4 Ways to Intercept

Intercepting is always better than blocking. We are going to look at what the definition of intercepting is before we give some practical ways of accomplishing that. Webster’s dictionary defines intercepting as “to stop, seize, or interrupt in progress or course or before arrival”. The best way to view intercepting is that last part of the definition, “interrupt”. Not only is the attack itself being interrupted, but the timing of your opponent should be as well. And that is the key, the timing. When timed properly your opponents attack will be nullified and you will be primed to launch a second attack (in theory before his second) or you would have already hit him. Now that we have addressed what intercepting as a concept let me provide you with 4 Ways to Intercept your opponents attacks using Wing Chun.

4 Ways to Intercept

Intercepting Fist

Intercepting Fist

The first technique we will go over is the Intercepting Fist. Made famous by Bruce Lee, this technique is typically taught fairly early on in student’s training. The idea is to counter the opponents punch with a punch of your own. By keeping your elbow down and pressing from center mass you are elbow to offset your opponents strike. This can quickly be follow up a flurry of punches we refer to as Chain Punches. Keeping the strikes down the center you are able to maintain control of your centerline.

When you substitute a Paak Sao with an intercept you will find it can be much easier to deal with a second and third punch. Part of this is due to the fact that you are returning the opponents punch with a punch. They will be slightly less confident with their next punch as opposed to when you simple deflect their initial punch with a Paak. Second to that, the Intercept automatically covers your opposite side incase of a second attack. Whereas the Paak leaves you more open. 

Turning Punch

Wing Chun, Wing Chun Turning Punch, intercepting Fist, wing chun knockout punch, power punch
Turning Punch

The Turning Punch basically the other side of the same coin referring to the Intercepting punch. The Intercepting fist is typically used to refer to the lead hand being used with the lead foot to interrupt the opponent. This is illustrated in the first photo above.

Turning punch is simply using the the same structure but opposite hand to accomplish the same goal. Since the punch is coming from the back foot, the turning punch will have more power and torque then the straight Intercepting. However, much like the Paak punch, if not used properly, can leave you open on the inside for an attack.

Tan Sao

Tan Sao

The Tan Sao is a very effective and sound way to intercept a strike. You have not only nullified the attack but you have also almost guaranteed a strike of your own. Tan and the actual punch are the exact same shape. The only exception is what the hand is doing at the end. You can see here in the photo the Tan Sao is an hand open towards the ceiling. By opening the hand the focus of the technique is diverted to the elbow. The Punch itself can be delivered to the head, or for a taller opponent you can strike the ribs.

Since the Tan extending through the strike towards your opponent, it makes stopping a second strike fairly straight forward. You can transition to a Paak Punch if the Strike is down the center. Or, you can continue pressing forward with a Bui Sao against a hook punch.

Paak Punch


Paak Punch, Kick

Our last technique for this article on intercepting attacks is the Paak Punch. Clearing the attackers hit with Paak good, but combining it with straight punch is better. Since the Paak is coming off of the back foot there is a lot of power and structure with this counter. The Paak is also quite diverse.

When used, you can use the Paak to press forward and crush the attackers structure. You can guide his hand downward if he is taller. You can also use it to setup a baiting for the second punch.

Bonus: The Paak Punch is also a great attack to throw in a kick along with it. By doing this you maximize Wing Chun’s ability to use multiple weapons at once. You can see here in the photo, Sifu Justin used the Paak, Punch, and Kick. He uses the kick just before the punch clears the arm to finish the attack.


Final thoughts

When it comes to Intercepting timing is everything. You can have GREAT structure, technique, and power. But, if you do not practicing your techniques in LIVE sparring scenarios you will get hit no matter how good you think you are. There is no substitute for hard work, and good punches to the face. Train hard and never give up.

Sal Ficaro: Ageless Training

Sal Ficaro came to Sifu Och Wing Chun about one year ago. He tried one of our classes and got very frustrated with himself and decided to leave. Sifu Och was able to talk to him and arrange for private lessons instead to help him through those first steps of learning. When I took on Sal and his private lessons I knew this would be a difficult task. Sal was not used to Wing Chun and it’s movements. However, I knew that it could be done because Sal had the right mindset. In this article, Sal Ficaro: Ageless Training, Sal will tell a little bit about himself and his training here.

Sal Ficaro: Ageless Training

“Hello, my name Salvatore Ficarro I am 58 years old. I’ve been training at Sifu Och Wing Chun it’s been a learning process. Timothy Kittelstad is one of the trainers at this studio and he is absolutely wonderful. Even though the journey has been tough I absolutely love it.

If anybody is in the 40s or 50s age and would like to learn some self-defense they should not hesitate. They should come down to Sifu Och and start their own journey! Your age shouldn’t hold you back. I’m 58 but that is just a number. I don’t allow that to be an excuse to not learn something new. Life can be very hard. And many times you want to just give up. But the wonderful things in life take some time to learn.

When you are working hard to learn something you may fall a little short. And when that happens, as long as you get back up and come back stronger that day was a success. There are days I feel I’m only at maybe 60% where I should be. But if I leave at 61% that means I am improving. Then next time maybe I’m at 70% or 80%. As long as you work hard and improve, no matter how small the improvement, you will always be able to grow. The staff at Sifu Och Wing Chun are the best trainers I’ve ever seen. They are their to help you. All they want is for you to be your best. And I want you to succeed. I feel if you give it a try your will fall in love with it.”

