PART 2 – We may be biased, but we have had students that used Sifu Och Wing Chun to get out of life threatening situations. Not once but many students over the many decades we have trained members. They have been kept safe by the proven applications we teach for self defense in a variety of street encouters. We teach people from day one that the proven Wing Chun self defense we have here can make a difference. Every technique has a purpose and a direct effect on getting out of a situation quickly and effectively.
Proven Self Defense: Wing Chun Stands Out – Part Two

The first couple of months of training will stay with them for the rest of their lives. They will refer back to that information throughout their lives, as everything else builds upon this foundation. This beginning time is very important in the growth and mindset of a student.
If the majority of our training is Yin and instills Yin, you will become a Yin student. Have that student face a situation on the street or against another practitioner that has been training for sparring, direct contact, mobility, speed and power, all of the things that Wing Chun represents and who do you think is going to win? Think of the greats in Wing Chun Kung Fu, Yip Man (Ip Man), Bruce Lee, Wong Shun Leung, Simon Lau, etc.
Master the Art of Self-Defense: Proven Wing Chun Techniques
Wing chun has proved self defense. They were all fighters, they spoke and trained for fighting with Wing Chun (ving tsun). Sure, they may use Yin, but they get knocked out with Yang. Are you willing to put in the hard work, time, and dedication? Will you travel, research, or waste time with a school thats close school, but knows a fraction of the info.

Master the Art of Self-Defense: Proven Wing Chun Techniques

Hard work, time, dedication and becoming quick, powerful, direct, and not wasting time. Getting to the heart of the issue to maintain perseverance in the face of impossible odds. Pushing past your own limitations and the limits others try to place on you. This is the foundation of Kung Fu, the heart of Wing Chun Kung Fu.
How Wing Chun Proved Itself as the Best Self-Defense System
Getting to the heart of the issue to maintain perseverance in the face of impossible odds. What about pushing past your own limitations and the limits others try to place on you? This is the foundation of Kung Fu, the heart of Wing Chun Kung Fu.

Why Wing Chun Reigns as the Ultimate Self-Defense Martial Art

Many years ago before I started my Wing Chun training. I had trained in other styles to believe that I could Master the martial arts without medium to heavy sparring against team mates and other styles. Wing Chun also provides proven self-defense techniques. Within my first 6 months of Wing Chun I quickly changed my mind.
Where do practitioners get their speed, endurance, technique and power, and how could they react to everything I did and was thinking about doing before I even got to do it?
Real-Life Self-Defense with Wing Chun: Proved and Tested
I realized that direct confrontation with a moving, active, thinking opponent was completely different than my mirror and forms provided. Proved self defense martial arts is provided by wing chun. I realized that this was where Wing Chun (ving tsun) Kung Fu reigned and if I wanted this elusive martial art as my own I was going to have to push myself in dedication.

Discover the Proven Wing Chun Self-Defense Techniques that Work

Win or lose I would be the one gaining all the benefits and true understanding of those secrets deep within Wing Chun. This is where I started looking into the different techniques. A combinations and movements that were being given to me. Over the years I have looked deeper into the body mechanics of Wing Chun.
Wing Chun truly is a complete system it emulates its name “everlasting spring time” or “ever changing spring time”. It has an answer for any situation. It is a progressive and modern martial art. Wing Chun’s number one rule is “your closest weapon to your opponent’s closes vital”.
How slight adjustments for my body size and those around me could increase not only my power but the effectiveness of ever technique I executed. Techniques that I thought I could never use in a combat application became more than possible as my strength, understanding and ability increased.

From Theory to Practice: Wing Chun’s Proven Self-Defense Legacy
That means that whatever is the most direct attack do it. Don’t think about it. Just attack the next closest vital, keep your root strong, your footwork correct and allow your whole body to become a weapon.
Proven Self-Defense: Why Wing Chun Stands Strong in Combat

Always choosing the closest “weapon” to the closest “vital or target”, this is the essence of direct reaction. Though all reactions are different, the key is to use whatever hand, foot or body part is closest to defend and attack an opponent. If your hands are tied up, deliver a headbutt.
If your legs can’t kick or knee, then strike with punches, elbows, biu jee (thrusting fingers), palms, or chops. You always have options, but the question is will you have trained under the right instructor? Will you have worked hard under the right instruction to attained a level to use them as reactions?
The Proven Wing Chun Methods – PART 1 (CLICK HERE)
Wing Chun; proven self defense – (part 1) – to start reading article
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