; they are paired with a straight punch. As opposed to many other styles most defenses in Wing Chun are combined with some sort of attack. In this case it is the straight punch. There are other variations off of these basics but for beginners we use the punch to begin with. The straight punch is delivered with the fist held vertically at a 45 degree angle. The reason for this is mainly structure. There is also a nice perk associated with it; it fits nicely under the chin to strike the side of the neck. As a result you can easily deliver a crippling blow to an opponent by simply changing the angle of your fist.
To Summarize, the Bui Sao, Tan Sao, and Gan Sao are three effective and important attacks you must know for your self defense. They allow you attack and defend simultaneously. These are so useful that they were borrowed by many Krav Schools to be incorporated into their system as well. Train these hard and you will have a good starting point.
We actually address these topics and discuss them in the class, allowing the kids to take part in the conversation with regard to bullying. This lets the subject become less personal, while remaining perfectly applicable to them, making it more of a shared experience and lessening any feelings of pain from past experiences.
Are you ready to start Mastering Wing Chun Defensive Techniques
Take your martial arts skills to the next level? Join Sifu Och Wing Chun Kung Fu today and experience the power of real-world self-defense training. Fill out our contact form and start your Wing Chun journey with the best in Lakeland, Florida!
Children will always be susceptible to acts of bullying, but why wait until that happens? Don’t wait until your child’s already a victim of bullies, harassment, depression or a habit of disrespect. Enrolling your child in the martial arts under individuals like Sifu Och Wing Chun has the potential to solve the problem before it begins. Creating a proactive solution to the problem that so many face. Putting your child in martial arts has the ability to increase respect and self-esteem, and improve peer relationships. Why wait until your child is a victim?
Respect and Self-esteem
Sifu Och Wing Chun kung fu and other martial arts for kids can help increase respectful talk, and respectful behavior. This can go a long way in life and with teachers in the school system, making learning and education a more enjoyable experience for all involved. But fostering a sense of respect is no easy task and takes time, effort, and lots of parental involvement. If the child is only disciplined and in a structured environment once a week, it may take years to see change; however, if the parents are continuing the effort put forth in class, results may occur in as little as a few weeks.
Respect and self-esteem are two values that often influence one another. When the child is respectful to others, he or she is more likely to respect his or her self – encouraging good self-esteem. Having good self-esteem is imperative to warding off bullies. Bullying leads to a lack of self-esteem, but a lack of self-esteem may also lead to bullying. When the child’s self-esteem is low, they begin to believe what the bullies are saying about them and start to identify with that image. Children with higher self-esteem are more likely to disregard bullies, easily believing their words to be untruthful. In the martial arts, children are taught their worth and encouraged to build themselves up. Martial arts give children goals to set and achieve and, with the right school, instructors that mentor each child to reach their full potential.
Peer Relationships
Sometimes your child may be their own bully solution. By increasing their self worth they reduce depression and anxiety. Sifu Och Wing Chun can also help with their social skills which can help them to make new friends. When children are suffering with depression and anxiety, they are at a greater risk to become a victim of bullying. Physical activity of any kind has a positive effect on depression and anxiety, when that activity meets with the structure and discipline of martial arts the effect is twofold.
But on top of benefiting the child physically and mentally, the peer relationships that they make in class encourages good social development. Often times in school, certain children have a tendency to get left out. Either by the group as a whole or ostracized from different cliques. In a martial arts class, children work with everyone in the class as well as in groups and individually. When doing partner work the partners will switch up every round. This gives each child the opportunity to meet and make new friends as well as work with different body types. Simultaneously promoting social and martial arts skill.
Choose Now-Why wait until your child is a victim?
People of all ages are susceptible to bullying, but why wait until after the fact to do something? Most adults have learned to cope and deal with bullies, but it is usually after years of being bullied themselves. Enrolling your child in a martial art does not mean that they won’t get bullied. It does, however, ensure that they are better equipped to deal with it when it happens.
When asked about the origins of martial arts, most people will gravitate toward thoughts of Asia and the east. Though the majority of martial arts do originate in the east. The west has certainly produced credible martial arts as well as adopting eastern martial art practices. A few western martial arts include: boxing, fencing, wrestling, and jousting (as well as eastern martial arts that have adapted to the west). While some eastern martial arts include: kung fu, aikido, escrima, and karate. Western vs. Eastern Martial Arts and the differences between training actual differences in technique.
Why Eastern Martial Arts Like Wing Chun Offer Superior Self-Defense
Western Martial Arts: In the west the time it takes to learn a martial art can be shorter and more optimized. Allowing for practitioners to achieve the rank of black belt in as little as three years (with some programs promising less). This optimization is in line with the (often) western mindset of consumerism.
The craving for immediate results can cause much disappointment to those who are use to short term satisfaction. They often compare themselves to students who have been practicing for years and wonder why they are unable to produce the same results. This frequently leads to students quitting early on, due to either disappointment, frustration, or boredom.
