The Fatal Flaw in Testing

Getting tested in martial arts can be nerve racking but also invigorating. Your abilities are all laid out to bare for all to see. No more excuses just reaction. This is quite exciting. Along with that is the satisfaction when all your hard work does actually pay off. Attaining the next level feels great and if you earned it you should feel proud. However, “The Fatal Flaw in Testing” is what I would call the Sprint Mentality.

Sprinting for your test: The Fatal Flaw in Testing

Finals week, the week before the last set of tests for college students. Energy drinks, microwaved food, and zombies with backpacks become rampant on college campuses. Students will “cram” in those last extra hours of studying to strive for that grade at the end of the semester. This is the same as I call it, the “Sprint” in martial arts. Martial art students will train for months but many times you will see a tendency to really step up the training right before a test. Even though this does encourage that extra training at the end of a section there is a fundamental flaw to this process.

Student’s who are training hard consistently will have no need to sprint at the end because they will already be prepared for the test. But for this to be realized your goal must be analyzed. If your goal is to simply achieve belt ranks, then cramming is a perfectly legitimate way to achieve that. However, if your goal is to be prepared at all times for combat, then you should train as if you had testing every day.

One Breath

Grandmaster Ken Chun, from Wing Chun Dynamics in California, visited our school and gave a great tip on mindset. He explained that in an encounter you have one breath to channel all of your training to defend yourself. In that one breath you must focus your mind and your body to one task.

He also explained that this should be trained every single day. In other words, you shouldn’t wait for the week before testing to snap into that “one breath” mode. Every single punch, every single kick, every single takedown should be done with the same mentality. If you don’t accomplish this attack it could be the end, not of your opponent, but of you! So as you train, take in that one breath mentality every single time you move.

Your actual goal

Attacks on the street may have indicators. However, indicators do not come a week ahead of time. They may only be caught a moment or two before something happens. That being the case, if you do not keep yourself optimally prepared you could be overtaken. If preparing for testing is your ultimate goal, you are in danger of getting caught. Testing should not be used as your goal. Your goal should be your training regiment. Each day you should seek to improve and upgrade that training. The result of this shift is that your perspective changes on your testing. Instead of looking at that as an end game, it is used to evaluate whether or not your training is effective to keep you prepare.

The importance of keeping your training up is even emphasized in martial arts business circles. Even with these successful million dollar schools the owners understand that their training is top priority. John Kovar, found of Kovar systems lists Training first, then Teaching, then Business. You don’t know when you are going to be attacked so every training day is vital to you surviving an attack.

So ask yourself, what are you training for? Have you fallen prey to the The Fatal Flaw in Testing? Are you training for a belt? Social standing? Sense of accomplishment? Or are you preparing yourself for real, terrifying, messy combat?



Anger and Wing Chun Don’t Mix: Proper Martial Arts Education

A angry mind full of stress, anxiety, and frustration will cloud the judgment of a Wing Chun Kung Fu practitioner—or any martial artist. Saying this and training for a clear mind are two different things, of course. You must make it a practice, so the body can relax and calm its breathing, heart, and mind when under duress.

Anger and Wing Chun Don’t Mix

siu nim tao gung fu in lakeland fl wing chun form anger sifu och wing chun kung fu lakeland florida martial arts gung fu class
Siu nim tao gung fu being practice in our Downtown Lakeland Sifu Och Wing Chun studio

Anger management within the martial arts is extremely important. Anger and Wing Chun don’t mix. Not only is calming the mind important—restraint of primal anger during a confrontation keeps you from having a “fogged” perception. The mind needs to be clear in order to fulfill its full capability and goals.  Wing Chun Kung Fu demands a clear mind swept of anger in order to be filled with purpose, skill and drive.  Though anger can have a drive of its own if not tempered it can run rampant in our lives and destroy that which is built and postive.