Age doesn’t Stop Hard work

Sal shows that now matter your age you can accomplish anything with hard. Day after day Sal comes into class and puts in a hard days training. Starting from private lessons he has been able to work himself into the group classes. The most impressive thing about Sal is his determination. He doesn’t care about belts, or awards, or flashy techniques. He simply wants to know that he can take care of himself. Each day he comes in and builds himself from the last class.

Age is just a number. Everybody has hurdles they have to learn to overcome. Everyone has their own life story. Once you learn to accept your story and do the best you can with what you have you can start to really learn new things.

Instead of complaining about his age, or “not being able to move like he used to”, Sal trains his body to move the best it can right now. Because that’s what matters, the now. Not the past, not the future, but right now. What are you doing right now to make a difference in your life? If nothing than you should find the reason why. And then find a strong reason why you need to change that. Sal is a great example of someone who tackles life no matter what happens.


My Journey Into Wing Chun: By Rich Dorsey

“My Journey Into Wing Chun: By Rich Dorsey,” is my story hope you enjoy!

I’ve wanted to train in the Wing Chun system specifically ever since I knew of it when I first got started in martial arts as early as my 18th year. My first teacher, a master of Isshin Ryu, was fascinated by it. Upon many of my homework assignments I received then I also was given information, literature and videos about Wing Chun.

My Journey Into Wing Chun: By Rich Dorsey

Those few Karate teachings were basic. I had only begun to scratch the surface of how to use my hands and feet. They are minuscule to the depth I’ve seen at this early stage of Sifu Och’s system. Even still I feel many significant differences in the fighting styles. Not only are both of my ‘weapons’ straight-on utilizing more than half my body, but my hands (when I’m practicing my techniques properly) are continuously forward ready to be fired in short range fire attack. This being said I can honestly say I’ve never had any real training. Even though over the years I’ve tried many different styles of martial arts even boxing.

My Inspiration

I’ve met many masters and many students but never anyone who has ever truly inspired me. I began to believe my dream of learning Wing Chun and meeting those kinds of individuals was out of reach. Not only did I find what I was looking for, I met one of the best fighters I’ve ever known. A teacher not only surpassing my expectations in knowledge but one who inspires me still. A system that not only challenges me but one that works. I’ve seen it work and have felt it work. To this day I don’t know if I’m more inspired by him or fellow students. Not only can I see what it’s done for myself but I see what it’s done for them. The changes in us all over the past two years.

My Past

And before I go on about the many benefits of Sifu Och’s Wing Chun system it’s important to me to remember who I was before I came. I’ve been athletic my entire life. I began calisthenics at the age of five, and weight training as early as eleven. As an adult, I became a personal trainer by trade. My confidence was exuded for all to see. Yet there was always something missing. All my goals in my physical attributes had for the most part been met. I wanted more than just to look like I could kick butt and take names. I wanted to feel it and believe it.

Refining Myself

So I began refining myself, my cardio respiratory and training on my own to prepare myself for martial arts. Had I known then what I know now I would have just started immediately. When I felt like I was ready that’s when I found him. ‘When the student is ready the master will appear.’ I can honestly say I had no idea what true cardio was. And all the confidence -that I soon realized was only on the surface- was stripped away as soon as I realized how much I didn’t know. How much younger men (and some women) only half my size and strength could easily defeat me. Most only in the beginning phase of the system. The confidence that I have now runs deep. 

My Future

The cardio I currently have I could have never imagined. I’m tougher than I ever could’ve imagined. These are only a few of the benefits I’ve gained and being only a short distance along the long road I’ve begun to travel I can only imagine how much more there is in store for me here. The excitement only grows the more I learn, understand, and experience…

Sifu Och! WING CHUN!!

Tampa Bay Asia Fest FIGHT – Sifu Och Wing Chun Kung Fu

Tampa Bay Asia Fest FIGHT Demo – Sifu Och Wing CHun kung Fu

This years Tampa Bay Asia Fest had a fight present, one that challenged the skills of Sifu Justin Och and his Central Florida schools. Tampa Bay Asia Fest had a lot going on that day.  From the wonderful Asian food vendors that come each year to show case their culinary skills.  To the art work inspired by the cultures of China, Japan, Malaysia and even Thailand were present.  IF YOU LIKE KUNG FU MOVIES, Watch it ALL THE WAY THROUGH!

Most Noteworthy, the ENDING is Completely UN-CHOREOGRAPHED.   The day started out with all of these vendors coming together showcasing their regional cuisine.  Sifu Och Wing Chun kung fu group started practicing early for the event.  They were a special guest demonstration on stage for Tampa Bay Asian Fest.


Tampa bay asia fest sifu och wing chun students entertainmentOnce the speakers were ready, it was the Sifu Och Wing Chun Kung Fu group turn to go on stage at the Tampa Bay Asia Fest.  They started with the Wing Chun first form, Sil Lum Tao or Siu Nim Tao.  Then they transitioned into first year students demonstrating their sparring and reaction ability.  Then moved onto intermediate level students, ones that have only been in between 3-5 years.  In addition they moved onto one of our youngest brown sash instructors Neckodemos Davidson. Davidson fought and sparred in the Wing Chun Kung Fu Demonstration against multiple attackers.