Because of this phenomenon, western martial arts felt the need to streamline their programs. This helped to keep students both physically and mentally engaged in their classes. On top of wanting a shorter martial arts program, westerners are also highly concerned with the practical. Western martial arts generally have no room for ritual. And less practical practices that may be present in their eastern counterparts.
Western and Eastern Martial Arts: Unlock Their Core Differences
Eastern Martial Arts: In the east there seems to be a greater respect for the amount of time it takes to truly learn a martial art. Eastern martial arts will (generally) take longer to achieve the rank of black belt. Many requiring ten years and some even longer.
That is assuming that the individual is regularly practicing multiple times a week, pushing themselves toward their goal. Eastern martial arts also emphasize the concept of loyalty and perseverance. Loyalty to the martial art and to one’s dojo and master are key components in the practice.
Many eastern martial arts developed from a need to be able to revolt or defend themselves in times of war. For example, slave would do Karate forms to defy to their drivers. After a long day of work, they did these forms in a line on the rail-roads they were being forced to build. The slaves sought to display strength, power, and endurance despite the work that they were being forced to do.
Explore the Unique Philosophies Behind Western and Eastern Martial Arts
Adaptation: Both western and eastern martial arts have great merit and training techniques. Easily improving discipline, fitness, and overall health; but there are some major differences. These differences can affect the entire training regimen and lead to the overall perception of the art itself. If someone is looking for an eastern martial art in the west, has the art adapted to cater to the western mindset or does it hold true to the east? In the same way, looking for one of the western martial arts in the east that holds true to western values may be difficult as well. Does an art exist that is purely eastern or western? Free from ideals from the opposing side? When choosing a martial art the decision is not necessarily eastern or western. Instead one should look at has the art developed over time.
Discover Why Eastern Martial Arts Offer Complete Self-Defense Mastery
In our previous article, Martial Arts Philosophy-Chinese Versus Japanese Part 2, we covered the Chinese side. In this article we will go over Japanese martial arts. Japanese martial arts bases its principles heavily on certain beliefs—religious or not—depending on the style. Shintoism (an ethnic Japanese religion) is a strong fundamental in the art of Aikido. Even some of the religious beliefs from China managed to merge its way into the countries martial arts; Zen (Chan) Buddhism became a respected principle in the art of Bushido (way of the warrior) and Budo (martial way). For most Japanese martial arts the same purpose applies to those of Chinas: focusing development of “The Trinity” (body, mind and spirit).
Shotokan Karate
Shotokan Karate, developed by Gichin Funakoshi, bases its precepts closely on Zen Buddhism and Bushido. From these two philosophies Funakoshi laid out the twenty principles of Shotokan philosophy. Later the five Dojo Kun was developed by the Japan Karate Association. Under no circumstance should one of the principles be valued more than another.
By taking those into account, and through years of practice, a karate practitioner (karateka) will be able to develop a calm and opened mind and achieve confidence, humility, wisdom etc. In addition to that they will hone the body to become harmonious with the mind which will give a “subconscious” control over the body’s movement. The body performs the techniques while the mind remains serene. This will then have a direct proportional effect on the spirit as well and will create a wholeness of one’s self.
Some of Zen’s religious principles are also structured in the art of Aikido though the bulk of it comes from the countries traditional religion of Shintoism and its strong belief in spiritual essence. Aikido, founded by Morihei Ueshiba, centers its techniques on the flow of ki (also known as chi or qi in Chinese culture) that translates to “life force” or “energy flow”. Ki is universal—everything possesses it—and it can be a means to transfer external energy internally. Internal ki is channeled throughout the body by the mind that in turn channels the power. Only when mind and body are harmonious can this be achieved and used to redirect and neutralize the energy of opposing force.
The art of Aikido also believes in the value of self-discovery and self-development and discourages any form of hierarchy. It’s not an art used to distinguish which is superior over the other; it is only used for means of protection. This also applies to winning and losing which is why the art disapproves contests and competitions.
Modern Martial Arts
In conclusion to both articles we want touch on modern arts. Both Chinese and Japanese arts share a common bond of self development at their core. Through training practitioners sought enlightenment. In modern training the focus is not so much on self development as it used to be. Many arts now serve to prepare students solely for competition. Instead of helping student’s become better people they only focus on techniques and tactics to win medals.
Although schools still do exist that instill strong principles, it is not part of the modern martial art culture. Not even mentioning what can be called “black belt factories”. Schools that seek to do nothing but move student’s through for financial gain. These types of schools will wave flashy promises of black belt awards if x amount of money is paid. Or some will simply skim the surface of an art so that students can breeze through the material. As a result many “black belt” students come as a result.
Whatever you train, Chinese, Japanese, or any Modern art you find, seek to grow as a person.
Why Choose Sifu Och Wing Chun?
Practicing provides numerous benefits, including:
Physical Fitness: Enhance strength, flexibility, and endurance.