Wing Chun Kung Fu strikes such as chops, punches, palms, elbows, head butts, kicks, and knees are coupled with simultaneous blocks, traps, redirects, countering measures, and changing body movements and timing. If you succumb to anger, you won’t have the mental discipline to remember, let alone execute, the required movements to keep you safe. Stand up strikes require extremely fast targeting, and you need to keep your strikes along the centerline principle of the body. The centerline of the body contains most of the vital areas, pressure points and weaknesses.  Though when Wing Chun Gung Fu strikes these points it is concerned with the hitting of fists, elbows and knees into these areas.

Though there are few grappling techniques or holds within Wing Chun Gung Fu as it is seen as a waste to hold when you could be striking.  There is in fact the use of quick Chi Na (wrist and joint lock applications) that are taught widely within this system of self defense.

The discipline of Wing Chun teaches many other techniques such as gun defense, stick and knife defense as well as ground defense training.  Schools like Sifu Justin Och also teach no-gi ju-jitsu as a addition to in-depth Wing Chun Gung Fu instruction.  This addition of no-gi ju-jitsu for ground training and fighting teaches a practitioner that whether stand up or ground Sifu Justin Och students are covered.

Wing Chun Gung Fu is one of the fastest martial arts known, by striking the human bodies vital areas you can shut an assailant down quickly.  Whereas a Wing Chun Gung Fu stylist learns to protect these areas.  The centerline is the most vital battleground and tactic available to a practitioner.  It is the source by which all techniques seek to attain and strike.

All attacks, deflections, redirections, blocks are tools to attack and devastate the centerline vitals such as the throat, knees, groin, eyes, temples, joints, Xiphoid, collar bone and many other areas that can’t be built up.

Gung Fu in Lakeland Florida

combat wing chun fighting resistance focus mitts lakeland florida martial arts sifu och wing chun kung fu lakeland florida martial arts gung fu class
Combat Wing Chun fighting resistance practice with focus mitts in our Lakeland Florida Wing Chun martial arts studio.

The battle ground and warrior tactics within Wing Chun Gung Fu emphasize the short distance between two points is a straight line.  Wing Chun Gung Fu teaches you to strike directly instead of indirectly.  This aims every attack at this centerline.  Wing Chun Gung Fu spends alot of its time training and learning how to direct force, precision and power against this centerline while getting any and all defenses down.

Striking any one of the vitals found along the centerline can end a assailants capability to harm the Wing Chun Gung Fu practitioner.  A powerful blow to the throat, collar bone, eyes, groin, knee or joints could very well shut them down.  This is why Wing Chun Gung Fu has so many tactics from extremely fast chain punches to turning punches that involve the full momentum of the body, hip, torque, weight and speed.  Only one blow is needed but Wing Chun trains for many strikes to ensure increased success for its practitioners.

If above all you want real self defense for you and your family, choose Wing Chun Gung Fu.

Sifu Justin Och is in downtown lakeland florida and has classes that can give you and your family exactly what you need.   A Black and Gold Sash instructor under multiple proven Masters of the system of Wing Chun Gung Fu.  Sifu Justin Och is also recognized internationally as a amazing instructor that looks after his students and trains them to the highest capabilities they can and are willing to achieve.  A hard but fair Sifu in the world reknowned system of Wing Chun Gung Fu.



Wing Chun Gung Fu: Using Skill, Not Strength, for Victory

Unlock your Inner Power with Wing Chun Gung Fu

One of the very first things that is taught within the system of Sifu Och Wing Chun is proper technique and knockout power. Using all of the bodies weapons for both offense and defense.  Blocking and attacking simultaneously while shifting and moving to get out of the way of incoming attacks.  Instead of using force against force Wing Chun has proven counter strategies that take strength from the assailant and truly use it against them. 

Instead of using force versus force where a smaller practitioner of Wing Chun might fall victim Wing Chun uses dynamic footwork and redirective combinations that take the assailants line of strength out of the equation. Wing Chun Gung Fu power is one of the most exceptional martial art systems out there.