Furthermore our Chief Instructor Sifu Justin Och of Lakeland, Florida headquarters and Senior instructor Garret Brumfield perform.  They started with the Grandmaster Ip Man long pole form.  Long pole is also called luk dim boon kwan or dragon pole.  Tampa Bay Asia Fest Sifu Och Wing Chun Kung Fu entertainmentImmediately after this they started fighting in Chi Sau reaction sparring.  This was without any choreography.   It was evident nothing was staged with these two as they demonstrated their free style reaction sparring, within Chi Sau, for the crowd.  Crowed were amazed as the action was packed all the way through.  At the end of this demonstration the Sifu Och Wing Chun central florida group left the stage only to be asked by staff if they could do more.

Tampa Bay Asia Fest Performance

Prior to the Dragon dance performance starting the Sifu Och Wing Chun Kung Fu group, both the Tampa Bay Florida branch and the Lakeland Florida branch practiced along side the Hillsborough River.  As spectators rolled in they spar and fight one another to build up their energy and the enthusiasm Tampa bay asia fest sifu och wing chun studentsof the crowds walking inside of Tampa Bay Asia Fest.  Instructor Garret Brumfield and Master Instructor Sifu Justin Och both train Dragon Pole (luk dim boon kwan) and Chi Sau sparring while onlookers wait and watch in anticipation.

Also the rest of the Sifu Och Central Florida Wing Chun Kung Fu group spar and fight to build reaction before the big demonstration takes place. Most of all, the group loves to train so any excuse to do so is a good one for Sifu Och Wing Chun students.

Asia Fest Shaolin Kung Fu demonstration

Though once the skills from another Shaolin Kung Fu group called Mt. Song started, the tampa bay asia fest kung fu entertainment wing chun floridaSifu Och Wing Chun kung fu group stopped and ran over to watch in support.  The Mt. Song Shaolin kung fu group put on an amazing lion dance and Kung Fu weapon demonstration.  This demonstration was most noteworthy by the graceful and fluid movements of their students.  Not withholding the final demonstration which consequently left the audience stunned.  One of the students bared his body to the breaking of wooden sticks.  With one last strike to his inner thigh while he was upside down (making it appear as though his groin would get the blunt of the blow)  his thigh took the break instead.

Most noteworthy, the Dragon dance that was placed on that day was especially fun as they travelled the length of the event gathering all those around for the festivities about to begin.  The style of the dragon dance reminds you of the Great Wall of China as the dragon spins and curves to follow the golden ball. Chinese drums engulfed the air as they are beaten in the background.Tampa Bay Asia Fest Fight Sifu Och Wing Chun Kung Fu Florida

There was also J-pop dance performances, Asian fan dancing and even a short unspoken Asian cultural play that had many characters that expressed interpretive thought, feeling and ideas through method acting.

Representing Southern Shaolin Kung Fu system; Sifu Och Wing Chun Kung Fu team

Representing the Southern Shaolin style of Kung Fu for Tampa Bay Asia Fest, enters the Sifu Och Wing Chun Kung Fu Team. They were approached by the Tampa Bay Asian fest judges to return representing Wing Chun Kung Fu for the next Tampa Bay Asian Fest festivals. Tampa Bay Asia Fest Fight Sifu Och Wing Chun Kung Fu FloridaTheir engaging performances, following years demonstrations, of this Southern Shaolin Kung Fu style have earned them the title.  We we’re honored to demonstrate at the Tampa Bay Asian Fest.  This great event will showcase authentic southern shaolin Wing Chun Kung Fu.  Broadening audiences horizons on the benefits and practicality of the ancient art of kung fu. With the Mt. Song Shaolin Kung Fu and the Sifu Och Wing Chun they will provide guests with great Kung Fu entertainment. The up coming years at Tampa Bay Asia Fest will have some of the best kung fu entertainment and food around!  Don’t miss Tampa Bay Asia Fest next year, you will regret it if you do.

Train with us. Achieve with us. Win with us. Sifu Och Wing Chun.

HEADQUARTERS – Lakeland Florida –  Sifu Justin Och

SE USA World Ving Tsun Athletic Association Regional Director
ONLY Florida School tested and certified under 4x Different Ip Man lineages
Trainer of Full Contact Sanda Champion using the Wing Chun system
5th Degree Wing Chun Black & Gold Sash

116 east pine street, lakeland FL 33801

email – wingchunflorida @ gmail . com

Tampa Bay Instructor – Garret Brumfield

(813) 922-8261
3 Time Sanda Full Contact Gold Metalist
9 years of Boxing a.k.a “Smoker”
10 years of Wing Chun Kung Fu under Sifu Och Wing Chun
Red Sash Advanced Wing Chun Instructor

10405 N Nebraska Ave, Tampa, FL 33612

Wing Chun vs Jab, Cross, Hook Takedown Combo

Wing Chun vs Jab, Cross, Hook, Takedown

Wing Chun vs Jab, Cross, Hook, Takedown was a question a beginner posted for anyone to answer on a Facebook group. He asked for the key to using Wing Chun vs Jab, Cross, Hook, Takedown Combo. Sifu Justin Och and Senior Instructor Garret Brumfield posted a video titled “Wing Chun vs Jab, Cross, Hook, Takedown Combo”.

In this article we will address some of the finer points. Stopping this combo is no easy task but Wing Chun does have an answer.

Wing Chun vs Jab, Cross, Hook, Takedown Combo

The Jab

If you are to deal with an attack you must understand it. To understand strikes you must make a distinction between committed and non-committed strikes. A committed strike could be defined as a strike that has the entire weight of the body fueling the power for the strike. Alternatively, a non-committed strike will be much faster but won’t have the power. A jab is a non committed strike. That being the case, the counter must be equally fast. As you can see in the video Sifu Och uses his paak sao but immediately follows up with a straight punch. This allows for quick adjustments where needed.