Mental Clarity: Develop focus and discipline through structured training.
Self-Defense Skills: Learn effective techniques for personal safety.
Cultural Enrichment: Gain insight into a centuries-old tradition.
Want to Get Started? Join Sifu Och Wing Chun today and embark on your journey through the world. Fill out our contact form to discover why we are your best choice for Wing Chun Kung Fu and martial arts training in Lakeland, Florida!
Related articles on the Sifu Och Wing Chun website:
Master Real Self-Defense in Lakeland with Proven Techniques
Martial Arts Punches, from jabs to straight strikes exist in almost all styles of self defense. Though different arts may vary slightly in how they deliver this technique, the biggest difference lies in how they defend against it.
Some martial arts punches will block the blow with a stagnant defense. Others will avoid contact completely by dodging or evading by moving in or to the side. This article will analyze how some of the most popular martial arts in the world defend against that attack.
Enhance Your Martial Arts Punch Defense with These Expert Variations
Wing Chun and Krav Maga: Efficiency and Minimal Movement
The Martial Arts Punch of Wing Chun and Krav Maga both prioritize efficient movement and minimal energy expenditure in their defenses. Training details, strike positioning, and technique to maximize your ability is Wing Chun so any size practitioner can train and utilize it. Whereas, Krav Maga is usually placing more emphasis on being aggressive, Wing Chun wants aggression with good technique and details why and how.
Wing Chun’s intercepting punch technique, combined with the effective use of both hands, sets it apart from other martial arts. In Krav Maga, open-hand defenses often guide the punch away while positioning the practitioner for counterattacks.
Where-as any blocking and attacking simultaneous that Krav Maga does is taken from the fundamentals of Wing Chun Kung Fu.
How to Defend Against Punches: Top Martial Arts Punch Techniques
Tae Kwon Do, Karate, and Muay Thai: Hard Blocks
In martial arts like Tae Kwon Do, Karate, and Muay Thai, blocking is a key method of defense. These styles often employ hard blocks, absorbing much of the punch’s energy. Tae Kwon Do and Karate use guard positions, either blocking from outside-in or inside-out, while Muay Thai absorbs the blow through the guard with tight fists and elbows.
Tae Kwon Do, Karate, and Muay Thai are similar in their defense of punches in that they block the attack in a hard stop that accepts much of the energy. The most popular punch defense in Tae Kwon Do is either an in-to-outside or an out-to-inside block.
To perform this block, one will start in the guard, one arm across the body and the other fist up by the face, by bringing the front arm either from the outside-in or inside-out of the body; this pushes the punch off course. Karate starts from the same guard, but will employ a box block.
The box block will move up, down, left or right, but only by a few inches; choosing to take an angle so that not so much force is necessary. In Muay Thai, the most common punch defense is accepting the blow to the guard. To form the guard, one will place both fists on the forehead while keeping the elbows in tight. The Muay Thai practitioner may turn slightly to deflect some of the blow, but the guard will absorb most of the blow.
Jiu-Jitsu, Aikido, and Judo: Redirect, Deflect, Throw, and Submit
These styles aim to avoid direct force, using angles and redirection. Jiu-Jitsu practitioners might dodge punches or use takedowns. Aikido relies on circular energy to deflect attacks, often ending in joint locks. Judo, like Jiu-Jitsu, uses redirection techniques to maintain control of the fight. These martial arts prefer to take an angle to the oncoming offense, desiring to not incur quite as much damage.
Jiu-Jitsu defends mostly against ground techniques, though they acknowledge that most fights will start in stand-up. A practitioner may dodge the punch altogether, coming in with a take-down. To handle punches from the ground, much like the Muay Thai practitioner, one will use a guard. Aikido is all about redirecting energy in a circular fashion.
The Aikido practitioner may block to the outside of the opponents hand, continuing the momentum in a circle – usually ending in some kind of lock. Judo, like jiujitsu, does not like to address the punch directly. A Judo practitioner may side step the punch, following through with some form of lock or wrist manipulation.
Wing Chun and Krav Maga: Efficiency and Minimal Movement
Krav Maga and Wing Chun fall somewhere in the middle of our previous two groups in their martial arts punch defense against punches; both desire minimal movement, taking the path of least resistance.
In Krav Maga, a practitioner will start with both hands open and in front of the face, stepping to the side and pushing one hand out to meet the oncoming punch; directing it off target. Wing Chun’s goal is to block and strike immediately at the available weakness or opening in the assailant.
Wing Chun will start off with the hand closest to the oncoming punch controlling the space that the opponents punch was in.
An alternative to that is to intercept it with a straight punch of their own. The martial arts punch from these systems prioritize efficient movement and minimal energy expenditure in their defenses. Wing Chun trains strike positioning and technique heavier so any size practitioner can train and utilize it. Wing Chun’s intercepting technique, combined with the effective use of both hands, sets it apart from other martial arts. In Krav Maga, open-hand defenses often guide the punch away while positioning the practitioner for counterattacks. Where-as any blocking and attacking simultaneous that Krav Maga does is taken from the fundamentals of Wing Chun Kung Fu.
