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I was tired of seeing a world where instructors often lie, hide, or exaggerate their training and backgrounds just to gain unearned titles and accolades. We proudly stand apart by showcasing our authenticity. Taking immense pride in openly sharing where we have been and what we have genuinely accomplished in the martial arts world. This is not everything we have done but a small snippet. Throughout these experiences, you will find highlights of our journey, including our travels, as well as the friends and Masters we had the honor to meet and train with.
4x Ip Man Lineage lines
Certified as a Advanced Level Sifu under four different Ip Man lineages from Masters under Ip Ching, Ip Chun, Simon Lau, Moy Yat.
It is with great pride that Sifu Justin Och has been trained and certified as an Advanced Level Sifu by Masters who were certified and trained under these great Wing Chun lineages. This has provided him with an exceptional and comprehensive perspective on Ip Man’s Wing Chun and what makes it effectively devastating. Teaching Wing Chun classes full time while traveling the World to train with different pratitioners.

(2024) New York City
Traveling to New York City. Sifu Justin Och got together with different Wing Chun practitioners that had sought him out online. Inviting him to the City That Never Sleeps to speak, train and exchange. Asking questions and being open to the various ideas and combinations. That the full system of Ip Man Wing Chun provides. Not just in his line but in every line of Ip Man Wing Chun. Capabilities that make us all part of the same Ip Man Brotherhood.

(2024) World Ving Tsun Associations International Wing Chun Day
Honoring Darrell Jordan of the WVTA. Sifu Justin Och, Regional Director of the World Ving Tsun Association Southeastern Board of the United States. Hosted an exclusive event at his Wing Chun school in Lakeland, Florida. The workshop brought together Sifus and Masters from diverse Wing Chun lineages. To exchange ideas, techniques, and skills. The open and welcoming seminar. Lasting over five hours, featured five Sifus. Each representing a distinct lineage under Ip Man’s influence. View Video Here on our Facebook

(2023) Ireland, Cliffs of Moher to the Rock of Cashel
Traveling across Ireland, Sifu Justin Och seeks out unique places to videotape the forms of Wing Chun. Showcasing Wing Chun forms in internationally recognized spaces of ancient awe-inspiring natural splendor.
From the Cliffs of Moher, Cork City, the Rock of Cashel, Sifu Justin Och traveled Ireland seeking out great places to film the forms. Killarney National Park, Blarney Castle, and Cushendun Caves. Providing the Wing Chun Forms. From Wing Chun’s 1st form Siu Lum Tao. To Chum Kiu Bridging the Gap Wing Chun’s 2nd Form. Wing Chun’s third form Biu Jee Thrusting Fingers.

(2023) Scotland, The Highlands, Isle of Skye, and Eilean Donan Castle
Traveling throughout Scotland, Sifu Justin Och films the Wing Chun Forms. From the Highlands of Scotland, the Isle of Skye’s Old Man Storr. To Eilean Donan Castle, and the National Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh. Sifu Justin Och seeks to provide viewers experiences at various global locations. Showcasing beautiful and unique sites. These videos connects the heritage of Ip Man’s Wing Chun Kung Fu with the rich history Scotland.

(2023) World Ving Tsun Associations International Wing Chun Day
Sifu Justin Och, hosts each year the World Ving Tsun Associations International Wing Chun Day. As the Regional Director of the World Ving Tsun Association Southeastern Board of the United States. He Invites Sifus and Masters from all lineages to his school in Lakeland, Florida. Over 5 hours, five different Sifu’s lead workshops representing distict differences in their branches. This Free event is a beautiful exchange meant to bring lineages together. An extremely open and welcoming workshop. Through mutual respect participants eagerly share and exchange ideas, techniques, and expertise.

(2022) Italy, Rome
Traveling through different locations in Italy. Sifu Justin Och visits Rome and the Colosseum. The ruins of Basilica Julia, Portico of the Harmonious Gods, the Vatican, Trevi Fountain, Pantheon, and the forms at the Castel Sant’Angelo. Showcasing these beautiful, unique, and special locations highlighting the country and Ip Man’s Wing Chun by Sifu Justin Och. Each video highlights this deep heritage of Italy, Rome with its history in every glimpse.

(2022) World Ving Tsun Associations International Wing Chun Day
Sifu Justin Och, who is Regional Director of the World Ving Tsun Association Southeastern Board of the United States. – Invited to his Wing Chun school in Lakeland, Florida. Sifus and Masters from all Wing Chun lineages gathered. Together, they shared and exchanged ideas, techniques, and capabilities in an open and welcoming workshop. The event featured over five hours of seminars, each delivered by five different Sifus, representing distinct lineage backgrounds under Ip Man.

(2021) 6th Degree Black Sash
Sifu Justin Och was promoted to 6th Degree Black Sash Wing Chun Instructor under the World Ving Tsun Association. – With his extensive knowledge, experience, and expertise, Sifu Justin Och has traveled worldwide and trained overseas. Moreover, he continuously gives back to the community by teaching the combat principles of Wing Chun. Under the Ip Man lineage, he exemplifies the essence of giving back and uplifting the next generation of dedicated Wing Chun students.

(2021) Women’s History Month Proclamation from Mayor & City of Lakeland
Sifu Och Wing Chun was given a Proclamation from the Mayor and the City of Lakeland during Woman’s History Month. – For over 14 years of dedicated service to the community, Sifu Justin Och has organized women’s self-defense workshops. He has also passed on the only martial art created by a woman—Wing Chun. This unique martial art stands out for its powerful techniques and historical significance. Made by a woman and passed down to another woman. It stands as the only one of its kind with such a claim. In recognition of their continuous efforts to train and uplift the community, the Mayor awarded a citywide proclamation to Sifu Justin Och and his wife, Elizabeth Och.

(2021) First Black Sash Level Sifu certified under Sifu Justin Och Wing Chun.
In April 2021, Sifu Justin Och certified the first Black Sash Sifu grade level under Sifu Och Wing Chun, Garret Brumfield. During this milestone, Garret Brumfield successfully passed a rigorous five-hour exam. Demonstrating and applying advanced Wing Chun techniques. Notably, the exam included all Chi Sau fighting combinations, blindfolded Chi Sau, and reactionary Chi Sau, and all inside and outside gates. Furthermore, he executed Quan Da and Gan Da gates with precision and speed. Garret Brumfield also showcased full comprehension of the first, second, and third Wing Chun forms. The wooden dummy form, and the empty-hand freestyle wooden dummy form. Additionally, he demonstrated offensive and defensive tactics against ground attacks, knives, sticks, and guns. The five hour exam concluded with Brumfield simultaneously fighting five fully-geared students, solidifying his remarkable achievement.
Loyal Friend and Student to Sifu Justin Och, Garret Brumfield carries the lineage, legacy, and hope to another generation of students. Sifu Justin Och couldn’t be more proud of this amazing man, and what it means for the future.
His next task is to fully understand how to fight with the Wing Chun Butterfly swords and the Wing Chun Dragon Long Pole from Sifu Justin Och. How to fight Long pole versus long pole. Wing Chun Butterfly swords versus Long pole, and much more. At the same time continue to Master everything he has tested on.

(2021) Wing Chun Florida Gathering
Sifu Och Wing Chun hosted the first ever multi-lineage Wing Chun Florida Gathering. – Sifu Och Wing Chun took care of all permits and costs with the city. As a result, they rented out the entire center of Downtown Lakeland Munn Park. This provided an excellent opportunity for invited Wing Chun schools and their students to come, train, and exchange ideas for free. Furthermore, the event featured a full 7-hour day of training. In addition, special thanks go to Sifu Garret Brumfield, Sifu Jesse Jones, and Sifu Ray Peter for generously sharing workshop insights into their respective Wing Chun lineages.

WINNER OF CENTRAL FLORIDA THE LEDGER – “BEST of the BEST CENTRAL FLORIDA”. – Voted the BEST Martial Arts school in all of Central Florida and Polk County, Sifu Och Wing Chun in Downtown Lakeland has earned this recognition again and again. The Ledger conducts a county-wide multi-check vote over several months to identify the best businesses in their field. As a result, we are incredibly proud to have been named the FIRST PLACE WINNER. Repeatedly, we’ve been recognized as “The Best of the Best” Martial Arts School in Polk County. This prestigious title was awarded to us in 2022, 2021, 2020, 2018, and 2016. Additionally, we were honored to be a Top Finalist in 2024, 2023, 2019, and 2017.
We always strive to provide you and your family with the best in training and self-defense.