The Jab, Cross

If your opponent crosses immediately after his jab you may not have time to follow up off the initial strike. Sifu chose is one of the most direct options to counter although there are many variations. The hand that was used to paak the initial strike simply follows its trajectory to the face. In conjunction, the back hand paaks the next strike. This results in and immediate strike to your opponents face.

The Jab, Cross, Hook

Let’s say that your counter does not damage your opponent enough. As a result, he follows up again with a hook. The hook that Sifu Och Demonstrates is a very tight “rabbit” hook. Theses types of hooks are very hard to deal with. A Bui Sao, Bui Jee, Man Sao will be very hard to execute in this scenario. You must be able to fully extend these techniques for them to become effective. When the opponent throws this hook, it will be very tight to the body with a lot of torque. Torque equals power, and if you are unable to fully extend your technique it will crumble. In this scenario Sifu chooses to utilize upward elbow to cover the opponents strike. He is now able to strike with is other hand and move on with his attack.

The Jab, Cross, Hook, Takedown

wing chun vs jab cross hook

Finally, we moved on to dealing last part of the combo. None of your counters have successfully stopped your opponent but because you are in so tight he feels the need to shoot in and take you down. There are two scenarios to be address when an opponent shoots in on you. If he gets under your elbow or not.

If he does not get under your able a you can simple remove the foot he is attacking and stop his forward motion with a Gum or Jum Sao to the neck\head. This is addressed in our article Fighting Footwork where we go into a little more depth. However, if he does get behind one of your elbows you must sprawl back or you will be taken down. Once you have sprawled you can then establish a line of defense again with your Jum or Gum Sao. This line allows you to regain your structure and move on with your attack.

End the fight

At each stage of the attack your goal as a Wing Chun practitioner should be to the end the fight. When you respond to an attack you should be immediately seeking to follow it up to finish your opponent. You would only utilized these counter techniques if you are unable to flow into and 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, etc. follow up. So in theory, your opponent will never get to his takedown, or his cross for that matter. However, that is why we as martial artists should always be prepared. If the worst happens, you will be ready.

Strategies for Situational Awareness

Training in the martial arts is a great way to improve your personal safety and increase knowledge in self defense. But if you aren’t aware of your surroundings, no degree of training is going to help you. Having situational awareness is a choice; one you have to make early on if you want your training to have any real world practicality. So how do we make this choice?

Understanding the problem

The two major obstacles preventing people from having good situational awareness are naivety and laziness. In general, people want to believe in the good of others and often believe that rape or theft is something that happens to other people, but not me. Having this mindset lulls people into a false sense of security which will often last until something does happen, or the person makes a personal decision to make sure that it never does. The laziness factor is hugely prevalent and goes hand in hand with naivety.

worst case scenario self defense lakeland florida sifu och wing chun kung fu

If I believe that nothing bad will happen, then why should I take steps to ensure that it won’t? It is difficult and emotionally draining to be constantly aware of your surroundings, but entirely necessary if you want to be an effective martial artist. The key is to get to the point where practicing situational awareness is habit, eliminating the need to go that extra mile.

Practical Ways to Increase Situational Awareness

Now that we understand the problem, it’s time to fight it:

  • NEVER text and walk. This is especially important when transitioning between locations, such as your place of work and your car. Wait until you are in a locked car to address anything on your phone. There have been numerous incidents of muggers targeting people on their phones, simply because they aren’t paying attention. Phone calls are also not advised, however, if you must – make sure to keep your eyes up, still monitoring your surroundings.
  • Have your keys ready before you get to the car. You don’t want to be rummaging around in your bag at your car, looking for keys – especially at night. The car is a common place of attack and requires extra caution. Do the same from the car to the front door.
  • Always check the area around your car before you get in. Is anyone close enough to get in your car between the time that you unlock it and the time that you are inside? Also make sure that no one has put anything on your car that may impair your driving, necessitating a stop down the road.
  • Check the back seat. Take a look through the windows in the back and make sure that there is no one already in your car waiting for you. Behind the wheel of the car is not the time you want to find out that there is someone in the back dictating your next stop.
  • When entering a building, look for exits. Locate the nearest exit and the quickest route. Whenever possible, position yourself facing the majority of the room and the exit, never with your back to it.


Developing situational awareness is a skill that takes both time and dedication. These suggestions are a good starting point to increasing your situational awareness, and the list will only grow once you start practicing them. Some Practices may seem over the top and near paranoia, but personal safety is not something to be taken lightly. When it comes to personal safety and the safety of those around us, we cannot expect someone else to protect us. Take matters into your own hands, be prepared, and decide to be that one person that is actually paying attention.

Why Sifu Och Wing Chun After-School Program?

Importance of a Strong After School program

Parents all over the United States rely on an after-school program to take care of their children while they are finishing their day at work or at home. With an increase in dual-income families and single parent homes, these after school programs have become a necessity for a vast number of families. This has created a great demand for after-school care programs; however, all programs are not created equal. Parents have many options to choose from in picking an after school program and the amount of time the child spends at that program makes it an incredibly important decision, so what makes a good program?

Sifu Och vs Other After-Care Programs

Most after school programs have a singular focus with only one program to offer. Our children have the opportunity to learn both martial arts and dance. Let’s face it: children have very short attention spans. The opportunity to attend two completely different aftercare programs every week allows for a greater ability for them to learn and enjoy themselves. The two skills of dance and martial arts in themselves are invaluable. The dance classes teach coordination, flexibility, and self-expression. While the martial arts classes teach children discipline, respect, and to defend themselves. As well, children in both classes will learn a number of skills that teachers cannot explicitly teach in the classroom. Some of the additional skills taught include: etiquette, manners, team building, organization, social interaction, and cleanliness.