Mastering Struggles and Unleashing Power Through Wing Chun Gung Fu

Sifu Justin Och, Lakeland Wing Chun, Lakeland Kung Fu, Lakeland Martial Arts, Lakeland Wing Chun Kung Fu, Central Florida Wing Chun, Wing Chun Central Florida

For every line of strength there are four lines of weakness this means that a smaller and weaker fighter can quickly stop and drop a larger and stronger assailant. Wing Chun is one of the most exceptional martial art systems out there. A Wing Chun stylist uses their heads to avoid direct confrontation and uses the assailants strength, force and power against them.

“a struggle of power can only happen between two individuals both willing to struggle – Sifu Justin Och”

Understanding the Power of Wing Chun Gung Fu

Sifu Justin Och, Wing Chun Kung Fu, Sifu Justin Och Wing Chun, Lakeland Florida, United States, Wing Chun United States,

Wing Chun is renowned for its unique approach to power. Instead of relying solely on brute force, Wing Chun emphasizes using your opponent’s energy against them, allowing even those with less physical strength to defend themselves effectively. This concept is empowering, particularly for those struggling to find balance between mental and physical strength.

From Effort to Ease: Wing Chun Gung Fu Power Secrets

If one individual decides to strike instead of struggle the battle of strength against strength is turned.Wing Chun is one of the most exceptional martial art systems out there.  Fight smarter not harder my Master use to say.  Within Wing Chun there are a lot of concepts and many concetrate on the concepts of Wing Chun versus the ability to use Wing Chun Gung Fu in a dangerous, stress induced, pressured situation. 

What many may not realize is that it only takes a small amount of strength to redirect a line of power, though this is not to say that Wing Chun Gung Fu does not use strength or power.  Properly taught Wing Chun is told to focus on knockout power with speed but never speed over knockout power.   This takes a practitioners mindset away from just fast and fancy movements and pulls them into the reality of combat, knocking or incapacitating their assailant.

Mastering Struggles and Unleashing Power Through Wing Chun Gung Fu

Because speed comes so fast to a Wing Chun practitioner many forget to train in its follow through power.  This makes it so that even a weak Wing Chun practitioner can stop, move and break the timing and body down of a much larger assailant if the weaker Wing Chun Gung Fu practitioner is taught to follow through. Wing Chun is one of the most exceptional martial art systems out there.  Each strike is an opportunity to stop the fight as a practitioner does not want a long drawn out battle.

“Longer fights have to many factors involved from weapons being drawn, accomplices joining, to draining endurance and stamina.  Ending a fight quickly also minimizes damage to all parties involved. – Sifu Justin Och”

Overcoming Struggles in Martial Arts with Wing Chun

Training and pushing yourself to fight five rounds for five minutes is a great goal, but then using all that stamina to end the fight quickly without burning yourself out but rather staying calm in the moment is key.

Wing Chun Gung Fu power is one of the most exceptional martial art systems out there.  The ability to quickly counter, move, attack, redirect, and defend against so many other techniques and systems of combat.  Wing Chun is a proven tried and true system of realistic self defense.  If you want the power, the strength and ability Wing Chun provides you have to train like an a animal.  You have to train hard, push hard, under pressure and resistance.  In order to gain realistic self defense you have to train it just like any other athlete, just thinking about it or doing it passively will gain you a passive response when under attack.

Wing Chun Gung Fu: Powerful, Effortless Defense at Its Best

Sifu Och Wing Chun, Official Banner, Ving Tsun Association, Florida, Southeastern USA, Wing Chun, Ving Tsun, Florida, group, best wing chun, best wing chun teacher, wing chun sifu, best wing chun,

to start your journey contact us
Sifu Och Wing Chun in downtown lakeland florida martial arts
Black and Gold Sash Wing Chun Gung Fu Power
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Jeet Kune lakeland florida

