Afterschool Kung Fu Fun

When it comes to teaching children anything it can be either a complete drag, or the most fun you will have the whole day. Your attitude will determine whether or not the clock will slowly inch it’s way to the next minute or run out before you realize class is done. I will explain here in Afterschool Kung Fu Fun the three ‘E’s  to actually enjoy teaching a kids class no matter the age.

Afterschool Kung Fu Fun

Establish Discipline

Lakeland little lions kids preschool martial arts kickboxing karate kung fu ages 3 - 5 years oldThe first thing that must be done is to establish a line of discipline with the student’s. Without discipline there will be utter chaos in the class. No matter how fun the class is there will always be some sort of disruption. In my article Afterschool Martial Arts: Showing You Care I explain in details a few details about establishing discipline. Understanding the line between fear and respect is crucial. Contrary to belief you cannot force someone to respect you. You can make them act a certain which may be perceived as respect.


Respect is only achieved when the student’s know that you truly care about them. “People don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care.” This is a phrase I live by. Before class starts I try to speak to as many of them as possible. I can build individual relationships with them and they can connect with me. We build trust and respect this way.

Embrace Your Inner Kid

Once you have established your discipline your class will go much smoother than without. A focused energy rises in the class when discipline is held across the room. You must capitalize on this energy. To use it you must embrace your inner child. If your 12 year old self were to be in this class what would make it fun? Answer that question over and over and you will find you are making new and exciting ways to do drills. You will find yourself looking forward to class. It becomes a chance to really have fun with your class.

By “becoming a kid” again you’ll see that you have the ability to take the same workouts and put a new spin one them that the kids will love. A perfect example is around Christmas time. At Sifu Och Wing Chun we have the kids to military crawl for part of the warm. The spin I tell them is that they are the Grinch and they have to sneak through the house without getting caught. Another fun warm up spin is something I call “ninja mode”. The students pretend to be ninjas while I give them instructions. Whether it is running quietly or jumping to avoid the incoming “sword”. They are able to get a good workout hidden under the guise of pretend.

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Explain Quickly

The last thing that must be done is crucial. You must learn to be efficient with your explanations. Since their young minds have trouble focusing you must be potent with your talks. Clear and concise are your best friends. If you are able to explain techniques quickly you can spend more time drilling, working on their focus and persistence. Long explanations can also wear them out. While you don’t want to skimp on good info you have to find the balance or their little legs won’t be able to handle standing still for too long.


To wrap things up. Three keys to having a good kids class: Establish discipline, Embrace your inner kid, and Explain quickly. If you can put all of these things together you will really enjoy teaching your kids class no matter the age.


Afterschool Martial Arts: Showing You Care

“People don’t care what you know until they know that you care”. That statement has never been more true then when it comes to dealing with kids. Children these days have a serious struggle with staying focused. Lack of focused is compounded in a class setting. As an instructor we must take every advantage to maintain our student’s focus. One of the biggest ways to help them maintain their focus is helping them understand how much you really care about them. In this article, Afterschool Martial Arts: Showing You Care, I will go over some tips on how to accomplish that.

Afterschool Martial Arts: Showing You Care

Mat Chats

Mat chats are a great way to intentionally impart wisdom to the next generation. At the Sifu Och Wing Chun and Just Dance Afterschool and Summer Camp Classes we take 5-10 minutes every class to sit and talk to our students. Each month we go over new concepts to help them grow as people. This can range from peer pressure to manners. These mat chats are not lectures. They are a time to engage with your students and listen to their responses. Getting them to open up to you shows them that they can trust you. When you listen to their responses you are leading by example. By showing them how to listen respectfully they can see what it means be respectful.

Little Lions preschool martial arts

Listening When Disciplining

Many times I have seen, and experienced, instructors in martial arts and sports doing blind discipline. A child acts up and immediately they are jumped on and made to do some form of work out for a disciplinary action. Before moving forward let me confirm that discipline is key, without it classes are chaos and nothing is accomplished. However, maintaining discipline is a two sided coin. True discipline is achieved when the student is maintaining discipline out of respect, not fear. I accomplish this in my classes by taking the student’s aside that are acting up and talking to them.