Sifu Och Wing Chun and Just Dance offer a unique program curriculum that encourages both personal growth and learning. We place children into different classes based on age. The older children working on Wing Chun Monday’s and Wednesday’s while the younger children follow Just Dances program. On Tuesday’s and Thursday’s the older kids go to Just Dance and the younger ones do kickboxing. We offer kickboxing to the younger children instead of Wing Chun, as it is a little bit easier for them to comprehend and practice. In the Wing Chun classes, we teach children the same curriculum that adults learn throughout the week; including punch and kick defenses, forms, and combinations. The kickboxing classes incorporate a mixture of principles from Wing Chun, Karate, and Boxing all done in a kid friendly class.

best summer camp in lakealnd fl, best summer camp in lakeland florida, best summer camp, lakeland, fl, florida, sifu och wing chun, kung fu

The Just Dance classes teach dance from a variety of styles including: Ballroom, Ballet, and Hip Hop. Summer Camp is also offered along with the regular school year after-care. In summer camp kids will continue taking martial arts and dance. They will also participate in a plethora of activities to keep them busy. Activities range from museums to amusement parks to arts and crafts, and are all monitored by an attentive staff.

Lifelong Benefits

The benefits gained from our after school program reach beyond the immediate. They have the potential to greatly affect each child’s future. We give these children valuable time to be physically active and interact socially with their peers in a way that their school is unable to provide for them. Being active in the younger years has the potential to decrease the likelihood of various diseases and boosts immunity, allowing for a healthier future. It may also have the ability create fewer emotional and behavioral problems. At Sifu Och Wing Chun, our program also strives to instill good leadership qualities in the children. Rewarding leadership in students and encouraging success by positive reinforcement. An investment in your child’s future, is always worth the effort. This investment made early on will have lifelong physical and cognitive benefits, make sure it’s a good one.

Krav Maga Versus Wing Chun

Krav Maga is renowned for is brutality and viciousness. The Israeli military adopted it because it can be taught in a short amount of time. Wing Chun, made famous by Bruce Lee and the recent “Ip Man” movies, is known for its speed and ability to devastate an attacker. In recent years there has been a rise in both across the US. How are the two connected and why the sudden growth in popularity? We will delve into that in this article.


In a post WWII world interaction and fascination with Japan was at it’s height. Many Japanese now lived in the US. Interaction with the American culture grew and grew. With the interaction came Karate which spread across the US like wild fire. However, as with any trend, there are people that would take advantage of that only for monetary gain. Karate, as a legitimate art, began to become watered down. Even though there existed many good schools (and many still do), the general public started to notice the negative trend. By and large Karate in the US morphed from a powerful, dangerous art, to a weaker cousin that was only suited for tournaments and scoring points. This shift paved the way for something new to take hold.

(Writer’s note: This section of the Article is not a stab at Karate. It is simply pointing out the unfortunate decline of authenticity as a whole in the US.)

 Modern Krav Maga Versus Wing Chun

With Bruce Lee’s explosion onto the scene, Kung Fu (specifically Wing Chun) started to get some of the limelight. Around the same time Krav Maga started to make it’s way to the US. With Wing Chun focusing on the most direct route to it’s target and Krav using a blend of styles to achieve maximum brutality, the stage was set for the two to emerge. However, before we continue with their growth in the U.S. lets look at some differences and similarities between the two.

Learn These Three Moves


Both Krav and Wing Chun were designed at a time of war. Wing Chun during the 17th century China at civil war and Krav during the 1930 right after WW1 and prior to WWII. Wing Chun was designed originally to be a system that could be learned in a fraction of the time of the available Kung Fu systems. In the same way, Krav fused boxing, judo, juijistu , and aikido to create something that Jewish civilians could immediately defend themselves with. In recent times Krav has added Maui Thai and actually some Wing Chun (through Jeet Kune Do) into its system. They both seek to dispatch their opponent as quickly as possible. Additionally, both systems “fight dirty”, using any means necessary to prevail.


Now even with Wing Chun’s addition to Krav Maga there will obviously still be differences. First to be addressed would be training time. Modern Wing Chun takes anywhere from 8-10 years to finish the system.* Whereas the entire Krav system can be learned (on a military style training regiment) in four months to a year. Both of these depended on the dedication of the student of course. Second, Wing Chun was designed as a complete system with which all parts fuse together and flow seamlessly. Comparatively, Krav fused many styles so there will naturally be some disconnect systems.

The third difference would be training style. One perk of a Krav School is that they tend to really focus on the brutality of combat. Understanding, right from the beginning, how chaotic combat can be. The right mindset is instilled right from the start and can be seen all throughout their training. Wing Chun on the other hand does utilize more finesse. In training the “soft” side the harshness of combat can sometimes be lost in some schools.

In Closing, both systems are effective in street combat. With Karate, and a few other arts, becoming very commercialized, the public wanted something new. Something that gets right to the point and gets the job done. That is the reason for the two arts quick rise to fame. Now with all arts both Krav and Wing Chun have also fallen prey to commercialization. So before choosing a school do your homework on the instructors! Once you choose, train hard and stay committed!

*(Writers note: Wing Chun in the 17th century was designed to be learned in 3 years. This was accomplished by monks training 8 hours a day consistently.)