Traveled Phoenix Arizona Documenting Wing Chun Forms & Training. – Trekking over 50 miles of trails to perform and record our lineages Wing Chun Forms. From the Flat Iron Peak at the Lost Dutchman State Park, West Fork Trail, Chuck Wagon Trail, Oak Creek. As well as traveling to Sedona AZ to perform and record All of the Wing Chun Forms. At the Seven Sacred Pools Soldiers pass trail, Devil’s Bridge Trail, Devil’s Kitchen and hiking Angel Trail. Down to the bottom of Grand Canyon South Rim in search of the perfect spots to train and demonstrate.
Providing this service free to our Wing Chun Kung Fu members in Lakeland Florida.

(2020) Wing Chun Butterfly Swords Article
International Wing Chun Illustrated Magazine, WCI, Wing Chun Double Swords Article. – “The Baat Chum Dao form is usually passed down when a practitioner has reached.an advanced level of training. provides students with a better understanding of these classic weapons, all without hindering their current training. In fact, many use this progression as a rite of passage. Which initiates students into the next level of training and understanding. …” – Sifu Justin Och’s article Issue No. 56. Wing Chun Illustrated

(2019) Mongolia Wrestling & Forms
Traveled to Mongolia to train Mongolian Wrestling & record Wing Chun Forms in an amazing country – Participating in Traditional Mongolian Wrestling with a local tribe at the Gobi Desert Khongor Sand Dunes Choosing to come during the Naadam traditional festival we travelled Terelj National Park visiting the Chinggis Statute on Mongolian Horseback.
Visiting Aryabala meditation temple and doing Wing Chun Forms at Turtle Rock. The Flaming Cliffs, Yol Valley and Baga Gazriin Dundgovi.

(2019) South Korea Wing Chun
Traveling, Training Wing Chun and recording Wing Chun Forms across South Korea. – From Daejeon, Boryeong, Incheon, Seoul, Gapyeong, Yongin, Suwon, Nami Island. The Island of Jeju we sought out amazing places to perform and record the Wing Chun Forms. Staying and recording the forms in a traditional Korean house (a hanok). Visited and trained at an well respected Wing Chun Korea School in Seoul 윙춘소울 서상전 영춘권. This was a Fantastic trip with many wonderful experiences, people, and Form Videos all on our Youtube.

FOX 13 NEWS Features Sifu Och Wing Chun as Lakeland Premiere Training Academy. – Featured again in the news for its realistic non-competition self defense training. Wing Chun Kugn Fu classes in Lakeland Florida. Sifu Justin och and a few students demonstrate on film a small portion of reaction. Reflexive training and techniques taught within his Lakeland Wing Chun Academy. From Baat Chum Dao Swords, Long Pole, to Free style sparring.
An Academy where people can learn to train both Traditional ancient forms of self defense. Tactics, and weapons as well as classes in modern martial arts techniques. For both sparring and self protection. – You can review the FOX 13 News article here.

(2019) Wing Chun Counter Offensive Tactics Article
Written for Internationally acclaimed magazine Wing Chun Illustrated, WCI, – Sifu Justin Och – Counter Offensive Tactics “… Train to deliver stopping power in every strike and kick, reacting swiftly as the assailant moves. Whether they advance into your space or attempt to move away. We focus on devastating strikes designed to halt their momentum, dropping them or preventing them from continuing their forward motion. Until you’re capable of delivering power that drives from the ground and into the assailant. ..” – Sifu Justin Och’s article Issue No. 47. Wing Chun Illustrated

(2018) No-Gi Jiujitsu Counter Workshop
Pro MMA Fighter Aaron “Coringa” Conway Black Belt in Brazilian Jiujitsu ( BJJ ) and Capoeira Instructor. – Aaron Coringa Conway, a No-Gi Jiu-Jitsu teacher to Sifu Justin Och and a longtime friend and personal teacher. Training under Aaron Conway for years in No-Gi Jiujitsu. Led a workshop that guided Wing Chun students through counters and reversing ground tactics. During the session, students trained to escape. From chokes, takedowns, side control, full mount, and various locks and throws. – view more information on Aaron “Coringa” Conway here.

(2018) Dwight Hennings WSL Workshop
Sifu Dwight Hennings under the WSL Wong Shun Leung Lineage. – Flying down from Canada. Dwight Hennings conducted a comprehensive 2.5-day workshop. Training students in the Wong Shun Leung way of Ving Tsun Kung Fu. Throughout the workshop, he focused on key areas such as fundamentals. From forms, practical applications, footwork, structure, and the integration of simultaneous offensive and defensive techniques. – to view more information on Dwight Hennings click here.

Traveling across Montana, USA Yellowstone National Park to the edge of the Black Feet reservation in Valier. Traveling Montana, USA .- Sifu Justin Och records the Wing Chun forms at Old Faithful, Yellowstone National Park. While also bringing the ashes of his grandmother to rest there. She played a significant role in raising him into the man he is today. Providing him with confidence, love, and praise throughout his entire life.

(2018) Combat Pressure Article for Wing Chun Illustrated
Internationally acclaimed Wing Chun Magizine. – Sifu Justin Och writes “If I condition a student like a boxer, Muay Thai or MMA. Then teach them Wing Chun, you don’t think they would rock some amazing devastation? It comes down to training. Sparring and pressure towards intelligent aggressive intention, angled strikes, traps. Conditioning and endurance, striking mitts and the heavy bag without holding back. Following up and overcoming the pressure of resistance training. Attacks and simultaneous movement provided by your partner will improve you exponentially if done intelligently…”— Article by Sifu Justin Och – Issue No. 42 Absence of Combat Pressure

(2018) Wing Chun Fist Position Article for WCI
Wing Chun Illustrated International Magazine. – Article Featured: Sifu Justin Och writes, “Everyone can agree that proper structure, foundation, and training effective power all influence your ability to hit harder. However, instructors may differ on the best ways to generate power for the punch or the angle of the punch. For instance, some may emphasize full hip use behind the elbow, while others may advocate for keeping the body squared.” To the assailant while driving power from the core, shoulders, hip and structure. Striking from a relaxed position to machine gun battering rams, it depends on your instructor…”. — Article by Sifu Justin Och – Issue No. 41 Wing Chun Fist Position

(2018) Year of Development
Written for Internationally acclaimed magazine Wing Chun Illustrated, WCI. – Sifu Justin Och lead multiple 10 hour Workshops over 2 days. Training aggressive and dynamic techniques. To build stronger and more tactical students, fighters, and former military personnel. To several college campus self defense seminars, training students in quick, fast, life saving methods of Wing Chun combat. This year he also placed on seminars in Butterfly Sword form and combat. Long Pole training, and closing the gap combat workshops.

(2017) Tiger Muay Thai
Training at Tiger Muay Thai means 6-7 hours each day in Muay Thai, wrestling, weight training, sparring and no-gi jiujitsu. Sifu Justin Och trained at the Tiger Muay Thai with his wife for a month non-stop. Pushing hard in each class. Making his previous training and wrestling. Better but also improving his knowledge and techinque in Wing Chun and how it reflects to Thai Boxing. Becoming better in combat through understanding different styles of self defense.

HONG KONG , CHINA – Training at the Ip Man VTAA
MULTIPLE TRIPS TO HONG KONG, CHINA – IP CHUN SON OF IP MAN. – Bringing the Best Training back to Lakeland Florida. Sifu Justin Och travels again to Hong Kong to train with Ip Chun and his classes. Ip Chun is the eldest son of Grandmaster Ip Man teacher of Bruce Lee. He emembered Sifu Justin Och and his wife from their previous trips to Hong Kong and the Ving Tsun Association. Sifu Justin Och was honored by Ip Chun again by doing Chi Sau (sticking hands) with him.
Sifu Justin Och attended classes everyday of the week and even at nights. Which we’re under the direct supervision of Ip Chun and his direct disciples. While training in Hong Kong Master Ping Fei Lo and his top students out of France. Took their time to train and uplift Sifu Justin Och and his wife’s Wing Chun. Making multiple trips to Hong Kong over the years has brought us closer to the lineage and our origins. We gained so much from everyone’s warmth and openness.