Master Proven Wing Chun for Real-World Self-Defense in Lakeland
At Sifu Och Wing Chun Kung Fu, our instructors specialize in effective, real-world self-defense, emphasizing Wing Chun’s efficient techniques like the intercepting punch. Whether you’re defending against quick strikes or powerful punches, Wing Chun’s precise and minimalistic approach provides unmatched practicality in self-defense situations. Sifu Och Wing Chun’s tailored training prepares you for both competition and real-life encounters.
Every martial art school will refuse to train children under a certain age, but what age should that be? Some schools set a hard and fast number. Other schools base their choice on the individual. No instructor wants to waste his or her time with a student who is unable or unwilling to learn. Some argue that a child should wait until he or she can comprehend the information before beginning their training. Others argue that a child should learn discipline through martial arts as young as possible. So what is too young for martial arts?
What Age is Too Young For Martial Arts?
Children as young as two years old have been seen training and competing in martial arts. In fact, one of the largest martial arts tournaments in the world, the U.S. Open, has no minimum age requirement – rather an entire bracket for children under the age of five. This is said to be beneficial to professional child competitors, but what about the average student? While it is certainly possible to start training at this young age, we need to determine if it is in the best interest of not only the child, but also the parents and the instructors involved. Many children pushed into taking martial arts classes too early wind up burning out and losing motivation to continue. As a child, I remember a period of time when I only went to class to satisfy my parents who had already invested a good amount of money. Burnout causes many students to leave. To avoid burnout, open communication between the student, parents, and instructor is critical. Our Little Lions pre-school kids class is a perfect example of how this works.
One argument with what age is too young for martial arts involves the ability to focus. For example, two to three year olds may have the desire to learn. However, they often lack the focus and motivation to pay attention for more than a minute at a time. This may be counteracted by engaging the child in frequent play breaks or games. Retention is very slow at this age, but possible over a long period of time. A four to five year old child is much more likely to be able to engage in class, but will still have problems with retention. To help children remember what they have learned, games can be used. Kids (and for that matter, adults!) remember words better when put to a song. A child at this age may play games like “Sifu Says,” where the instructor will encourage learning by asking the child to perform moves that they had learned that day, while simultaneously making sure they can follow directions in a captivating manner.
6-7 Year olds
A six to seven year old may little bit better equipped to handle the demands of a martial arts class. Though the child will be slightly older and more able to comprehend, they are also likely to be more opinionated and resistant to training. This is, however, something that martial arts instructors are more than capable of dealing with. For the benefit of the child (and sanity of the parent), enrollment in a martial arts class is one of the best decisions a parent can make for their child. Our kids martial arts program is second to none.
All Children Can benefit
All children can benefit from practicing the martial arts. The discipline, focus, and endurance gained will be an invaluable and impactful part of their childhood. The question is not necessarily how young is too young for martial arts, but rather what is the best age to start my child. At Sifu Och Wing Chun, we teach children as young as three years old. To deal with the attention issue our class is only 30 minutes and filled with fun. Learning a martial art is a lifelong journey—you might as well start early!
We not only love Wing Chun and its many forms. We love the training practices. While these differ from sifu to sifu, the way training takes place in Karate classes vs Wing Chun classes matters. In “American” Karate, the focus is often on moving through a series of belts in order to progress. With a good teacher, point scoring and belts will be less important than mastering techniques. The same goes with Wing Chun, emphasis should always be on mastering each technique until it is second nature and reflexive. Sashes are achievable, and progression is important, but testing should be strict and progress must be deliberate. It’s clear Karate and Wing Chun share origins, but there are also lots of differences.
Karate Classes vs Wing Chun Training
In Karate there are three stances, including the natural, or walking stance (shizentai-dachi), the front stance (zenkutsu-dachi), and the cat stance, or back stance (nekoashi-dachi). Each has its uses, of course. The Wing Chun stance and Wing Chun rooting is the key of all movements and balance. Everything builds on those well-rooted foundations. One way in which the stances of Wing Chun and Karate classes are similar is that they both have a good center of balance.
The modern Karate belt came about as a badge of honor. Students initially donned a white belt (obi) as part of their uniform. As a natural result of hard training, effort, and time, belts—which were never washed—became darker and darker. Soon, the “black belt” became the status symbol of a student who engaged in years of hard work and commitment.
Wing Chun vs. Karate Classes and Blocking
You’re likely to experience a different way of blocking when taking Karate classes vs. Wing Chun. This mostly has to do with the direction the blocks take. In Wing Chun, you’re constantly blocking back towards the body while Karate blocks flow away from the body. Both require a solid structure in place behind the blocks, so that balance is maintained.