Jeet Kune lakeland florida

Jeet Kune lakeland florida is your first stop if you want to begin your journey.  Bruce Lee trained and practiced his fighting system of Wing Chun Gung Fu under Ip Man way before his creation of Jeet Kune Do.  With diligence and  determination Ip Man trained Bruce Lee in Wing Chun gung fu attempting to keep the youth off the street where gangs ran rampant on Chinese streets and alleys.  Jeet Kune Do was created when Bruce Lee was sent to the USA but had not completed the system.  But Bruce Lee only learned 2/3rds of the system, with Grandmaster Ip Man in China and no way to communicate, Bruce Lee had to fill the gaps.  Bruce Lee began the journey of Jeet Kune Do by filling in the 1/3 he didn’t have with other systems that were around him, Boxing, Ju-jitsu, and various kicks.  With Wing Chun gung fu as a huge base, power, structure and engine Jeet Kune Do was born.

jeet kune lakeland florida
lakeland florida jeet kune lakeland florida jkd sifu och wing chun kung fu lakeland florida martial arts gung fu class

Within lakeland florida Jeet Kune Do engine is a possibility for you and those you love. But during the 1900’s Wing Chun was obscure at best it was a system in secrecy that only very few knew of and trained.  Those that trained in it though became increasingly powerful so much so many became famous in their regions and provinces.

Bruce Lee was a street kid before he met Grandmaster Ip Man, there was no Jeet Kune Do yet (JKD).  Bruce Lee was a kid and was one of the few fortunate enough to trained under Ip Man directly.  Bruce Lee was able to do this before being sent to the United States by his parents to save him from gang related activities and street brawls.  before Wing Chun’s obscurity and lack of large schools and practitioners would not stay for long.   Grandmaster Ip Man was and still is one of the greatest teachers and proponents of the System Wing Chun Gung Fu.

Over the years Wing Chun Gung Fu became a dominant force within China as much as it is now and has now become one of the most widely known and practiced Gung Fu Chinese martial art systems within the known world.   Thousands now train all over the world in Wing Chun though finding Masters like Ip Man, Bruce Lee, Wong Shun Leung and the like are difficult but not impossible.  Jeet Kune lakeland florida and Wing Chun Gung Fu presents its information openly but Mastering it takes real training, time, dedication and understanding.  It is thus said that you can find Wing Chun in almost every major city but finding a true Master of Wing Chun is like winning the lottery, you better hold on to that ticket.

lakeland florida jeet kune do lakeland florida jkd jeet kune dosifu och wing chun kung fu lakeland florida martial arts gung fu class
lakeland florida jeet kune lakeland florida jkd jeet kune do sifu och wing chun kung fu lakeland florida martial arts gung fu class

Jeet Kune Do (jkd) is the combination of Wing Chun Gung Fu, Ju-Jitsu, Boxing and Kicking techniques with Wing Chun gung fu as the engine both striking, redirecting and blocking in one quick swift motion.  For those looking for Jeet Kune Do in lakeland fl and wanting to follow in the footsteps of Bruce Lee’s Jeet Kune D0 (jkd) martial arts training we suggest you start with the engine; Wing Chun gung fu.  Understanding and starting with Wing Chun gung fu you will gain a huge perspective in your journey to become a Jeet Kune Do or JKD fighter.  We welcome all martial artists and all levels from pure beginner to full out seasoned vetern, whether you have trained in Wing Chun, Gung Fu, Tiger Claw, White Crane, Snake, JKD, Boxing, Taekwondo, Karate or have been in Jeet Kune Do for years you will get the full picture here of Wing Chun’s fighting capabilities.  These abilities combined will take your protection, skill and ability to a insane new level.

Hundreds and Thousands of self defense martial arts today study Wing Chun Gung Fu with all the power and ability it provides them.  The true power of Wing Chun Gung Fu awaits you will you take it up, will you recieve the gift of protection, confidence and power?  Will you rise to its need for discipline and practice?

Your Sifu, your instructor is Justin Och and he has search the world for Wing Chun Gung Fu to bring back to you the power and prowess.

Looking to start your journey in Jeet Kune lakeland florida, then your Journey starts the same way Bruce Lee did, by learning Ip Man’s Wing Chun Kung Fu.