Bestowed by the World Head of Family Sokeship Council the most prestigious and elite Grandmaster’s council in the World. It is an amazing honor to be apart of this amazing group of skilled martial artists.
WING CHUN ACADEMY OF THE YEAR – 2017 World Head of Family Sokeship Council. You can’t buy your way into this like many other fake Hall of Fames and martial art award ceremonies. This is an Elite gathering of Worldwide Grandmasters, Masters, former special forces, military and law enforcement. Like the EUSAIMAA it is a place restricted to true high ranking recognized martial artists who have proven their worth.

TRAVELING TO TIGER MUAY THAI TO train with fighters, coaches and instructors in Muay Thai, Jiujitsu and Wrestling. Training 5 -7 hours a day in a variety of classes at Tiger Muay Thai. From striking, wrestling, no-gi jiujitsu, Muay Thai, Crossfit and more. TIGER MUAY THAI is an amazing place to train if you get the chance you should go.
Training with such high level individuals raises your overall fighting skill and prowess. Kru Warit “Ritt” Wanchai an active Muay Thai & MMA fighter with 180 fights. Took Sifu Justin Och under his belt for Muay Thai training. Training him in Real Muay Thai techniques, the rhythm and conditioning it takes. Ritt was an integral part of Sifu Justin Och training at Tiger Muay Thai. He has a great gratitude towards him.

2017 Madeira Island & Sintra Portugal. Sifu Justin Och and his Wife travel to Madeira Island and Sintra. To talk perform and record the Wing Chun forms all over the island. They also used the landscapes of Madeira Island to film the Wing Chun Kung Fu forms and applications. Which can be viewed on their youtube channel. They sought out to improve both skill, retention and business within the Martial arts. That translates into every aspect of Wing Chun Kung Fu and martial arts training as a whole. The landscape of Madeira Portugal was second to none in all the travels they have been to.

“Sifu Justin Och has had the chance to become a Sifu. Under Masters from the Ip Chun, Ip Ching, Moy Yat, and Simon Lau lineages. Teaching others that the heart of Wing Chun is not your lineage line. But rather if your Wing Chun works in practical combat. Train seriously and with all your effort. Get yourself into the mindset of being serious with your training when you’re doing it. We only have so much time to train with work, family, and obligations. So, when you train, train seriously and with intent. Don’t get me wrong; you will almost always see a smile on our faces. Having a good time, we keep things welcoming and uplifting. We are one big family here. Wing Chun is a passion for all of us, and it brings us closer together…”. — Issue No. 38 Featured Interview with Sifu Justin Och

Achieved 4th Stripe Blue Belt Jiujitsu under Jungle Mixed Martial Arts and Fitness
In 2016, Sifu Justin Och after years of training at the Jungle Mixed Martial Arts and Fitness in Orlando. Achieved his fourth stripe blue belt in jiujitsu. Training under Jiujitsu Black Belt and Pro-MMA Fighter Aaron “Coringa” Conway. Participating in private lessons each week and three times a week of group classes. In no-gi jiujitsu, power lifting, and MMA Kickboxing classes. The Jungle and its coaches and trainers are top notch and provide immense insight and skill in training students of all levels. Sifu Justin Och sought them out after his past teacher and Sifu Master Dr. Nelson Rios retired. Informing Sifu Justin Och to round out his ground game through no-gi jiujitsu classes.

5th DEGREE BLACK SASH – SANCTIONED, CERTIFIED BY THE WORLD VING TSUN ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION. – In February 2016, the World Ving Tsun Athletic Association (WVTAA) officially sanctioned, tested, and certified Sifu Justin Och, awarding him his 5th Degree Black Sash. Additionally, they presented him with the prestigious lifetime membership award into the WVTAA. With great honor, the WVTAA representatives of the Ip Man Ving Tsun Kung Fu system officially recognized Sifu Justin Och for his unwavering diligence and persistence in mastering the art of Wing Chun Kung Fu.

2016 presented to for his years of international training and contribution to the martial arts. On a personal level, passing knowledge gathered. Seeking to break lineage barriers and politics through martial art dedication. Training each year to become more knowledgeable and skilled. At the combat behind Ip Man Wing Chun Kung Fu. Without barriers or politics while uplifting dedicated good hearted people to new levels of personal confidence and family protection.

2016 after being featured in the news for the past several years for quick personal self defense. The Ledger does another article on the Sifu Och Wing Chun Kung Fu school. What it is doing in the community to uplift and assist families. Looking for a place to uplift themselves and those they care about. Anyone can get better then they we’re yesterday. In their own personal protection, situational awareness of their surroundings. Keeping in mind preventative tactics to help those you care about be a little bit safer and more confident.

2016 – After passing the World Ving Tsun full examination of Wing Chun skill. Knowledge and background training in Wing Chun Kung Fu both in the USA and Internationally. Darrell Jordan the President of the World Ving Tsun Athletic Association appointed Sifu Justin Och. As the Southeastern USA Regional Director for the World Ving Tsun Athletic Association. After passing a full assessment on the Ip Man Ving Tsun Kung Fu system. The WVTAA believes in all Ip Man Wing Chun Kung Fu system lineage lines. As Regional Director he is in charge of WVTAA affairs in Florida, Puerto Rico, Georgia, South Carolina, Alabama.

HONG KONG, CHINA – IP CHUN training Sifu Justin Och
2015 Ip Chun, eldest son of Grandmaster Ip Man training Sifu Justin Och over the month he spent in Asia. Traveling to Hong Kong, China with his wife. Master Sifu Justin Och stays for a month training in Asia. With Masters and Grandmaster’s from mainland China to France that have traveled there as well. This trip allowed Sifu Justin Och and his wife to train non-stop with levels of all ranges. Sifu Justin Och traveled to Asia to train directly with Ip Chun, eldest son of Grandmaster Ip Man. For those that know what they are doing, this experience was one of a lifetime. For hours on end the classes at the Ip Man Ving Tsun Headquarters trained, pushed, and uplifted us each day.

Previous to this I followed David Peterson for about a month. As he did seminars in London, Odense Denmark, and Manchester England. Which meant when I was in Asia for my Honeymoon. I was going to Malaysia to train with David Peterson. Who is known as the “Blueprint” of the Wong Shun Leung Lineage. Asia Headquarters for Combat WSL Ving Tsun Kung Fu. His training will give you the correct way of doing Wing Chun no matter what you’re lineage. Training students in group classes at two different locations in Malaysia. He trains students they way Wong Shun Leung. Would have wanted each and every student to be trained right before his death. Grandmaster David Peterson holds the torch lit for Wong Shun Leungs way.
Click Here to Learn More about WSL under David Peterson.

2015 Coming to Hong Kong, China. “I knew I had to visit the grave site of the great Grandmaster Ip Man. Reflecting upon how this man has changed so many lives, especially mine. The legacy he left behind has changed my life and every person I have had the chance to teach. Ip Man has played a huge role in my life. My love for the culture, heritage and legacy he left behind. ” Master Sifu Justin Och and his wife after burning incense at the site and performing the traditional bows of respect.

(2015) WFLA NEWS features Sifu Och Wing Chun
After a Female Jogger was attacked in Lakeland Florida at Lake Hollingsworth WFLA. Searched martial arts in polk county to see who teaches realistic self defense. They kept being referred to Sifu Och Wing Chun. The Attacker attempted to kidnap the woman only to be met with severe resistance. This reaction saved her life from this assailant.
They came to our studio and asked us to go through realistic self defense with their audience.
Here is the video provided by one of our students.

2016 in Mjölnir MMA, Iceland Reykjavík, Seljavegur training ground for Conor McGregor. These guys are amazingly open. Super experienced and welcoming to outsiders coming to their gym to train. Sifu Justin Och trained in the No-gi all level jiujitsu classes offered here. Great People and Highly recommended training here at Mjölnir MMA, Iceland. Super place for no-gi jiujitsu, weightlifting, mixed martial arts and bjj with a full scale MMA gym in Iceland. Mjölnir MMA has a full professional MMA cage, large brazilian jiujitsu area, boxing ring with locker rooms and sauna.