The main difference in Karate blocking is that karate classes typically teach you to “cock” your arm back and prepare it for a strike. With Wing Chun, you simultaneously attack with the non-blocking arm. Both Karate and Wing Chun deflect attacks with their blocks, relying on good structure to avoid injury and redirect energy from an attack.
Which is Right for You?
So which classes are better? That’s a loaded question. We obviously prefer the slow, deliberate progression associated with Wing Chun training. We’re not about awarding belts to keep the interest of students with short attention spans. Rather, we want to train, train, and train some more until your skills are your own. We want you to learn practical self defense skills that will stand up in the real world.
Watch Out for Online Scams!
There are several places that offer online Karate classes. Some even promise a “black belt in 12 months”. The same could be said for any Wing Chun system that claims you can move through the ranks quickly. Remember, there are no shortcuts! With both Karate and Wing Chun, online classes would be a ridiculous waste of time. Only under the guidance of an experienced teacher can you make true progress in learning practical self-defense skills. Constant and regular evaluations are key to progressing. That’s something you can’t do online!
Tracing the Origins of Karate and Wing Chun: What You Need to Know
Though we may use photos to lighten the mood in this article. What we intend on doing is showing the correlation between Karate and Wing Chun share Origins. That through trade routes between Japan and Southern Chinese Martial artists. These two countries passion for self defense was also shared. That in that passion for exchange cultural differences shaped those styles in there perspective lands. With that new ways of engaging similiar exchanged ideas were moulded in their new homes and lands. There seems to be a lack of discussion about their similarities amidst all this conflict regarding their differences.
Do Karate and Wing Chun Share Origins? I am here to argue that they do, and that origin is Southern Chinese Kung Fu, and White Crane Kung Fu.
The Surprising Connection Between Karate and Wing Chun’s Origins
Writers note: All of the information recorded below is complied via the written texts and speaking to different masters from both chinese martial arts and japanese martial arts. With all of the variances in language and historical accounting there may still be conflict. As the writer I have done my best to streamline the knowledge I have gathered and pay respects to the appropriate Masters who’s work brought these to incredible arts to life.
The Surprising Martial Arts History Linking Karate and Wing Chun
To begin answering the question do Karate and Wing Chun share origins let us look at Wing Chun Kung Fu First. Ng Mui, a Shaolin nun, developed it during the ancient Qing dynasty (1644-1917) in Southern China. Much of the martial arts history is a mix of legend and fact due to the monks living on the run from the Manchu Government seeking to destroy all opposition at that time.
As the story goes, Ng Mui developed a system of short range combat with heavy influences from Crane Style Kung Fu. One only need watch the Crane style form and the similarities become easily visible. For example, Wing Chun’s Bui Jee’s, Palm strikes, and Tan Sao shapes.
Even Stances immediately show themselves in the first form: San Zhan. Generations of Wing Chun maintained its secretive nature and served for assassinations because of its viciousness and effectiveness. Eventually, they passed it down to Ip Man. Who made it available to the rest of the world. When Ip Man brought it to Hong Kong after leaving Foshan.
Students like Bruce lee made it famous to the west. Bruce Lee was not the only one though, students like Wong Shun Leung, Ip Chun (featured in the photo to the left, at 97 years of age) still training and practicing Wing Chun. Ip Chun, just to name a few train Wing Chun students in its direct and incredibly fast techniques.
Karate and Wing Chun: Discover Their Surprising Martial Arts Connection
It uses structure and technique to overcome size and power by cutting angles or driving force back into the opponent. Its extensive and rich history, Karate cannot be easily defined. Karate and Wing Chun: Their Surprising White Crane Connection. Karate’s history is not easy to trace because of its many styles and variations. However, in 1922, a man by the name of Funakoshi Gichin, later known as the “Father of Japanese Karate”, left Okinawa for Tokyo, Japan, to demonstrate his art to the Ministry of Education at the First National Athletic Exhibition. Funakoshi’s stunning performance led to governmental approval to include Karate in the University Education System.
Combining the fighting techniques from Okinawa with the Budo, or “martial way”, he began teaching the art openly across Japan. His teaching was the key to opening the door for Karate’s international future. Karate’s many styles all have their own origins but there was a clear Chinese influence from the very beginning.
One piece of the puzzle lies in the name given to the original styles of Karate from Okinawa: Okinawa-te or Tode, meaning “Chinese Hand.” An Okinawan master later changed the name to “Karate-do,” which means “way of the empty hand.” So where did Karate come from and where does White Crane fit in? Confirming the influence from Southern China.
Trade between Southern China and Okinawa during the early 1900’s was at a high. As a result of this trade, Chinese Kung Fu exposed many people on the island of Okinawa and in Mainland Japan to its techniques. So sought after were these chinese techniques that many martial artists would journey to China for extended periods of time. Often presumed dead, many would return as masters in the style of Kung Fu they had trained. Three main schools emerged when local masters organized these techniques: Naha-te, Tomari-te, and Shuri-te, all located in Okinawa. From Naha-te came Grandmaster Kanryo Higaonna (or Higashionna in the original Okinawan language) and from Shuri-te came To-De Sakugawa. both men had heavy training in Chinese arts.