When I have engaged a student I seek to explain to them my point of view. Helping them understand why I am pulling them out of class or off to the side. What I am trying to accomplish is to show the child that I have perceived a wrong has been committed. And then due to that perception something must be done about it. I then allow the child to explain himself. Allow him to share why he was acting up or not staying focused. Most of the time there is no good reason and proceed to explain why I must discipline the child. However, there are times where the child was not deserving of punishment.

Lakeland little lions kids preschool martial arts kickboxing karate kung fu ages 3 - 5 years old

To Punish Or Not To Punish

Many times when speaking to the children I have found that outside factors played a big role in their distraction or outburst. If they are having a hard time focusing on their training sometimes it leads back to family or school problems. In that scenario I have the chance to teach them another lesson. This can be anything from perseverance in a hard time to forgiving a friend for doing something wrong to them. In any case a punishment would have only hurt their growth.

Most of the time, unfortunately, the child is acting up because they simply have not learned discipline yet. In that is the case you must be consistent, firm, but caring in your punishment. If it is a repeat offender in the same day I will again take them aside and speak to them. If after I have spoken to them, and punished them multiple times then in might be time to speak to the parents about what you can do as a time to help with his discipline.


Children can be wonderful to teach. Their mind can absorb very quickly and they have a very high energy most of the time. That being said, your kids classes are what you make them. If you make them a time that the children feel safe and cared for, they are more likely to listen and enjoy your classes.

The Fatal Flaw in Testing

Getting tested in martial arts can be nerve racking but also invigorating. Your abilities are all laid out to bare for all to see. No more excuses just reaction. This is quite exciting. Along with that is the satisfaction when all your hard work does actually pay off. Attaining the next level feels great and if you earned it you should feel proud. However, “The Fatal Flaw in Testing” is what I would call the Sprint Mentality.

Sprinting for your test: The Fatal Flaw in Testing

Finals week, the week before the last set of tests for college students. Energy drinks, microwaved food, and zombies with backpacks become rampant on college campuses. Students will “cram” in those last extra hours of studying to strive for that grade at the end of the semester. This is the same as I call it, the “Sprint” in martial arts. Martial art students will train for months but many times you will see a tendency to really step up the training right before a test. Even though this does encourage that extra training at the end of a section there is a fundamental flaw to this process.

Student’s who are training hard consistently will have no need to sprint at the end because they will already be prepared for the test. But for this to be realized your goal must be analyzed. If your goal is to simply achieve belt ranks, then cramming is a perfectly legitimate way to achieve that. However, if your goal is to be prepared at all times for combat, then you should train as if you had testing every day.

One Breath

Grandmaster Ken Chun, from Wing Chun Dynamics in California, visited our school and gave a great tip on mindset. He explained that in an encounter you have one breath to channel all of your training to defend yourself. In that one breath you must focus your mind and your body to one task.

He also explained that this should be trained every single day. In other words, you shouldn’t wait for the week before testing to snap into that “one breath” mode. Every single punch, every single kick, every single takedown should be done with the same mentality. If you don’t accomplish this attack it could be the end, not of your opponent, but of you! So as you train, take in that one breath mentality every single time you move.

Your actual goal

Attacks on the street may have indicators. However, indicators do not come a week ahead of time. They may only be caught a moment or two before something happens. That being the case, if you do not keep yourself optimally prepared you could be overtaken. If preparing for testing is your ultimate goal, you are in danger of getting caught. Testing should not be used as your goal. Your goal should be your training regiment. Each day you should seek to improve and upgrade that training. The result of this shift is that your perspective changes on your testing. Instead of looking at that as an end game, it is used to evaluate whether or not your training is effective to keep you prepare.