2016 Adrian Paul star of “The Highlander” came to Sifu Och Wing Chun Kung Fu studio. In Lakeland Florida after being part of our booth in Downtown Lakeland Florida’s First Friday event. Sifu Justin Och was invited to participate in the Sword Experience workshop. A 3 hour a day, 2 day seminar. Adrian Paul personal taught called the sword experience. The live action drill training a choreographed routine held at the Lakeland Civic Center. The 30th Anniversary of The Highlander had in attendance Elizabeth Gracen the love interest of Duncan Macleod. Sifu Justin Och also trained with weapon’s expert F Braun McAsh. Afternoon Knife Combat Course, it was an honor to learn from such an amazing knife master.
That night after having dinner with the Weapon Experts F Braun McAsh. “Master swordsman and knife fighting expert”. Anthony De Longis “Film Director and Fight Choreographer for Hollywood, American actor, stuntman.” They invited Sifu Justin Och, his wife, Timothy Kittelstad and brother. To train with them privately the next day in sword combat training and arnis.

In 2015 Sifu Justin Och, traveled to Hong Kong and visited Ip Ching’s classes. Observed training and practice at the Ip Man Ving Tsun Kung Fu headquarters location in Hong Kong, China.

2015 Presented to Sifu Justin Och by Soke John Kanzler of the Eastern USA International Martial Arts Association. For his continued growth, advancement and achievements in the development of community. School and self through the martial arts. His contributions have not gone unnoticed by the Council of Elders from the EUSAIMAA.
28+ YEARS MARTIAL ARTS EXPERIENCE. – in 2014 Sifu Justin Och was Presented the “5 YEAR HONOR AWARD”. For leading seminars for training international Masters, Grandmasters, Instructors, and Students at the EASTERN INTERNATIONAL U.S.A. BLACK BELT HALL OF FAME the past 5 years. Training and teaching the combat behind Ip Man Wing Chun Kung Fu. For the entire Eastern USA International Martial Arts Association. Since 2009 providing students, masters and grandmaster’s with realistic chinese self defense.

In 2014, after demonstrating exceptional dedication, Sifu Justin Och achieved a Blue Belt in jiu-jitsu under Aaron Conway at Jungle MMA and Fitness. During his years of training, he focused on no-gi jiu-jitsu, powerlifting, and MMA kickboxing. To solidified his skills and broadened his expertise. The Jungle, known for its high-caliber instruction, welcomed Sifu Justin Och as a dedicated member. With deep appreciation for the opportunities provided, he remains incredibly thankful for the coaches and instructors who supported his journey. As a result of this guidance, he continues to advance his skills in ground techniques and jiu-jitsu tactics with unwavering dedication.

CHRISTIAN SHINJA MARTIAL ARTS UNIVERSITY. – 2013 Justin Och received the Christian Martial Arts Leader of the Year. Christian Wing Chun Sifu of the Year. For his work with uplifting battered women and children as well as the community. Inducted as a Lifetime member of the Christian Shinja Martial Arts University.

E.U.S.A.I.M.A.A HALL of Fame, USA. – 2013 He was presented with this award for leading the way in international training abroad. Opening the lines between different wing chun lineage understanding. He was nominated by Grandmaster John Kanzler President and Soke of this organization.

Sifu Justin Och was named North American Wing Chun Champion. For his gold and silver medal placements in the ICMAC Wing Chun Kung Fu competitions. ICMAC is one of the largest competitions Internationally for all styles of Chinese martial arts and Kung Fu. Sifu Justin came back with Gold and Silver in multiple advanced Wing Chun Kung Fu divisions. Sifu Justin Och named North American Champion. In ADVANCED Wing Chun Kung Fu FORMS, WEAPONS and CHI SAU with awards such as.:
- Gold metals (FL & NV) 1st place in Advanced Wing Chun Forms,
- Gold and Silver metals 1st place in Advanced Wing Chun Weapons
- Silver metals (FL & NV) 2nd place in Advanced Wing Chun Chi Sau
- All of his students were awarded metals including:
- 1st place Gold for Full contact fighting San Da
- Multiple Gold and Silver metals in continuous sparring,
- Multiple Gold and Silver metals in forms, and wing chun kung fu weapons.

Sifu Justin Och and Students attended the Orlando, Florida and Las Vegas, Nevada ICMAC competitions. His students won Gold and Silver in FULL CONTACT SANDA, Continuous sparring, forms and weapons. Bringing the experience of achieving Gold and Silver in Multiple divisions. From SanDa Full Contact Sparring, Forms, weapons and more back to Lakeland Florida.

Master Sifu Joseph Man Jun Mo Wing Chun Kung Fu. Sifu Justin Och was able to do some one on one pole training with Master Joseph Man. A great school for the entire family filled with social interaction and training. There are five main areas of training in Jun Mo Wing Chun Kung Fu system. Forms, Wooden Dummy Mook Jong, Weapons, Interaction, Health and Wellness.

In 2013, David Peterson was named the Blueprint to Wong Shun Leung’s Ving Tsun Kung Fu combat system, marking a significant milestone in the Wing Chun community. Having learned many languages and studied directly under Ip Man’s top fighter, Wong Shun Leung, David Peterson now leads the Asian division for this close-quarter combat system.
Moreover, David Peterson is a wealth of knowledge, offering not only intricate details but also fun experiences and powerful structural techniques. As seen in the picture (from left to right: Sifu Justin Och, Jason Gowan, John Smith, and David Peterson), he continues to produce combative Wing Chun practitioners wherever he goes.

Sifu Justin Och traveled to London, England, Odense, Denmark, and Manchester, England, to participate in all of David Peterson’s Wong Shun Leung Ving Tsun seminars, focusing on training and fighting applications. David Peterson brings a refreshing approach and attitude to the advancement of the Wing Chun system. Specifically, his approach emphasizes the details of each section, form, and the purpose behind every technique, drill, and strike.
Furthermore, his instructors are open, welcoming, and honest, creating an environment where those with real dedication and perseverance can truly benefit from what they have to offer. During this time, Denmark Wing Chun Instructor Morten Ibsen (pictured here with Sifu Justin Och) also contributed to the learning experience. Ultimately, the training was detail-oriented and filled with friends from every walk of life and lineage, enhancing the overall experience for all involved. David Peterson is from Malaysia but traveled to provide these amazing seminars. You may start your journey with research. Look at David Peterson’s dvd’s, but this doesn’t come close to the information he and his instructors and classes have to offer. There are details that are deep within the forms, chi sau, single hand chi sau and quick combat close range fighting.
David Peterson WSL Ving Tsun seeks to improve the understanding, details and applications of every Wing Chun Kung Fu practitioner. I would highly recommend training with his Wong Shun Leung instructors. They take their training seriously. Are amazingly fun guys to hang around with; a family that wants you to truly understand Wing Chun.

Through years of intense training with former Army Ranger Master Dr. Nelson Rios, who has trained with Golden Glove boxers, practiced Muay Thai in Thailand, and studied close-quarter combatives in mainland China, Sifu Justin Och earned the prestigious Wing Chun Chinese Boxing Instructor Black Sash level achievement. Consequently, this “old school” certificate was proudly presented to him, recognizing not only his dedication but also his exceptional skill.

E.U.S.A.I.M.A.A HALL of Fame, USA
Sifu Och was proudly presented by Grandmaster John Kanzler, President of the USA Black Belt Hall of Fame, with the Honorary PhD Doctorate of Philosophy in Martial Arts. This prestigious honor was awarded after an extensive process, which involved thorough research, a comprehensive dissertation, and many years of international travel and training. As a result, these combined efforts highlighted his exceptional dedication and expertise, ultimately leading to this well-deserved recognition.
As a result, these efforts contributed significantly to his recognition and the high regard in which he is held within the martial arts community. According to John Kanzler this award program rejects upwards of 93% of the individuals that apply. It is said to be awarded to only 7% of the applicants that have been submitted through the E.U.S.A.I.M.A.A. Hall of Fame. In 2012, Sifu Justin Och became the youngest individual to ever achieve this honored award. Sifu Justin Och has not chosen to use this honorary title of Doctor, though it is a great symbol of his dedication.

At Lakeland Florida Kung Fu, Sifu Justin Och, with unwavering dedication, organizes a Wing Chun Kung Fu Chi Sau and full three-on-one combat demonstration and seminar. Furthermore, this event, held for Grandmasters and Masters from all over the world, takes place at the E.U.S.A.I.M.A.A., or Eastern U.S.A. International Martial Arts Association Global Leadership Conference. Consequently, it provides an excellent opportunity for martial artists to learn, share knowledge, and grow together. Moreover, always seeking to improve the combat skills of his students and others worldwide, Sifu Justin Och’s Lakeland Kung Fu studio is, consequently, internationally recognized as one of the greatest centers for advanced training.