Worst Case Scenario Self Defense

Worst Case Scenario Self Defense

In a worst case scenario the best and most useful tools at your discretion are violent aggression, self confidence in your ability, and the will to do whatever is necessary to survive.  These are weapons that can only be disarmed by you and are carried with you everywhere you go at all times.

worst case scenario self defense lakeland florida sifu och wing chun kung fuCommon self defense is not that common.”  Pressure testing techniques with other students to increase your endurance and ability under difficult situations is also key.

There is no such thing as a secret combat technique only those that have been practice to be both simple and effectively devastating, this is coupled with the will and determination to survive at all costs.  Making use of soft targets in Wing Chun close range combat is also an effective pressure tested way to deal with an assailant.

We can agree many martial arts instructors talk about worst case scenario self defense, situational awareness, fighting fitness and how to be good at sparring. Though that is not a worst case scenario for self defense, in our experience 98% of martial arts studio’s teach for a friendly environment that caters to uplifting a family fun atmosphere, most people want to feel confident but not go through hard and real ways to cause massive damage to another person.  When it comes to training special forces and military personnel they taught how to deal real damage to enemy combatants.

“the Sifu Och Wing Chun studio, this article and its writer do not advocate violence, this piece is for information only.”

Unrealistic Self Defense for a worst case scenario

worst case scenario self defense lakeland florida sifu och wing chun kung fuWhen its life or death the decisions and training you make matter.  In my experience less than 5% of people train worst case scenario self defense with the dedication and intention on personal survival. Most people think about weight loss, fitness, having fun in the martial arts over practical realistic training. Some people love the competitive sparring but even more people attempt to ignore that there is danger and choose not to think about it and therefore hope it never happens. Even worse when those same people are asked about a bad situation most believe they will miraculously have the skill and ability to stop a real attack which means they couldn’t be more wrong and unprepared for one. Even trained self defense practitioners wouldn’t believe this is possible.

Ordinary individuals can find themselves in danger and if you can’t get away, run, or escape by another fashion then the most efficient reaction could clearly save your life. Circumstances against a citizen on the street may be less extreme than those in war but the threat to your life and future is no less real. Even if you are hospitalized then the loss of money, time, and skill could heavily impact you and your future.  Proven Training comes down to the instruction and your diligence in pushing yourself even Wing Chun Self Defense has to be used in tested to be effective, many schools may do drills but real information may escape them.

Ordinary people might have to stop a drunk with a weapon or a mugging especially if you can’t escape. or prevent the event from progressing. Situational awareness is another weapon in your arsenal to give you a pre-awareness of what may be around you.

Is your Training realistic for a worst case scenario

worst case scenario self defense lakeland florida sifu och wing chun kung fuYou must train for all ranges of possibilities to deal with low and high level threats. This is just one difference in the reality of worst case scenario self defense training under a instructor.  Most of these questions expect you to be truly honest with yourself and what kind of instruction your receiving. There is a huge difference between Martial Arts and Realistic survival of a worst case scenario self defense.

Finding a real school to train in can be hard, ask yourself these questions.
1.) Are you training alot of hand forms, fancy applications, or touch sparring?
2.) Can you stop someone from aggressively attacking you?
3.) Is your instructor training you in truly realistic techniques?

Many people have a hard time being objective with their martial arts training as they get attached to the “idea” of their studio or school and the people there. But remember why you started and what your trying to achieve.

“the Sifu Och Wing Chun studio, this article and its writer do not advocate violence, this piece is for information only.”

Sifu Justin Och
11 Countries Traveled
Contact us at 863.800.0171
Regional Director for World Ving Tsun Association in charge of entire Southeastern USA
3x certified and tested as an Ip Man lineage Sifu
116 E. pine st, lakeland FL 33801
Fan page – Http://facebook.com/sifuochwingchun
Website – https://sifuochwingchun.com

Martial Arts School Safety

The title of this article may seem like an odd question, but it is something everyone should ask themselves. This is only for their own benefit and health. Safety in this respect refers to the physical environment, cleanliness, and set up of the martial arts school. There are certain warning signs and things you should take note of. Not only should you observe when you looking for a school but even after you enroll.

So what should you be looking for when you enter a martial arts school to ensure that it is going to be a healthy place to train:

Look at the physical arrangement of the studio

Is the training area around anything that you could bump into, trip over, fall on, be pushed into, etc. (Chairs, weights, brooms, tables, training equipment, other students bags/gear?) A responsible martial arts school will have specified places for these items. They will also be sure that those items are kept there to ensure the safety of the students.

Are there mirrors in the studio? If so, are they far enough away to not cause injury? Most studios are going to have windows to let in light and to allow the public to be attracted to what is going on inside. However, all training should occur well away from any windows to avoid potential accidents.

Look at the training floor

Wherever you will be doing your martial arts training, you need to be sure that the floor is going to be safe. Concrete floors, or floors covered with only a thin matting are a red alert that your safety may not be a high priority at the studio. If you were taken down, swept off your feet, or knocked down doing a technique, would you feel safe landing on the training floor? (Sifu Och Wing Chun has professional martial arts mats covering our training area so our

Also, does the floor look clean? If there are mats on the training floor, it is essential that the mats are cleaned with a hospital grade disinfectant on a regular basis. Martial arts mats can be breeding grounds for staphylococcus and other communicable skin diseases. (At Sifu Och Wing Chun we sweep and disinfect our floor, mats, and bathrooms a minimum of 2 times a week for the health and safety of our students.)