The importance of keeping your training up is even emphasized in martial arts business circles. Even with these successful million dollar schools the owners understand that their training is top priority. John Kovar, found of Kovar systems lists Training first, then Teaching, then Business. You don’t know when you are going to be attacked so every training day is vital to you surviving an attack.

So ask yourself, what are you training for? Have you fallen prey to the The Fatal Flaw in Testing? Are you training for a belt? Social standing? Sense of accomplishment? Or are you preparing yourself for real, terrifying, messy combat?



Kung Fu Belt Ranking

Kung Fu in its origins does not have any sort of belt system. The Chinese would wear sashes whether they trained martial arts or not. Sashes were used to help with carrying day to day odds and ends. So then why do you see modern day (typically American) Kung Fu Belt Ranking used by schools? The main reason is here in American we feel the desire to achieve or attain very strongly.

Kung Fu Belt Ranking: Goals

Karate and Tae Kwon Do as businesses have flourished in America. This is partially due to their dynamic movements but also due to their ranking. Attaining a Black Belt brings with it not only a social recognition but also sense of accomplishment. Setting short term goals and hitting them on the way to a larger goal is the key to achieving long term success in anything. Since these systems already had these concepts in place their transition to America was very fruitful.

Kung Fu (Wing Chun in particular) while popular hasn’t been able to reach the same level of success. Since Wing Chun is a conceptual art it is very hard make the teaching uniform. Without a standard it is difficult to reward someone for their achievement. This concept is difficult for Americans, generally speaking, to let go of and stick to for a long period.

The need to feel achievement is not only reason, after all american’s are used to instant gratification. Technology is a big part of that. If a student trains for years on end and feels no achievement or sense of accomplishment their spirit can get dampened. As a result of our culture conditioning us many masters decided to implement something to combat that.

Sifu och wing chun: Belts and curriculum

5th level Master, Sifu Och has been able to create a curriculum and belt system that works very well. The belts provide short term goals that are attainable within 3 months for the lower ranks. As a student progresses the term in between ranks increases and the amount of material grows.


Sifu has broken up he stages to a Black Sash into 4 main sections. Subsequently, he then broke those sections into smaller sub sections. Shirt Colors divide the main sections: White (beginner), Blue (intermediate), Red (advanced), Black (Sifu). The Sections within those shirt colors are divided again by sashes:

White Shirt

  • No Belt
  • White
  • White Black
  • Yellow
  • Yellow White
  • Yellow Black
  • Orange
  • Orange White
  • Orange Black

The above list about a year to year and a half of training depending on how hard someone pushes.

kung fu in downtown lakeland fl, kung fu, sifu och, wing chun, gung fu lakeland fl


Sifu Och uses a rotating curriculum. We group students together by their main sections and have them all work on the same material. For example: if you have a white shirt, whether you are a white black belt, or a yellow white belt, you will all work on 1 of the 5 sections going towards blue shirt. As a result we accomplish a couple of different goals.

First, brand new students are able to work with more experienced students. It is not wise to pair up two brand new students with each other. The old adage, “blind leading the blind” applies perfectly. Neither of them know the techniques but more importantly they do not know how to help the other person train the technique. Having that person a few steps ahead of you when you start out as a partner can make the difference in someone staying or not.

Second, it keeps things fresh. We are able to continue to challenge students who are unable to actually make it to testing. Instead going over the same material again and again, they are able to go over new things and continue growing until they are able move to the next level. As a result of this, students also get a good review of the material once it cycles back around. This ensures that the material is well known before graduating to the next big section.

American Kung Fu

Even though traditional Kung Fu does not use any sort of ranking system, there can be great benefits to having them. Goals and purpose bring a powerful dynamic to ones training.



Kung Fu Kicks

There are many kicks used in a fight. Some more useful than others. In this article, Kung Fu Kicks, we will show some of the kicks used at Sifu Och Wing Chun. We will review the Inside and Outside Shadow Kicks, Tong Kick, Half Crescent, and Side Kick.