With huge respect to Philipp Bayer, this man is a force of speed, knowledge and dynamic power in Wing Chun fighting. Want to know how to fight with Ving Tsun (Wing Chun), then Philipp Bayer is the man you need to train with. Sifu Justin Och stays in Germany and, as part of his unwavering commitment to training, travels to Zurich, Switzerland to attend a Wing Chun Kung Fu seminar. Moreover, this seminar, held by the Wong Shun Leung Grandmaster Philipp Bayer, who is stationed out of Germany, offers invaluable insights into the art, further enhancing his understanding and mastery of Wing Chun. Furthermore, Grandmaster Philipp Bayer is a proven fighter and Wing Chun Kung Fu Grandmaster, and his street application and fighting abilities are clearly evident.
Sifu Justin Och flew in and attended the Basel, Switzerland powerhouse three to four day seminar with over fifteen hours of training with Grandmaster Philipp Bayer and his instructors such as Master Gery Cahenzli, Master Daniel Engelberger, Instructor Gökhan Bakir as well as other instructors and Wong Shun Leung students attending. Anyone fortunate enough to travel and be a part of one of these seminars under Grandmaster Philipp Bayer will call themselves lucky. Grandmaster Philipp Bayer was a very open man who welcomed Chi Sau or sparring with anyone.

Gery Cahenzli was extremely good in Ving Tsun. He was also one of the nicest people to be around. Willing to test and confidently demonstrate the power and precision of the Ving Tsun system, Master Gery Cahenzli does so effortlessly, always with a smile on his face. Furthermore, I was fortunate enough to form a friendship with one of Grandmaster Philipp Bayer’s finest practitioners, Master Gery Cahenzli, from the Black Dragon Ving Tsun/Wing Chun Academy in Luzern and Zurich. With a strong background in fighting, Master Gery Cahenzli is a former Hell’s Angel who not only respects but also deeply understands real combat. Additionally, over 20 years ago, he began his Ving Tsun (also known as Wing Chun) journey under the instruction of Grandmaster Philipp Bayer.
Master Gery Cahenzli didn’t believe it. A year ago when Sifu Justin Och said he would be back since they had only met for an hour. Yet, he was genuinely happy to receive him. Moreover, Gery Cahenzli maintains a fighting mindset, as he strongly emphasizes teaching his students the real street applications and ensuring they truly excel. Additionally, Sifu Justin Och continued his training under Grandmaster Philipp Bayer’s Master Gery Cahenzli at the Black Dragon Ving Tsun (Wing Chun) Academy in both Luzern and Zurich.

WSL instructor Gökhan Bakir under Gery Cahenzli (right photo with Sifu Justin Och) Any questions asked were welcomed and wanted whether Gery Cahenzli had the answer or not he was always open and honest. Master Gery Cahenzli closely follows the exact teachings of his Grandmaster Philipp Bayer, while giving immense respect and honor to both Grandmaster Bayer and all those he instructs within and beyond his school.
Furthermore, the Wong Shun Leung System, as taught by these instructors, remains an incredibly powerful fighting art, with its focus always on the “applicable” concepts of the Ving Tsun system. During my visit, Master Gery Cahenzli graciously invited me to live and stay in his home for three weeks, as we traveled back and forth between his schools in Zurich and Luzern. During this entire time in Zurich and Luzern, Switzerland I trained daily in private lessons and group classes only taking a brief break to take a train into Paris, France.
Even though we had only met for one hour over a year before this, he invited me into his house, cooked me lunch and dinner and even gave me a key to his school for the time I was there. This is not something typical that any Master would do, or even had to do, but Master Gery Cahenzli said he watched me act, react, spar and from knowing me last year to this he had a feeling about me and had the time and space to give, so why not.
Though I paid him for his time, housing and food Master Gery Cahenzli opened up more than just his home, family and school he opened a friendship and a respect that I hope to have and keep for many many years. Master Gery Cahenzli is a extremely courteous, open, friendly and welcoming instructor. He, Gökhan Bakir and the other students helped train me in the Philipp Bayer Wong Shun Leung System while I was there. Master Gery Cahenzli is genuinely dedicated to ensuring that you learn the entire system. For anyone willing to travel or residing within the Zurich/Luzern, Switzerland area, training with this great Ving Tsun instructor is highly recommended.

While training in Switzerland, Sifu Justin Och took a train into Paris, France where he met up with Sifu Didder Beddar who is a friendly Wing Chun Kung Fu and Brazilian Jiujitsu Instructor under Gracie BJJ Brazilian Jiu-jitsu and William Chueng Wing Chun. Sifu Didder Beddar incorporates the fast hand striking of Wing Chun with the powerful ground applications of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. During the few days I stayed in Paris, France, Sifu Didder Beddar and his instructors warmly welcomed me into their school. I am truly grateful for their hospitality and friendship. On the last day Sifu Didder Beddar gave Sifu Justin Och a parting gift, a DVD on Sifu Didder Beddar’s aspects within the Wing Chun system.

Sifu Justin Och traveled to Chicago to visit Sifu Thomas Baldwin, a seasoned practitioner with over 20 years of experience in the Ip Man Wing Chun system under Grandmaster Steve Lee Swift. Furthermore, Sifu Baldwin’s lineage is deeply rooted in the teachings of Simon Lau, Ip Ching, Ip Chun, and briefly under Wong Shun Leung. As a result, his expertise is vast and well-respected. Additionally, as an old friend and a highly respected instructor in the Wing Chun Kung Fu system, Sifu Thomas Baldwin continues to make a significant impact in Chicago. He is also an old training partner who now trains pro-athletes, actors, fighters, business professionals, and fitness instructors located all over the U.S.A. A Chicago native and proponent for an extremely healthy lifestyle, Sifu Thomas Baldwin teaches internal and external balance within life.
Growing up, fully aware of how tough the streets can be, Sifu Thomas Baldwin found focus and direction through Wing Chun, appreciating its calming and reactive nature. As a result, he now trains and educates high-end clients on a referral basis, sharing the discipline and wisdom he has gained throughout his journey.

Lakeland Florida USA 2012 – This article featured the Sifu Och Wing Chun Kung Fu school and why Polk County residents should come down to see what this martial art school is all about.
INTERNATIONAL ACHIEVEMENT AWARD PITTSBURG, PENNSYLVANIA –In 2011, at the E.U.S.A.I.M.A.A. Eastern U.S.A. International Martial Arts Association Global Leadership Conference, Sifu Justin Och was presented with this prestigious award. This recognition, therefore, was for his unwavering dedication to training and traveling, which allowed him to bring the entire Wing Chun Kung Fu system into one location. Furthermore, this achievement was significant because it was accomplished free from the restrictions of politics or lineage. Consequently, Sifu Och was able to foster a more unified understanding of the art. Standing proudly in the photo next to Grandmaster Sifu Rome of the Hung Gar system, Sifu Och is seen alongside his good friend and mentor. This moment symbolizes the unity and shared respect between different martial arts traditions, further highlighting the strength of collaboration across diverse practices.

EASTERN INTERNATIONAL U.S.A. BLACK BELT HALL OF FAME – In 2011, Sifu Och and his ranked instructors traveled to Pittsburgh to attend the Eastern International U.S.A. Black Belt Hall of Fame. They were invited by President Grandmaster John Kanzler to conduct a Wing Chun seminar and demonstration for the hundreds of Masters and Grandmasters in attendance. As a result, this opportunity allowed Sifu Och to showcase Wing Chun to international instructors from around the world. In response, Sifu Justin Och eagerly embraced this incredible opportunity to showcase Wing Chun to international instructors from around the world, further solidifying his commitment to promoting the art and its effectiveness. This invitation provided a unique platform for Sifu Och to demonstrate the effectiveness of Wing Chun and connect with martial artists from diverse backgrounds.
In addition, the seminar included a dynamic demonstration of Wing Chun techniques, effectively countering roundhouses, rapid hooks, front kicks, jabs, uppercuts, and spinning back fists. This powerful display not only demonstrated Wing Chun’s versatility but also its practicality in real-world combat situations. Additionally, Sifu Och’s seminar highlighted active combat scenarios and showcased effective, direct counter-attacks to these challenging techniques. During this seminar, he also taught these instructors a few combinations against varying attacks using Wing Chun.