Karate and Wing Chun: Discover Their Surprising Martial Arts Connection
Grandmaster Sakugawa trained under Chinese Master Kong Su Kung (or Kusanku in Japanese). From Master Kung he learned Chinese Boxing or Kenpo. From his knowledge in these styles three main styles emerged from his school in Shuri: Shotokan, Wado-Ryu, and Shito-Ryu Karate. So even though his style of Karate does originate from China it does not really contain White Crane. However, another important lineage to follow is through Grandmaster Kanryo Higaonna, which eventually led to Goju-Ryu Karate. Grandmaster Higaonna spent time in Fuzhou, China, in the 1870’s and trained under Ryu Ryu Ko, also known as Xie Xie Chongxiang, the founder Crying Crane Kung Fu and Grandmaster of White Crane Kung Fu.
Tracing the Surprising Connection Between Karate and Wing Chun
Writers Note: Uechi-Ryu and Chito-Ryu are both also said to have aspects of White Crane. Due to the influence as far as lineage not being quite as clear and for the sake of simplicity I wanted to focus on Goju-Ryu here.
Now, obvious to say that White Crane is not the sole founder of Karate with so many styles of Kung Fu in China at that time. There was, however, a definite influence on at least Goju-Ryu Karate (and as mentioned above Uechi-Ryu and Chito-Ryu). It is easy to quote a lineage but what about the actual techniques?Are there visible similarities between Karate and White Crane? Yes, a clear example can be found in a form called Sanchin or San Zhan. This video titled “Sanchin Form Comparison” clearly shows the movements and similarities between the forms.
The Hidden Connection Between Karate and Wing Chun’s Origins
Martial Arts Secrets: How Karate and Wing Chun Share the Same Lineage
In conclusion, certain styles of Karate were undeniably influenced by White Crane Kung Fu. Thereby solidifying Karate as a cousin of Wing Chun (albeit a very distant one). A further study could explore overlapping concepts among the four mentioned styles: Goju-Ryu, Uechi-Ryu, Chito-Ryu, and Wing Chun. But, I will leave that to you the reader as a challenge. As you continue your martial art journey don’t seek out conflict but look to find harmony wherever possible.
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Isn’t that what martial arts is about? Making yourself better and working together with those around you. Are we prepared to defend ourselves should trouble arise? Of course, but whether you train Karate, Wing Chun, or any other system we should be seeking to common ground. As martial arts brothers and sisters we should seek help those around us!
There are vast difference kung fu and karate that you might not have known about previously. You may want to take a look into these differences to find out which one you would prefer taking. Each has their own separate techniques so you may want to be thorough about your research on each of the forms prior to signing up for classes to take them. They both can provide self defense, but which would be the better choice to go with in realistic terms to defending yourself?
Karate – Karate is based off of many different forms that might become confusing to remember for some and fun for others. Karate can contain upwards of a form a belt which could be 12-25 forms. Though this takes the focus away from interaction between to partners working through the techniques forms train you to imagine the assailant is attacking you. It is something that you have to soak in and remember so it might not be as quick to defend yourself with versus training muscle memory. Everyone learns different from forms, to weapons. The use of a lot of flipping weapons and jump kicks which can look extremely cool but doesn’t mean that you’re going to leave your home with your weapons. No one brings a katana with them, or a sai, no one wears a Gi on the street. Unfortunately commercialized karate as it is known today is not the same as the original karate founded in Japan. Today’s karate has a lot of rigid movements that make you feel stiff. This might restrict you in difficult to extreme assault situations. Commercialized Karate contains more flash, flipping weapons and “fun” looking applications versus its original combative purpose which had none of these. The issue is that 95% of schools open today on every street corner in every city and town contain commercialized Karate versus the original purpose self defense driven system from Okinawa, Japan.There are vast difference kung fu and karate that you might not have known about previously. You may want to take a look into these differences to find out which one you would prefer taking.There are boundless contrast Difference Kung Fu and karate that you may not have thought about formerly. You may need to investigate these contrasts to figure out which one you would lean toward taking.
Wing Chun Kung Fu – This system is based off of getting with a real partner and working out the various fighting combinations and scenarios with a live person. Wing Chun has cut out all flowery movements, realistic close range combatives, attacking both high and low, fast trapping techniques and dynamic footwork. This type of Kung Fu has only three specific forms to remember so there is less likely of a chance to forget them. You do not have to use flipping weapons or fancy moves so it may seem less fun from a spectators point of view. A lot of the techniques are so fast moving that you can use them in a pinch. There are vast difference kung fu and karate that you might not have known about previously. You may want to take a look into these differences to find out which one you would prefer taking.This is always good when you’re attacked and do not have much time but all you can do is react. Though there is still the issue of commercialized Kung Fu, you will find less of these types of schools only because of the fact that you will find less Kung Fu schools and well versed comprehensive Wing Chun Kung Fu schools that really know what they are doing. Many Kung Fu schools have trouble making it because they have to compete with other schools willing to give away belts, levels and the “look” of fancy movements.There are boundless contrast Difference Kung Fu and karate that you may not have thought about formerly. You may need to investigate these contrasts to figure out which one you would lean toward taking.