Wing Chun Kicks

Before going into the the specific kicks let us touch on Wing Chun as a system to set the groundwork. In short, Wing Chun’s goal is to end the fight as quickly as possible. Every strike intent on crushing the opponent. Understanding that goal the kicks that we choose to utilize fall into the place.

Inside Shadow Kick

One of the most useful kicks to use is the Inside Shadow Kick. Kicking the opponent in the knee is one of the quickest ways to end the fight. With this Shadow Kick, considerable force can be driven through a target at a downward angle. The setup (implied in the name) is that the kick is done in the shadow of your hands. As a result, an opponent will find it difficult to avoid or stop this type of kick. The reason is because it is usually done in unison with the hands. Not only can it be used to attack it can be used in defense as well. It can be used to stop low kicks to the leg.

Outside Shadow Kick

Equally important, not all enemies or targets will be directly in front of you. The Outside Shadow Kick allows you to hit targets off center. They can also be used to block kicks depending on the angle. Furthermore, one advantage of this kick in particular is it can be used to drive out the support leg of an opponents kick. Jum Saos together with a low shadow kick can block roundhouses and blast the supporting leg.

Tong Kick

The Tong kick is similar to a front kick. Uniquely, however, it thrusts in upward diagonal angle. Can be used for multiple targets, but it’s primary hit is the Xiphoid. Combined with a Double Jum Sao, this is a great choice to counter a roundhouse. In addition, it can be used used to strike the ribs or inside of the thigh.

Half Crescent Kick

The Half Crescent Kick similarly takes the same shape as the Inside Shadow Kick. The difference is it drives forward as opposed to down. This kick is usually delivered to the ribs when a punch is thrown. Countering a Jab or Cross style punch with a Crescent Kick is a great option. It is unexpected which it was lends to it’s usefulness.

Side Kick

Overall, the Side Kick is one of Wing Chun’s longest ranged weapons. One of it’s main uses is delivering a powerful strike to the side when turning to face the opponent may not be available. Whether it’s a question of speed or restriction doesn’t matter. The side kick allows an immediate response to someone coming from the side. It can be done two different ways:

Static, fired directly from your stance:

or with a skip. The skip allows for a the distance and power to be increased by swinging the back foot foot. The base is re-established closer to the target and momentum is gained which increases the power.

(To view a video of the skipping side kick click the following link: Skipping Side Kick Video. )


The key to your Kicks

One thing all of these kicks have in common is what part of the foot is going to be used to strike the body. If you read our article “Fighting Footwork” you will see how the body needs to be aligned through the heel for structure. With the correct structure your power drives from your legs through your heels for maximum damage. This is similar to a person doing a heavy squat. Moreover, to support the weight the heel must be used. Piggybacking off of that concept is another, focused energy. If you take the energy you would use to slap someone and applied it to a needle, you will easily penetrate the skin. Just the same with your kick, if you drive all your power through your heel your damage is focused through that one point as opposed to spread through whole foot.

In conclusion, focus your power and train your structure and you will be able to develop kicks that will drop any opponent you face.

Does Martial Arts Make Kids Violent?

The average parent will have many concerns when contemplating enrolling their child in a martial arts class. The top three questions I have encountered talking with parents about their learning a martial art are: Will my child be safe? Will they use techniques on their siblings or bully others? And at the root of it all, will these classes make my child violent? The last one is especially a concern among parents of children who are already showing violent tendencies, leaving parents wondering “will martial arts help or only make it worse?” In this article I will address the question: “Does Martial Arts Make Kids Violent?”

Will my child be safe?

In observing any martial arts class, once can generally expect to see aggressive and violent techniques. So why then would that be safe for a child? For starters, these techniques are usually performed on punching bags, target mitts, or in the air without an opponent. Before the child is even allowed to hit a punching bag, we teach the proper technique. The goal is to avoid any injury to their wrist in the execution. When the child moves on to working with partners when drilling techniques, punches are always pulled and they are not allowed to hit the face – as a general rule that many adults follow as well.