Standing next to close friend Master King Eric of Art In Motion Karate Sifu Justin Och. Before the seminar was at a close, Sifu Och was asked by the President to do another seminar the following year. Counsel members, Masters and Grandmasters from all over the world came up afterward saying it was one of the most effective street fighting seminars they have had. Grandmaster Michael Kinney (shown at top right) approached Sifu Justin Och after the seminar with friendship and a gift.
He placed a patch in Sifu Och’s hand and held it, saying “before you take this know that I almost never give this to anyone unless I believe they are an exceptional fighter and a person with the highest respect and honor. After watching you today and hearing from Dr. Don McNatt I know you are both. ” Each year Grandmaster Michael Kinney puts on a seminar that empowers the youth and adults with proper knowledge and instruction. His seminars bring the thought to instructors all over the world “Do your young black belts have the ability to defend themselves against an adult in anything practical? If not, why are they black belts?” Grandmaster Michael Kinney is a friend and veteran practitioner of the combat fighting arts and I am happy to know him.

Sifu Justin Och traveled to Louisville, Kentucky, where he met Sifu Rod of the Louisville Kentucky Wing Tsun Kung Fu Centre, a friendly and accomplished instructor who has trained under Emin Bostepe, Ling Ting, and Allen Fong throughout his long Wing Chun Kung Fu career. Training individuals in the Louisville Kentucky area in both private lessons, group classes in all levels of understanding and self defense.

2011 Sifu Justin Och was also awarded in 2011 “Certificate of Appreciation” for his charity work with the Peace River Center; a non-for profit women’s and children’s battery shelter that works with women and children’s safety, domestic violence, rape, battery, verbal and psychological abuse. From 2006 to the present day, Sifu Justin Och has consistently hosted bi-monthly open houses. Public seminars, free women’s self-defense seminars, and community awareness meetings. Over time, these events have played a key role in fostering a sense of community while empowering individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge.
Consequently, these events are all aimed at enhancing the self-defense skills of anyone who may want or need them. As a result, they ensure that individuals from all walks of life have access to valuable knowledge and practical techniques. Whether you are in Polk County or any surrounding districts Sifu Och has and wants you and your family in a state of better health, awareness and heightened protection.
LONDON, ENGLAND IP CHUN WING CHUN – 2011 While on his trip in London, England Sifu Och visited the Simon Lau Wing Chun school. Did private training with Ip Chun and Ip Ching Instructor Riaz Hossenbux (Sifu Riaz). Sifu Raiz Hossenbux welcomed Sifu Justin Och into his home, showing him both family and school training grounds. Sifu Raiz Hossenbux’s training and focus in Wing Chun center on the concept of relaxation to tension power and speed, which is a hallmark of the detailed teachings under the Ip Ching and Ip Chun system.

He had suggested via email two people under his instruction that Sifu Justin Och should visit while in London. Dan Knight and Sifu Leo Au Yeung, who combines Wing Chun with Tai Chi and Hung Gar, were instrumental in expanding Sifu Justin Och’s understanding. During his trip, Sifu Och had the opportunity to train in Wing Chun group classes with Samuel Kwok. Additionally, Instructor Dan Knight extended an invitation to Sifu Och to join them for the training sessions. (Dan Knight is shown in the right picture with Sifu Justin Och.)

In 2011, Sifu Justin Och had the valuable opportunity to visit with Master Desmond Spencer. Of the Wong Shun Leung Lineage under Grandmaster Philipp Bayer, as well as a few of his students. This experience, therefore, truly opened his eyes to various drills, avenues, and innovative ways of using Wing Chun. As a result, it expanded his understanding and significantly enhanced his approach to the martial art.
Master Desmond Spencer from London, England always has a smile on his face. He is so excited about Ving Tsun you cannot help but get excited yourself! To each of their classes, they were eager to teach and assist him in any way possible. In doing so, they truly opened the Ving Tsun door and warmly introduced him to the world of the Wong Shun Leung system, all with smiles and enthusiasm. Moreover, by training under the Wong Shun Leung Ving Tsun Kung Fu system. Master Spencer and his students are able to pass along their passion and fierce dedication to their students in London, England.
Master Desmond Spencer possesses both the passion and knowledge to elevate practitioners of all levels to new heights. He is truly blessed with a warm heart, alongside a powerful fighting application that enhances his teaching.
With much respect to these great and welcoming instructors in Europe. Sifu Justin Och expresses his deep gratitude to each one for their open hearts and minds.
Furthermore, Sifu Och firmly believes that only by understanding the full art of Wing Chun can one truly excel in reaching the full potential that this amazing martial art offers. In doing so, he has made lasting friendships with practitioners from various lineages within the Wing Chun Kung Fu system.

2011 Sifu Justin Och travelled to London, England and had group classes and many personal private lessons with Master Sifu Leo Au Yeung while in London, England. Sifu Leo Au Yeung, who served as the fight coordinator for the Ip Man movie, was an instructor under Ip Ching, Ip Chun, and Samuel Kwok, who personally recommended him. Master Leo Au Yeung was extremely friendly and helpful, going so far as to pick Sifu Och up from the airport and assist in finding him a hotel. Always welcoming Master Leo Au Yeung’s approach to Wing Chun is a relaxed soft style martial art that is very quick to respond and react with power and structure. On the last day, Master Leo Au Yeung had Sifu Justin Och test his skills in Chi Sau and Wrist Sparring one last time against one of his advanced level Chinese students.
After which Master Leo Au Yeung took Sifu Justin Och aside and congratulated him on his ability and skills to use his Wing Chun Kung Fu in a real life combative situation. Master Leo Au Yeung gave a gift to Sifu Justin Och before he left, two pieces from the Ip Man movie that were only handed to cast and crew members. Sifu Och considers Master Leo Au Yeung a friend and great teacher and looks forward to the next time he is in London, England.

Sifu Och began traveling to Wing Chun Kung Fu schools across London, Switzerland, and throughout Europe, passing through Italy and Germany. During his first visit to Switzerland, Sifu Justin Och arrived in Basel, where he had the opportunity to visit Sifu Daniel Engelberger. This brief introduction to the WSL Philipp Bayer Wong Shun Leung lineage and school proved to be a valuable experience. In addition, it offered profound insights into the system’s principles and techniques. Pictured from left to right are Daniel Engelberger, Sifu Justin Och, Gery Cahenzli, along with other members of the WSL Ving Tsun Kung Fu community, all of whom contributed significantly to making this experience not only memorable but also deeply insightful.

Later Sifu Justin Och touched hands in Chi Sau with Nic Carter a 27 year veteran from the Wong Shun Leung (WSL) lineage. Nic Carter is a extremely well versed and great Master. Just touching hands, you can feel the rooting, structure and power this man has built within him. Nic Carter suggested his friend Sifu Daniel Schaufelberger who he said was even better than himself and used to train with Sifu Daniel Engelberger from the Wong Shun Leung (WSL) lineage. Master Nic Carter brought Sifu Justin Och to the Basel, Switzerland school.

Ving Tsun under Sifu Sabine Schmutz under the Wong Shun Leung (WSL) lineage and Sifu Daniel Schaufelberger under the Barry Lee and Wong Shun Leung (WSL) Lineage. After speaking with both of them and being introduced, Sifu Justin Och was able to pay and train for several hours of private training with Sifu Daniel Schaufelberger in the basement training grounds of their Ving Tsun Kwoon in Basel, Switzerland. Sifu Daniel Schaufelberger had the privilege of meeting and training directly with Wong Shun Leung through various seminars and events. During these sessions, he not only had insightful conversations with Wong Shun Leung. Also demonstrated his kicks, forms, theories, drills, and applications, further deepening his understanding of the system.Sifu Daniel Schaufelberger even allowed Sifu Och to tape and record him doing these drills before he left.
Sifu Justin Och also met up with Sifu Daniel Schaufelberger, who trains under Barry Lee & Wong Shun Leung, as well as Sifu Sabine Schmutz in Basel, Switzerland. They are both teaching Ving Tsun Kung Fu from a single location in Basel, Switzerland, where they continue to share their expertise and passion for the art.
On the last day before Sifu Och left to come back to the U.S., he was able to visit with Master Gery Cahenzli from Luzern and Zurich Switzerland under Grandmaster Philipp Bayer of the Wong Shun Leung (WSL) lineage. Sifu Justin Och scheduled a private lesson with Master Gery Cahenzli and, despite the long journey, took a 1.5+ hour train ride to reach him. During this session, Master Gery Cahenzli, without hesitation, demonstrated his power, ability, and capabilities within the Ving Tsun (Wing Chun) system, showcasing his expertise and deep understanding of the art. A strong demonstration of Wong Shun Leung rooting, Chi Sau and dynamic striking and control all with a smile on both Master Gery Cahenzli and Sifu Justin Och’s face. Sifu Och knew he would want to make plans to come back and train there again; and one year later he did.