The Difference Kung Fu and Karate has its similar beginnings in realistic self defense and though different in its teaching methods. It is very hard to find a school worth there salt period. There are vast difference kung fu and karate that you might not have known about previously. You may want to take a look into these differences to find out which one you would prefer taking.Whether it is Kung Fu or Karate the today real combat martial arts is extremely difficult to find.There are boundless contrast Difference Kung Fu and karate that you may not have thought about formerly. You may need to investigate these contrasts to figure out which one you would lean toward taking.
Learn realistic self defense is possible in Lakeland Florida where they are able to teach you how to defend yourself in case something was to happen. You want to ensure that you’re ready for anything and with the help of Wing Chun Kung Fu; you can have this chance to show them what you’re made of. You can defend yourself, practice; keep fit, while also having fun when it comes to learning moves. There are vast difference kung fu and karate that you might not have known about previously. You may want to take a look into these differences to find out which one you would prefer taking.Even though karate can be helpful, you may want something a bit faster paced when the time comes. You shouldn’t have to worry about not having enough time to react when that moment hits since you have what you need and the information to process everything in that moment that you’re getting attacked. When you know Wing Chun Kung Fu, you know what you’re supposed to do in this crucial moment.
So many of us send our children to school so they get the best education, become their best building them up in the right manner so they can have a wonderful future. Though there are so many challenges in life and with these challenges school alone can not prepare them. Confidence issues, building friends, social interaction, an outgoing outlook, and the right tools to build are all essential. Building those within our children can be difficult, but with help and professionals that work with children of every age, race, and type we can succeed. Or should I say our children and families can succeed!As a single parent I wanted a second home for my kids with structure and progress in all aspects of their life, Sifu Och’s Martial Arts is best summer camp lakeland is what I was searching for.
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WHAT ARE YOUR KIDS DOING THIS SUMMER?? Why not Sifu Och’s summer camps lakeland fl summer day camp best price in lakeland summer camps sifu och kung fu.
Building those inside our kids could be troublesome, yet with help and experts that work with offspring of each age, race, and sort we can succeed. Then again if I say our youngsters and families can succeed!as a solitary guardian I needed a second home for my children with structure and advancement in all parts of their life, Sifu Och’s Martial Arts is best summer camp lakeland is the thing that I was hunting down.
As time goes on and our children get older we hope that we have prepared them for the hard times and challenges ahead. Though knowing and hoping are two different feelings, Sifu Och Wing Chun Kung Fu martial arts in downtown lakeland has teamed up with Kevin Rios of Just Dance a professional studio for the fine arts in downtown lakeland fl. With their combined efforts in downtown lakeland fl they are providing a service that no one has seen before, Professional Self Defense, the Fine arts and Dance. A all in one program that is rewarding in every aspect!
They provide a kid drop off for parents that want to bring their children down to participate in this amazing program and a After school pick up program that picks up from over 10 polk county lakeland schools right here near downtown. A rewarding and powerful future awaits the kids who have joined Sifu Och Wing Chun Kung Fu and Kevin Rios professional dance and fine arts after school after care program and summer camp kids day camp program. Unrivaled instruction and a amazing school year and summer camp awaits those kids who’s parents pick this program as their childs destination.As a single parent I wanted a second home for my kids with structure and progress in all aspects of their life, Sifu Och’s Martial Arts is best summer camp lakeland is what I was searching for.As a single parent I wanted a second home for my kids with structure and progress in all aspects of their life, Sifu Och’s Martial Arts is best summer camp lakeland is what I was searching for.
“I never thought my child would be able to have the confidence that Sifu Och Wing Chun has instilled in her, Jenna is gaining so much here we will never leave.”
“Sifu Och Wing Chun and Kevin Rios Just Dance is a perfect place for both my kids I never thought my daughter would love Kung Fu and the martial arts more and my son loves the hip hop classes.”
“Grades up, Chores done, actually listening, oh this is a parents dream. Thank you Sifu Och your Wing Chun Kung Fu is exactly what we needed, I am soooo happy.”As a single parent I wanted a second home for my kids with structure and progress in all aspects of their life, Sifu Och’s Martial Arts is best summer camp lakeland is what I was searching for.
“As a single parent I wanted a second home for my kids with structure and progress in all aspects of their life, Sifu Och’s Martial Arts is best summer camp lakeland is what I was searching for.”As a single parent I wanted a second home for my kids with structure and progress in all aspects of their life, Sifu Och’s Martial Arts is best summer camp lakeland is what I was searching for.