Use your nose and your eyes. Does the martial arts studio look or smell moldy or foul? Can you see dirt on the floor, can you smell garbage that needs to be taken out, are the bathrooms in a clean state? If you are in doubt about the cleanliness of the studio that you are looking to train in, ASK! Your safety should be as important to the owner of the martial arts school as it is to you! If you feel uncomfortable about anything when you visit a training studio, trust your gut and find a place that makes the safety of its students a top priority!

Learning Ground Game Tactics in Wing Chun

Safe sparring

As a side note, sparring also needs to be addressed.  The area where sparring is done should be void of  windows, concrete, or thin mats which could injure individuals. If they are are taken down, get swept, thrown, or fall these areas could cause serious damage. Halt training if the place you are at has hazards to you before they become a injury. Along with location you should also check equipment every time. The death of a martial artist is inactivity. That inactivity should never be because of an injury due to faulty equipment.

Just as your training requires discipline, so should your safety.

History of the Chinese Lion Dance

The Chinese Lion Dance is a celebratory dance usually enjoyed around Chinese New Year and other special occasions. Two dancers perform each lion, one as the head and fore-legs, and the other as the butt and hind-legs. The dancers both wear pants to match the lion’s fur, with one dancer under the oversized head, and the other bent over under a covering of “lion’s skin.” They then imitate lion like movements such as leaping, napping, scratching, and chasing their tail. The dance is usually accompanied by drums, cymbals, and a gong; playfully, and with lots of crowd involvement. This article will discuss the origin of the Chinese Lion dance and variances in style between the north and south.


Three legends exist in the Chinese culture that try and explain the origins of the Chinese lion. The first tells of a Monk who had a dream many evil spirits were about to attack China. The Monk prayed to the gods to send him a means of saving China from these evil spirits; his prayer led to a vision of a lion. Never having seen a lion before, the Monk created his own version of a lion from creatures including a dragon and unicorn – explaining why the Chinese lion does not resemble actual lions. The second legend tells of a visiting neighbor country who gave the Chinese Emperor a lion. The Emperor loved his new lion, but could not tame its’ aggressive nature. The Emperor commanded many civilians to the taming of the beast, but it was a Monk who was finally able to calm him. With pride, the Emperor showed off his new lion all around his country and stories of the incredible animal spread. The third legend tells of the animal coming down from heaven. Instead of having the natural traits of a lion, this lion was playful and enjoyed playing pranks on the country. At one point, the lion played a joke on the Emperor, enraging him so much that he cut off his head! A Chinese goddess witnessed the beheading and as a result tied his head back on with a magical red ribbon. She then gave the lion a mirror and a horn to drive away the evil spirits.

chinese lion dance, chinese lion dance wedding, chinese wedding, lion dance wedding

North vs. South

Despite coming from similar origins, Chinese lion dances vary greatly between the North and the South. The Northern lion dance is popular north of the Yangtze River. Performed by either one or two people, this lion is often smaller than the southern lion. Covered in tassels, this lion will act surprised, scared, and happy, while climbing, squatting, retreating and rolling. This lion is usually accompanied by a lion tamer, or warrior, who will lead the dance. The focus for the northern lion is on kindness and dexterity. The southern lion, also called the walking lion, is most popular in the Lingnan area of China. These lion dances are more athletic, incorporating jumps, moves, and attacks. The lion will progress through 8 stages of being: happy, sad, joyous, moving, resisting, surprising, and suspicion. Both lions, however, are rich in color and energetic movements.


Today the Chinese Lion Dance is performed by martial artists all over the world, for a myriad of occasions. At Sifu Och Wing Chun, our martial artists practice the dance and have performed for many different audiences. You may see a Chinese Lion at a wedding, a grand opening, or even a birthday party. Significance of the lion will vary between individuals, with some believing in the lion as a great source of fortune and good luck. No matter what the occasion, the lion never fails to bring smiles and good cheer to those around him.

Florida Chinese Lion Dance Performance | Entertainment

Florida Chinese Lion dance Performance | Entertainment

florida chinese lion dance performance entertainment sifu och wing chun kung fuWelcome to LakelandKungFu.com and SifuOchWingChun.com, this is the official site of the Sifu Och Wing Chun Kung Fu Institute. We specialize in Southern Chinese Kung Fu and are a Asian Lion Dance and Martial Art troupe headquartered in Central Florida, Lakeland Polk County. Our Kung Fu school trains people in realistic protection using Traditional Martial Arts while providing corporations and weddings in Florida Chinese Lion Dance and Dragon Dance performance entertainment. You can book your event with us online, Our team travels all over Florida and will gladly provide you and yours with a variety of exciting, fun and energized performances.

The SIFU OCH Wing Chun Kung Fu Institute is dedicated to preserving Chinese culture, education, Martial Arts effectiveness, and presentation.

Florida Chinese Lion Dance Performance

Places we have performed in the past have ranged from P.F. Changs, Brandenton Museum, Jacksonville Zoo, DLP, Traders Bar and Grill, OM BAR, AA Garden Fusion, PFA, Premier Financial Alliance, Downtown Lakeland Partnership, Lincoln Academy, Many Many Asain Weddings, just to name a few.

 florida chinese lion dance performance entertainment sifu och wing chunOur Florida Chinese Lion Dance performance entertainment group caters to many different events and client needs through a variety of services. Our coaches are professionally trained to make sure each unique performance is done with your goals and vision in mind.  We customize our patterns and performance team to your venue.