Sifu Justin Och was able to get together with practitioners from the powerful Wong Shun Leung System of fighting and individuals that trained directly with the family members of Ip Man; including his sons (Ip Ching and Ip Chun) and even visited instructors from the Lo Man Kam Lineage.
While in Switzerland, Sifu Och took a train into Zurich to meet one such instructor and visited with Sifu Mike Felder of the Lo Man Kam lineage in Zurich, Switzerland. Sifu Mike Felder demonstrated a deep and detailed understanding of the Wooden Dummy, while also highlighting key differences in Chi Sau and lineage-based fighting applications. Furthermore, Lo Man Kam, the maternal nephew of Grandmaster Ip Man, was one of the first three students that Ip Man accepted for Wing Chun training. Known for his integrated and proactive approach to Wing Chun, Lo Man Kam has significantly contributed to the development and spread of this martial art.

In 2011, Sifu Cornelia Lenzin, a seasoned twelve-year female Wing Chun instructor under the Leung Ting lineage, with her own school and students, began training under the Wan Kam Leung lineage in China. She makes yearly trips back and forth to China, continuously expanding her knowledge through both private and group class training. During one of these trips, Sifu Cornelia Lenzin graciously welcomed Sifu Justin Och to her Ving Tsun Kung Fu school, where she demonstrated the unique forms and combinations specific to her lineage and training. Furthermore, Sifu Cornelia went as far as highlighting the differences between her twelve years of training under the Leung Ting system and what she is currently practicing in the Wan Kam Leung system. Both enjoyed sharing knowledge and insights about each other’s styles, appreciating the unique differences in their respective practices.

Graduating Valedictorian top of his class ith a Bachelor’s in Science/Computer Visual Technology. Sifu Justin Och subsequently sought out a Master’s in Alternative Medicine. After nearly two years of interning 3-4 days a week for 8-10 hours a day under Dr. Nelson Rios, a Master Herbologist, Iridologist, Microscopist, and Alternative Medicine Doctor. Sifu Justin Och then advanced his education by taking classes at Regan University and the International Holistic Institute. As a result, he achieved his Advanced Natural Health certifications in Advanced Herbology, Advanced Iridology, and Nutritional Health.

EASTERN INTERNATIONAL U.S.A. BLACK BELT HALL OF FAME – In 2010, it should be noted that one cannot apply, self-nominate, or pay to gain entry into the Eastern U.S.A. International Black Belt Hall of Fame. Instead, a person can only be sponsored by a high-standing member, who requests that your skills and achievements be carefully assessed by the council of the Eastern U.S.A. International Black Belt Hall of Fame. If the council reviews and approves the sponsors request, then one is inducted but every year the council retains the right to remove him/her from the Eastern U.S.A. International Black Belt Hall of Fame if they find that his or her skills or achievements are not Hall of Fame material.
Grandmaster Dr. Don McNatt joined Sifu Och’s school, initially keeping his extensive 60-year Shotokan background a secret from Sifu Justin Och. Over the years, Dr. McNatt had trained under notable masters such as Sensei Fumio Nagaoka, Sensei Hitoshi Akiyama, and M. Nakayama. Additionally, he was personally friends with renowned figures like K. Enoeda, Y. Yaguchi, T. Mikami, and H. Shirai. Notably, he also served as Captain of the first foreigner team at the 1963 All Japan Karate Championship Tokyo Tournament. After a year Grandmaster Dr. Don McNatt told Sifu Justin Och who he was and that he had been watching him closely and saw Justin Och’s speed and fighting within the school as well as how he teaches and cares for his students and wanted to sponsor him into the Eastern USA International Black Belt Hall of Fame.
Sifu Justin Och received the prestigious Inspirational Leadership in Combative Wing Chun Kung Fu award from the Eastern USA International Black Belt Hall of Fame. This honor, in fact, recognized his relentless dedication to preserving and advancing the combative nature, protective techniques, and fighting concepts of the Ip Man Wing Chun Kung Fu style. Furthermore, his unwavering commitment to continuously deepening his knowledge and instilling these essential principles in others ultimately earned him this distinguished accolade.

Sifu Justin Och traveled to Washington, DC, during a vacation and took the opportunity to visit and connect with Sifu Samuel Harris at his Wing Chun Kung Fu School, which follows the Moy Yat lineage. Although the visit was brief, Sifu Justin Och cherished the opportunity to spend time with Sifu Samuel Harris and establish a friendly connection. Though Sifu Samuel Harris was a wealth of technical knowledge and historical information on the Wing Chun Kung Fu system.
“Sifu Samuel Harris he is a wealth of historical knowledge on the Wing Chun Kung Fu system. I could listen to Sifu Samuel Harris speak about Wing Chun for hours and never get bored“ Master Sifu Justin Och

EASTERN U.S.A. INTERNATIONAL BLACK BELT HALL OF FAME – In 2009, Sifu Justin Och was honored as National Instructor of the Year by the Eastern U.S.A. International Black Belt Hall of Fame during its annual meeting in Pittsburgh. This recognition was awarded for his outstanding contributions to the Polk County community in Florida, as well as for developing an in-depth student curriculum. In fact, this curriculum has taken over six years to design and, to this day, continues to be refined and improved, ensuring it meets the evolving needs of students. Keeping the purity of Wing Chun Kung Fu while constantly finding new ways of teaching and educating students to gain a higher and higher understanding and skill of the art Wing Chun Kung Fu.
“The art of Wing Chun does not change, but the way we teach it has a thousand ways and angles to get to the student. As teachers, we are always seeking the best way to make our students stronger, better, faster and more knowledgeable practitioners of this amazing Ip Man Wing Chun style” – Master Sifu Och

2009 – Sifu Justin Och starts his Alternative Medicine internship under Master Dr. Nelson Rios who is a Master Herbologist, Master Iridologist, Nutritional Specialist and Applied Kinesiologist. Traveling to Kissimmee, Florida and training 3-4 days a week 8-9 hours a day. This internship of understanding, mentoring and instruction under Master Dr. Nelson Rios would last for over a year and a half. During this time Sifu Justin Och also takes courses at the Regan University and the International Holistic Institute for Natural Medicine and Herbology.

Under Master Dr. Nelson Rios 2009 . Master Dr. Nelson Rios spent 16+ years under the Ip Man Lineage of Moy Yat with Jacky Tsang. Afterwards training with Grandmaster Steve Lee Swift of the Ip Man lineage under Ip Chun, Ip Ching, Simon Lau. Trained and tested Sifu Justin Och for the 4th and Final Level test of the Black and Gold Sash. Master Dr. Nelson Rios also trained in Hong Kong, Macau and Main Land China. He tested Sifu Justin Och in all of the following; Dragon Pole (long pole), Bart Chum Dao (wing chun butterfly swords), Dragon Pole fighting -vs- Dragon Pole, Bart Chum Dao Wing Chun Butterfly Swords fighting -vs- Dragon Pole.
All Chi Sau combinations, along with Don Chi Sau paired with fighting combinations, were extensively practiced to refine technique and precision. Additionally, Bong Lop drills integrated with fighting combinations and Chi Gerk sparring sessions were rigorously incorporated to enhance combat readiness. Furthermore, free fighting and sparring sessions, as well as wrist-vs-wrist techniques, were meticulously honed to improve adaptability and responsiveness. During this period, all three empty-hand forms—Siu Nim Tau, Chum Kium, and Biu Jee—were thoroughly practiced to ensure mastery of foundational movements.
Moreover, the Wooden Dummy Mook Jong Ip Man form, along with Muk Yan Jong freestyle applications, was diligently studied. Equally important, the Long Pole and Sword forms received focused attention to solidify proficiency in weapon-based techniques. Around this same time, Sifu Och also began training in Chinese grappling and no-gi jiujitsu under the esteemed guidance of Master Dr. Nelson Rios, thereby broadening his martial arts expertise. Additionally, he briefly trained in no-gi jiujitsu under Beto Nunes, a close friend and highly respected 2nd-degree Jiujitsu Black Belt based in Gainesville, Florida. I am incredibly thankful to all these great men and martial artists for their guidance and inspiration.