“you can keep looking, but once your here there is nothing else.”
Proven Wing Chun Techniques for Real Self Defense in Lakeland
Why Sifu Och Wing Chun is the Best Self-Defense Academy in Lakeland
If you’re searching for real self defense in Lakeland, Sifu Och Wing Chun offers unmatched expertise for self defense in lakeland florida. Known for quick, direct techniques that neutralize attackers, Wing Chun focuses on efficiency and practicality. Moreover, it’s designed for all body types and skill levels, making it an ideal choice for self-defense training.
Three essential reasons make Sifu Och Wing Chun the top choice for martial arts training in central florida. Firstly, our school emphasizes realistic, no-nonsense techniques. Secondly, the training is accessible to beginners and seasoned martial artists alike. Finally, with a range of class times, from morning to evening, it’s easy to fit self-defense into your schedule.
Lakeland’s Premier Self-Defense: Sifu Och Wing Chun’s Proven Techniques
Wing Chun focuses on defending yourself by striking your opponent’s weakest points. As a result, it’s one of the fastest martial arts to learn and apply in real-life situations. Unlike other styles, you won’t rely on brute strength, making it a practical system for everyone.
Wing Chun is an extremely effective, efficient fighting martial system which is well known for neutralizing attackers through quick strikes to the body’s most vulnerable spots. Invented so any man, woman or child could protect themself this style is well known as one of the fastest fighting arts.
The Ultimate Self-Defense Guide: Learn Wing Chun with Sifu Och in Lakeland
Self-defense is more than just learning moves. In addition, our classes help students build confidence, improve reflexes, and stay physically fit. By committing to Wing Chun, you’ll not only become capable of defending yourself but also boost your mental toughness and resilience.
Your Full Potential: Sifu Och’s Wing Chun Martial arts in Lakeland
Master Real-World Martial Arts in Lakeland with Proven Wing Chun Training
Join Us Today:
Don’t wait to start your journey to effective self-defense! Contact us now and sign up for a class at Sifu Och Wing Chun.
Wing Chun Kung Fu is not your typical flowery martial art, it doesn’t emphisis on swing weapons, big movements or large kicks. It’s refined movements are used by families and individuals looking to increase there realistic martial arts goals. Whether you have been training your whole life in the martial arts, military or have never done any training before, Sifu Och Wing Chun will take your knowledge of combat or lack there of to a whole new level!
OK, I’ll be brief, I know you’re busy. I think the Sifu Och program is most definitely in the top 10 summer camps in Central Florida if not the state of Florida.
Kids will love coming to the Sifu Och kids summer camp for fun-filled and action packed weeks. Parents will love knowing that their kids are involved in a positive and safe.
1) contact Sifu Och Wing Chun summer camp lakeland fl at, Sifu Och and Kevin Rios have teamed up to make one super powered summer camp program in lakeland florida!
2) You need to get the early bird special for your kids Summer Camp program and save yourself big! It won’t last and their are limited spots.
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4) They help with homework, education, self defense, professional dance and the fine arts plus they’re right in downtown lakeland fl.
5) Amazing instructors, your children are taught by top professionals in the field, no kid interns these are some of the best!
6) Great prices that beat out the competition as low as $70-$80 a week (for early bird enrollments) all day, monday thru friday, 7am to 5:45pm
7) check the competition you will see this is an amazing price for early bird enrollments to this summer camp
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9) a huge variety of classes, fun, entertainment and discipline for a jam packed exciting lakeland summer camp!!!
10) come down and you will see that this downtown lakeland summer camp program doesn’t have any rival, its the one place your child can become their best and has a price to match any parents budget!
Summer Camp Testimonials
“I never thought my child would be able to have the confidence that Sifu Och Wing Chun has instilled in her, Jenna is gaining so much here we will never leave.”SUMMER CAMP LAKELAND FL. Kids will love coming to FPC for fun-filled and action packed weeks. Parents will love knowing that their kids are involved in a positive and safe.
“Sifu Och Wing Chun Kung fu and Kevin Rios Just Dance fine arts is a perfect place for both my kids I never thought my daughter would love Kung Fu and the martial arts more and my son loves the hip hop classes.”
“Grades up, Chores done, actually listening, oh this is a parents dream. Thank you Sifu Och your Wing Chun Kung Fu is exactly what we needed, I am soooo happy.”
“we made the switch and have never looked back”
“a place where I see eye to eye with the instructors, discipline, structure and can actually talk to and get reports on my childs progress.”
“As a single parent I wanted a second home for my kids with structure and progress in all aspects of their life, Sifu Och’s Martial Arts in Lakeland is what I was searching for.”
“you can keep looking, but once your here there is nothing else.”TOP 10 SUMMER CAMP LAKELAND FL – Sifu Och and Kevin Rios have teamed up to make one super powered summer camp program in lakeland florida!