When it comes to one-on-one sparring, many schools don’t even allow their students to spar until the student achieves a certain rank and the instructor is confident in their ability to follow instructions. At this point, we require all students to wear gear that will usually cover the head, hands, and feet, with some styles including a chest guard, shin guards, elbow pads, and a mouth guard. Even with all of this padding, students are often instructed to keep contact light, with good technique praised over power.

Will my child use techniques against their siblings or bully others?

Another top concern of parents is that their child will start to use techniques on other children in order to bully them or exert power. This is a common problem throughout martial arts schools, and it is necessary for the instructor to address early on in the child’s training. Along with teaching martial arts techniques, it is the instructor’s job to explain when exactly to use these techniques. This part of the instructor’s job is sometimes overlooked, but is equally as important.

kids martial arts, lakeland, florida, fl, martial arts, kids, martial arts classes, afterschool, after school, lakeland after school program

The child’s first instinct in a fight should never be to egg on and encourage the fight, but to deescalate. One of the first things that I learned was to put my hands up. This was a non-threatening semi guard combined with a verbal exclamation “I don’t want any trouble”. Your hands are up simply as a precaution. It needs to be explicitly taught to the child that fighting is always a last resort. To use only if there is a threat to the safety of themselves or another individual. We never fight over possessions. Children should learn that if they are being physically threatened over money, especially with a gun or knife, to give them the money.

Will martial arts make my child violent?

So will learning martial arts techniques ultimately encourage violent tendencies? To be honest, the answer to this question greatly depends on the martial arts school and the instructor. A good school will explain the situations in which to use their techniques. This helps to will cultivate a non-aggressive mentality in their students. When done right, children that do martial arts will actually have less violent tendencies than their peers. They will have a greater understanding of when, where, and how to use their defensive techniques.

Serious Unarmed Combat thru real Wing Chun Kung Fu

Serious Unarmed Combat thru real Wing Chun Kung Fu

serious unarmed combat wing chun kung fu lakeland floridaMilitary and Special Forces train in Close Quarter Combat to quickly take down enemies. Private citizens can learn it as well. To learn such a skill a person must undergo rigorous training. Training that involves using sudden, overwhelming, and relentless application of violence to give enemy no real chance to respond.

Serious self defense Unarmed Combat techniques are practical for everyone in everyday situations. From military personnel to the average citizen. Sifu Och Wing Chun Unarmed Combat trains the non-expert in how to deal with unforeseen assaults in the home, street , parking lot or on a night out on the town.

Through repetition and clear training methods we go over precise applications on how to deal with sudden confrontations and escalating attacks. Our classes will help prepare you on how to win a fight quickly whether the attacker is armed or unarmed.

Though premeditated attacks are hard to de-escalate without fighting we will go over ways for you to win, fight or run when the situation calls for it.

Unarmed Combat in Lakeland

serious unarmed combat wing chun kung fu lakeland floridaOverall, our school focuses on teaching real Ip Man Wing Chun Kung Fu striking methods, controlling positions, locks, throws, grabs and deflections.

From defending against edged weapons, firearms and ground fighting we go over one and multiple armed and Unarmed Combat assailants, fighting against strangles, chokes and improvised weapons.

Your going to need more than three moves for Self Defense.  The tactics of fierce unarmed combat are used by special forces.  These tactics emphasize simple, quick and devastating response to any and all threats that represent themselves to the practitioner.

Through intensive and consistent training you can be enabled with the skills needed to deal with opposition effectively and concisely.   Though there will always be circumstances that require more than Unarmed Combat tactics using Sifu Och Wing Chun Kung Fu.  From long distance threats, weapons and close quarter encounters that have come unexpectedly while distracted or otherwise engaged.