Under Grandmaster Swift 2009 – Sifu Justin Och trained under Grandmaster Steve Lee Swift since 1999 taking both group and private lessons whenever available. He was the second person in the history of Grandmaster Steve Lee Swift’s Wing Chun Kung Fu teaching career to achieve the last and final testing level of Black and Gold Sash Sifu Level under Grandmaster Steve Lee Swift.
Grandmaster Steve Lee Swift proudly stated that, without a doubt, Sifu Justin Och achieved this milestone with flying colors, as he exceeded all requirements and expectations. As a result, he bestowed upon Sifu Justin Och the honor of attaining the highest level available in the Ip Man system under Grandmaster Swift’s lineage (Simon Lau, Ip Ching, Ip Chun), thus awarding him the prestigious Black & Gold Sash.

In 2009 Sifu Justin Och passed his final the last and final exam offered under Grandmaster Steve Lee Swift. Testing in the full system including Dragon Pole (long pole) form, Bart Chum Dao (wing chun butterfly swords) form, Dragon Pole fighting -vs- Dragon Pole, Bart Chum Dao Wing Chun Butterfly Swords fighting -vs- Dragon Pole.
Previously, the full system test included all Chi Sau combinations, Don Chi Sau (with fighting combinations), Bong Lop (with fighting combinations), Chi Gerk sparring, free fighting, and sparring. Additionally, it covered wrist-vs-wrist techniques, all three empty-hand forms (Siu Nim Tau, Chum Kium, Biu Jee), the Wooden Dummy Mook Jong Ip Man form, Muk Yan Jong freestyle, and both the Long Pole and Sword forms. As time has passed contact has been lost with Grandmaster Swift but I will always remember my training fondly, with honor and admiration.
After looking into several Ip Man Wing Chun Kung Fu schools he found Grandmaster Steve Lee Swift one of the best in the U.S., an extremely fast and effective Wing Chun fighter. Upon the first day of enrollment, Justin Och made a vow to achieve the highest levels of Wing Chun possible, open a Wing Chun Kung Fu School, continue his training while uplifting the advanced protection of others within the art and try his best to bring honor to the art of Wing Chun.
Sifu Justin Och started doing more research and kept coming back to Wing Chun. Though it sounded too good to be practical. He read about the trapping, the extremely fast hands, and the structured footwork. So many systems were unrealistic to him, martial arts that stretch before everything (where is that going to happen on the street he asked himself?), touch sparring and the like; he wanted something very realistic.
Justin Och wanted a style that he could use even if he was in a weakened state from age or accident. He wanted a style he could one day teach to keep women, children and men protected like he was able to so many years before. A style that was scientifically based, used minimal effort for maximum results and could be used against any style or system he might face. A system that taught how to stop other martial art attacks on your system and how to not only defend against them but how to counter-attack them.

(Trained Privately) 2007 – Justin Och trained in privately under Grandmaster Lee of Chen Style Tai Chi who learned from the Chen Family in China. Grandmaster Lee was also a previous Wing Chun instructor but was now strictly training the Chen Style of Fighting with Tai Chi. This private training would continue for a year and a half until he had to move. Grandmaster Lee significantly opened Sifu Justin Och’s eyes to the benefits and hidden meanings within the martial arts, emphasizing that these meanings are only hidden from those who do not yet know or fully understand them.
Sifu Justin Och was proudly awarded the prestigious title of Wing Chun Kung Fu Assistant Instructor of the Year by the “Grandmaster Sokeship Council,” which, as a result, recognized his dedication and excellence as an Assistant Instructor under Grandmaster Steve Lee Swift.
In addition to his martial arts achievements, Justin Och excelled academically. In 2001, he graduated as Valedictorian from ITT Technical Institute with a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Visual Technology and Science, achieving an impressive GPA of 3.98.

Previous training to 2001 – Sifu Justin Och trains in Shotokan Karate, Kempo Karate, and Taekwondo eventually attaining a black belt. Sifu Justin Och’s passion for the martial arts started when he was eight years old but was solidified when he turned fourteen. Growing up, he trained in Shotokan Karate, Kempo Karate and Taekwondo in which he eventually attained a black belt. For years he practiced until the point of utter exhaustion to bring out the best he could from his Japanese and Korean martial arts training. At fourteen, when a very drunk assailant saw Och, the man rushed at him. The assailant was throwing fist after fist as Och fell back pressed against a wall.
Och must have had some type of higher power around him because without thinking, and to his amazement he started blocking all of the assailant’s attacks. Using the “star block system” taught to him by a previous instructor, Och blocked and deflected each punch hearing them hit the wall behind his head. The assailant eventually gave up and walked away cursing and swearing. Though Och never hit him back, the fight was done. On that day, Och’s training and insecurity met reality and his love for realistic martial arts deepened.

Past Training
Sifu Justin Och started training when he was 8 years old in Kenpo Karate, later training in Shotokan Karate, and Taekwondo. Through high school he continued to train and got into several altercations that he tried to walk away from but became inevitable. Each time Justin Och reacted differently and directly. For some reason, his Japanese and Korean martial arts training was not coming out like he trained in these altercations but instead close range tactics that were reactions not associated with his current understanding of trained combat emerged. Looking back now Och understood that what he was doing was known as Wing Chun chain punches, faak sau’s, paak sau strikes and low wing chun “shadow” kicks.
With all the training he had, Sifu Justin Och wasn’t using it when he was in the midst of the fight. At first he thought he was just becoming confident about what he had been trained in within his old styles. Other schools made you wait until you were years into the system until you could learn something truly effective. In 1999 and 2000 video sharing sites didn’t exist and in order to see a martial art or school you had to travel down and train. Och eventually had more trial uniforms in his closet from all the schools he visited than he did his own clothes.

To this day, Sifu Justin Och has, indeed, kept his word by accomplishing each of these goals. Furthermore, he continues to learn and grow, both for himself and for all those who seek advanced protection. In 2009, under this Grandmaster, Sifu Justin Och attained the final level of Black and Gold Sash in Wing Chun Kung Fu. Though, as fate would have it, after many years, contact has unfortunately been lost with Grandmaster Swift. He will always remember his training fondly, with honor and admiration for this Instructor and Grandmaster. With much admiration for his teacher, Grandmaster Steve Lee Swift.
Justin Och now travels the world training with others in Wing Chun.

Sifu Justin Och is the Regional Director for the World Ving Tsun Association Entire Southestern Board, Women’s History Month Proclamation from the Mayor & City of Lakeland to Sifu Och Wing Chun, 2021 Promoted to 6th Degree Black Sash, Master of the Year Wing Chun, Wing Chun Academy of the Year, National Wing Chun Instructor of the Year, International Rank Achievement, Inspirational Leader of Combat Wing Chun, World Ving Tsun Association Lifetime member, Inspirational Contribution to the Martial Arts, Honorary PHD Doctorate in Philosophy, International Rank & Training Achievement, World Head of Family Sokeship Council Assistant Instructor of the Year (to the Grandmaster award), Molum Combat Arts Honor Society Yap Suk Dai Ji (Discipleship) Award, Shinja Christian Martial Arts Lifetime member, Christian Martial Arts Leadership Award
Winner of the Lakeland Ledgers Best of the Best, 2025, 2024 & 2023 finalist, 2022 winner, 2021 winner, 2020 winner, 2018 winner, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016 Winner of Lakeland Ledgers Best of the Best Martial Arts schools, Created Florida 1st Multi-Lineage Wing Chun Gathering, North American Wing Chun Champion in Advanced Division International Chinese Martial Arts Competition, Certified Advanced Herologist, Iridologist, Nutritional Specialist, Trainer of Full Contact Gold Metal Sanda Fighters, Gold & Silver Medalist in Advanced Wing Chun Weapons, Chi Sau, and Forms, Internationally traveled and trained Ip Man Wing Chun Instructor certified under 4 Ip Man Lineages, Contributing writer to Wing Chun Illustrated, Featured on Fox 13 News, WFLA News, Featured in Ledger New Media & Focus Media Group