Our Traditional Southern Lion Dance group provides a modern adaptation using fun animalistic movements and behaviors with small acrobatic jumps and shoulder lifts.  The SIFU OCH Florida Chinese Lion Dance Performance can be with one of our chinese lions or up to four chinese lion dance costumes with or without a 12 person dragon costume.


Traditional Lion Dance performances uplift the spirit and embody the culture of Chinese New Year.  The Footwork of Traditional Chinese Martial Arts while overcoming puzzles, obstacles and retrieving Bok Choy green leaf cabbage symbolizing good luck, fortune, and prosperity.

The Florida Chinese Lion Dance performance music is provided by a live Drum, gong, symbols providing live music for our clients events.

Book your Lion Dance Performance today!

Sifu Justin Och
11 Countries Traveled
Contact us at 863.800.0171
Regional Director for World Ving Tsun Association in charge of entire Southeastern USA
3x certified and tested as an Ip Man lineage Sifu
116 E. pine st, lakeland FL 33801
Fan page – Http://facebook.com/sifuochwingchun
Website – Http://sifuochwingchun.co

Florida Chinese Lion Dance | LION DANCE FLORIDA


Our Florida FLORIDA CHINESE LION DANCE chinese-new-year-lion-danceChinese lion dance team travels all over the state providing authentic fun entertainment for Asian weddings, businesses, corporations, and Chinese New Year celebrations and Chinese New Year Festivals!

Our entertainment usually starts with festive clothing, chinese lion dance music, chinese drum, symbols, and gong with the host providing food, firecrackers, festive clothing and decorations.

Modern Florida Chinese Lion Dance Performance entertainment routines have a flair for fun mixed into the lion dance entertainment and music.  Red Envelopes are provided by the host and are filled with paper money by the host and guests.  This red envelope fed to the lions mouth brings good luck and happiness throughout the year.

The Spring Festival season happens where ever there are Asain descendants that are celebrating their culture.


FLORIDA CHINESE LION DANCE LION DANCE FLORIDAMost hosts provide dinner, and is believed to be one of the most important meals you will eat of the year.  Sitting down and eating together enjoying food as one big family is a big part of the festivities.

From Dragon Dances, Parades, Chinese Lion Dances and even Imperial Performances that simulate the Emperor’s Wedding.  With Asain candy, Chinese snacks, and lunar moon lantern festivals.


florida chinese lion dance performance entertainment sifu och wing chunThis is a festival for the entire family to gather and enjoy the past year and what is to come.  Our Florida Chinese lion dance team is a time to bring families and friends together, to bless the new year with the celebration of family and festivities.

Sifu Justin Och
11 Countries Traveled
Contact us at 863.800.0171
Regional Director for World Ving Tsun Association in charge of entire Southeastern USA
3x certified and tested as an Ip Man lineage Sifu
116 E. pine st, lakeland FL 33801
Fan page – Http://facebook.com/sifuochwingchun
Website – https://sifuochwingchun.com

Chinese New Year in Tampa | Lion dance Tampa


florida chinese lion dance performance entertainment sifu och wing chunChinese New Year in Tampa may not have a large Chinatown like other large cities in North America, but Central Florida is the proud home of Sifu Och Wing Chun, a well-known and skilled Wing Chun Kung Fu school that goes all over central florida performing for Chinese New Year in Tampa events, celebrations, weddings and corporate events.

Chinese New Year in Tampa is a proud home to the asian community that loves the culture, traditions and cultures with a grand passio.  Asain culture rich with celebration are inspirationally festive during the Lunar Moon and Chinese New Year.

Central Florida Chinese lion Dance

Chinese New Year in Tampa Sifu Och Wing Chun Kung Fu Chinese New Year Lion dance This year Sifu Och Wing Chun Kung Fu celebrates the Year of the Rooster with Florida Chinese Lion Dance performance, live chinese drums, symbols and gongs as well as kung fu demonstrations and prizes!  With hands-on activities for the whole family and traditional chinese lion dance performers we will ring in the New Year with great luck and fortune.

During the New Lunar Moon and Chinese New Year their is always food, singers and celebrations.

Held Every Year at the end of January to the first week in February the Chinese New Year in Tampa provided by Sifu Och Wing Chun provides the city with a real feel of the authentic celebrations and Asian traditions of the Holiday.

Chinese New Year is also known as Spring Festival and is an important, some in the Asian community say the most important celebration of the year.

Chinese New Year in Tampa Florida

From Lantern Festivals to the new moon, the first day of the Chinese New Year in Tampa falls between the January 21st and February the 20th.  Centuries old the festival was a time not only to honor deities as well as ancestors it is celebrated in countires all over Asia.  From The Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, Mauritius, Asutralia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau.

This is also a time for families to clean house, wisk away bad forture and make the new year a new you.  Activities include lighting firecrackers and Red envelopes are distributed with paper money in them into the florida chinese lion dance mouth for good fortune, wealth, and happiness.  Book our traditional cultural performances with the Chinese Lion dances. — Sifu Och Wing Chun the Year of the Rooster!

florida chinese lion dance performance entertainment sifu och wing chunSifu Justin Och
11 Countries Traveled
Contact us at 863.800.0171
Regional Director for World Ving Tsun Association in charge of entire Southeastern USA
3x certified and tested as an Ip Man lineage Sifu
116 E. pine st, lakeland FL 33801
Fan page – Http://facebook.com/sifuochwingchun
Website – https://sifuochwingchun.com


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IN HOUSE Group fitness classes, body weight loss training, and free weight training
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