Its when things can go wrong and out of plan, such as falling onto the ground with one or multiple well trained assailants around, your going to need ground game tactics.  All martial arts like to talk about size not mattering, but when the size of a opponent also has skill and training that may not always be the case.

Unarmed Combat versus Armed Combat

Carrying other weapons on you can be a risk versus reward situation.  Meaning if your good at using the weapon and have consistently trained with it, then there may be a benefit. However, if your assailant gets a hold of your weapon, you drop it or can’t reach it you could compound your current problems. Lets say you carry a concealed gun and you are attacked it may be too hard to get out in time before you would be seriously injured attempting to do so.  Remember a attacker within 21 feet with a edged weapon can close distance before a trained officer can draw and shoot their weapon, so with that in mind what are your chances as a citizen pulling your weapon, firing with accuracy within that 21 foot range?  Don’t kid yourself its dangerous.

Making sure you train under a instructor that is looking to cut the fat and show you real skill is like finding a golden needle in a barn sized hay stack at times.  If you find one then know that it is worth the travel to get real information and training.  Sifu Och Wing Chun has an internationally trained master instructor in Wing Chun Kung Fu Unarmed Combat that can help prepare you for an unsought unprovoked attack in everyday situations.

Sifu Justin Och
11 Countries Traveled
Contact us at 863.800.0171
Regional Director for World Ving Tsun Association in charge of entire Southeastern USA
3x certified and tested as an Ip Man lineage Sifu
116 E. pine st, lakeland FL 33801
Fan page – Http://
Website –

Florida Chinese Lion Dance Performance | Entertainment

Florida Chinese Lion dance Performance | Entertainment

florida chinese lion dance performance entertainment sifu och wing chun kung fuWelcome to and, this is the official site of the Sifu Och Wing Chun Kung Fu Institute. We specialize in Southern Chinese Kung Fu and are a Asian Lion Dance and Martial Art troupe headquartered in Central Florida, Lakeland Polk County. Our Kung Fu school trains people in realistic protection using Traditional Martial Arts while providing corporations and weddings in Florida Chinese Lion Dance and Dragon Dance performance entertainment. You can book your event with us online, Our team travels all over Florida and will gladly provide you and yours with a variety of exciting, fun and energized performances.

The SIFU OCH Wing Chun Kung Fu Institute is dedicated to preserving Chinese culture, education, Martial Arts effectiveness, and presentation.

Florida Chinese Lion Dance Performance

Places we have performed in the past have ranged from P.F. Changs, Brandenton Museum, Jacksonville Zoo, DLP, Traders Bar and Grill, OM BAR, AA Garden Fusion, PFA, Premier Financial Alliance, Downtown Lakeland Partnership, Lincoln Academy, Many Many Asain Weddings, just to name a few.

 florida chinese lion dance performance entertainment sifu och wing chunOur Florida Chinese Lion Dance performance entertainment group caters to many different events and client needs through a variety of services. Our coaches are professionally trained to make sure each unique performance is done with your goals and vision in mind.  We customize our patterns and performance team to your venue.

Our Traditional Southern Lion Dance group provides a modern adaptation using fun animalistic movements and behaviors with small acrobatic jumps and shoulder lifts.  The SIFU OCH Florida Chinese Lion Dance Performance can be with one of our chinese lions or up to four chinese lion dance costumes with or without a 12 person dragon costume.


Traditional Lion Dance performances uplift the spirit and embody the culture of Chinese New Year.  The Footwork of Traditional Chinese Martial Arts while overcoming puzzles, obstacles and retrieving Bok Choy green leaf cabbage symbolizing good luck, fortune, and prosperity.

The Florida Chinese Lion Dance performance music is provided by a live Drum, gong, symbols providing live music for our clients events.

Book your Lion Dance Performance today!