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Jeet Kune lakeland florida starting with Wing Chun Kung Fu
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Lakeland Florida Martial Arts

Lakeland Florida Martial Arts

Lakeland Florida Martial Arts / Wing Chun Gung Fu by Sifu Och takes discipline, perseverance and a drive.  Gung fu in Lakeland florida martial arts with Sifu Och is unlike any other family martial art or self defense system you may encounter.  Not only does it make stream sense, practical purpose, but it is a traditional martial art with a modern mindset, modern instruction and full body reactionary self defense.

sifu justin och Lakeland Florida Martial Arts gung fu
sifu justin och Lakeland Florida Martial Arts gung fu

Southern Shaolin Gung Fu martial arts contain cultural exchange, full body conditioning and exercise besides being a real skill and fast self defense.  Wing Chun Gung Fu is a extremely popular art throughout the entire world.  Made famous by Ip Man the Grandmaster instructor of Bruce Lee, this system has proven applications, so much so other styles have tried to “borrow” concepts.  The art of Gung Fu is also known as Wu Shu, Kung Fu, Wushu, Kuo Shu.

Many Karate martial art systems share common traits with Gung Fu in both power, foot work and some hand techniques.  The difference in Gung Fu is its ability to move fluidly from relaxed control to absolute explosive power, this combined with Gung Fu’s ability to react to almost any attack imaginable with both offense and defense.  Shaolin Gung Fu is known as one of the oldest forms of self defense martial arts on the planet.

Gung Fu has several variant styles of self defense though the most popular are those with roots to the Shaolin Temple.  Though Gung Fu was practiced in China well before the first Shaolin Temple was raised.  Though it was the Shaolin Temple monks that pressed it forward and refined tactics for War and self defense martial art combat.

There are a large majority of martial artists enthusiasts and practitioners imagine  that and ultimate self defense is the definitive goal of any martial art this includes Gung Fu.  Though amazing and realistic self defense is the one of the great results of Wing Chun Gung Fu, Gung fu is much deeper than just self defense or martial arts moves.  It is a deep sense of enrichment, a body that is toned and fit, a healthy lifestyle, a sense of accomplishment and a life time of achievement.  Sifu Och understands this fact, that Wing Chun Gung Fu is a true art that develops the mind, body and soul of the practitioner.

Lakeland Florida Gung Fu

sifu och Lakeland Florida Martial Arts gung fu
sifu och Lakeland Florida Martial Arts gung fu

It is not about teaching students to overpower or conquer others instead Gung Fu teaches students to dive deep within themselves controlling their bodies, reactions, emotions and confidence.  The harmony trained within Gung Fu is the most important, a sense of peace and avoidance of confrontations.  Even within a threatening situation Wing Chun gung fu with all its power, speed and realistic self defense capabilities it teaches the student to rise above the situation.  Instead a Wing Chun gung fu warrior defends himself and those he/she loves only when they are forced or cornered to do so.

Lakeland Florida Martial Arts Wing Chun Gung Fu takes the balance of the mind and body, it’s mechanics, details, and training are essential to proper execution of movement and defense to use minimal strength with maximum results.    This is unlike many other types of martial arts where power is taught over body mechanics, redirection and rooting.

Proper balance is more than just the balance of the body, knees and feet as they touch the ground and there relation to how you strike and kick.  Chinese martial arts believe the concept behind proper balance is within heaven and earth.   Chinese martial arts also known as gung fu teaches its students to focus completely on each objective, clearing the mind of all upset and stress.  Gung Fu trains the mind to focus each thought while empting their cup to reach a state of happiness within every aspect of life.

Will you choose a life of balance, a clear mind, purpose filled and happy with skill, discipline and realistic self defense for your entire family in lakeland florida, or will you choose to keep searching?  It’s up to you as your decision now and in the future all make the difference.  Knowning all of Wing Chun Gung Fu is a dying seed, many do not have the dedication and will to learn it.   Will you allow it to grow in your heart, find the right instructor or will you let it fade from existence?

to start your journey contact
Sifu Och Wing Chun in downtown lakeland florida martial arts
Black and Gold Sash Wing Chun Gung Fu
lakeland florida gung fu martial arts


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