Sifu Justin Och
11 Countries Traveled
Contact us at 863.800.0171
Regional Director for World Ving Tsun Association in charge of entire Southeastern USA
3x certified and tested as an Ip Man lineage Sifu
116 E. pine st, lakeland FL 33801
Fan page – Http://
Website – Http://

In Street Fighting Wing Chun Reduces Mistakes

We all live in a less than ideal world. In street fighting Wing Chun techniques seek to diffuse the advantage of an opponent (or opponents). Fights should be the last resort to resolving any conflict, but unfortunately, we may find ourselves in a situation where we have to fight. Street fighting is the most common situation you’ll find yourself in, and without any training, it’s not easy to escape without some injuries.

At Sifu Och Wing Chun, you learn traditional Wing Chun. But what a lot of people may not know is that there are specialized courses, which teach you to fight in the modern world. With street fighting Wing Chun is one of the more practical techniques that seeks to diffuse the advantage of any opponents – big or small. The Sifu Och Wing Chun Kung Fu style teaches techniques that you can implement in the modern world.

Our Wing Chun real world self defense classes and Advanced Wing Chun classes are courses designed for all ages. In fact, we wish (and even recommended) that Polk County schools teach parts of this course to students, getting them started at an early age. With street fighting, Wing Chun techniques work to diffuse the advantage of the opponents. While there are certainly instant advantages, trained over time, these techniques can have a real impact in the lives of your children.

Common Mistakes Made in Street Fighting

There are few big mistakes that people often make in street fighting. We teach our kids and adults to avoid these in our Sifu Och Wing Chun Kung Fu classes. It has saved many a kid from getting seriously injured. In particular, the face is the most susceptible region for any person. Wen street fighting, people don’t protect their face – and get hurt quickly as a result. Wing Chun Kung Fu techniques seek to diffuse any advantage of an opponents while protecting the face and neck. A hit to the neck, eye or nose, can cause serious damage, or at least cause you to stagger and/or fall. In a street fight a fall can result in more injuries – for one, your head could bang against something hard, or your attcker could decide to continue the fight when you’re on the ground.

Sifu Och Wing Chun Teaches Real World Self Defense Techniques

The real world techniques taught by Sifu Och Wing Chun involve sparring with a live opponent, using constant-forward force. This more closely simulates street fighting as opposed to drilling alone. When you can’t have a live opponent we also tech you how to practice solo and continue your training on your own when class isn’t in session. Our Wing Chun practice techniques also utilize a wooden dummy and practices called “Chi Sau” or “Sticky Hands” meant solely for this purpose.

Even if an opponent is bigger and more muscular, they should not have a significant advantage with someone well-trained in Wing Chun. The force for sparring and attacks come from distinct stances taught in Wing Chun. Those with smaller stature can easily counter much bigger assailants and escape with little harm.

Wing Chun does not train to fight only with honor, it trains to fight when required and escape.Street fighting Wing Chun techniques seek to diffuse the advantage of the opponents. The idea is to incur the least amount of damage. This is the truth of street fights. Rarely are street fights about honor. They are mostly about people ganging up.

Kids and bullies in the schools of Polk County, like most other schools, generally rely on the pack mentality, to harass or attack someone. Critical blows can lead to the hospitalization of the child.

The techniques taught by Wing Chun Kung Fu academy can help to avoid such injuries.Street fighting Wing Chun techniques seek to diffuse the advantage of the opponents. Special courses for kids in schools of Polk County are provided, under the banner of Sifu Och Wing Chun to fight in street fights, and against difficult odds.

Enroll your child in a course. Attend the some sessions at the Academy free of cost.Street fighting Wing Chun techniques seek to diffuse the advantage of the opponents. The accomplished teachers at the Wing Chun Kung Fu academy will be more than happy to guide with personalised training.  – by Wing Chun fans of Sifu Justin Och

Remember, aggression knows no age, colour or sex. Small street fights can end with dire consequences. Act today to avoid such situations.

Wing Chun Kung Fu Academy
Lakeland Fl Wing Chun Kung Fu school
116 east pine street, Lakeland Florida


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