How Wing Chun Delivers Results in Serious Combat Scenarios

Military and Special Forces train in Close Quarter Combat to quickly take down enemies. Private citizens can learn it as well. To learn such a skill a person must undergo rigorous training. Training that involves using sudden, overwhelming, and relentless application of violence to give enemy no real chance to respond.
Unlock Your Combat Potential with Wing Chun Kung Fu
Serious self defense Unarmed Combat techniques are practical for everyone in everyday situations. From military personnel to the average citizen. Sifu Och Wing Chun Unarmed Combat trains the non-expert in how to deal with unforeseen assaults in the home, street , parking lot or on a night out on the town.
Through repetition and clear training methods we go over precise applications on how to deal with sudden confrontations and escalating attacks. Our classes will help prepare you on how to win a fight quickly whether the attacker is armed or unarmed.
Though premeditated attacks are hard to de-escalate without fighting we will go over ways for you to win, fight or run when the situation calls for it.
Close Range Unarmed Combat in Lakeland Florida

Overall, our school focuses on teaching real Ip Man Wing Chun Kung Fu striking methods, controlling positions, locks, throws, grabs and deflections.
From defending against edged weapons, firearms and ground fighting we go over one and multiple armed and Unarmed Combat assailants, fighting against strangles, chokes and improvised weapons.
Your going to need more than three moves for Self Defense. The tactics of fierce unarmed combat are used by special forces. These tactics emphasize simple, quick and devastating response to any and all threats that represent themselves to the practitioner.
Through intensive and consistent training you can be enabled with the skills needed to deal with opposition effectively and concisely. Though there will always be circumstances that require more than Unarmed Combat tactics using Sifu Och Wing Chun Kung Fu. From long distance threats, weapons and close quarter encounters that have come unexpectedly while distracted or otherwise engaged.
The Power of Wing Chun in Practical Self-Defense Combat
Its when things can go wrong and out of plan, such as falling onto the ground with one or multiple well trained assailants around, your going to need ground game tactics. All martial arts like to talk about size not mattering, but when the size of a opponent also has skill and training that may not always be the case.
Unarmed Combat versus Armed Combat
Carrying other weapons on you can be a risk versus reward situation. Meaning if your good at using the weapon and have consistently trained with it, then there may be a benefit. However, if your assailant gets a hold of your weapon, you drop it or can’t reach it you could compound your current problems. Lets say you carry a concealed gun and you are attacked it may be too hard to get out in time before you would be seriously injured attempting to do so. Remember a attacker within 21 feet with a edged weapon can close distance before a trained officer can draw and shoot their weapon, so with that in mind what are your chances as a citizen pulling your weapon, firing with accuracy within that 21 foot range? Don’t kid yourself its dangerous.
Wing Chun: Precision and Power for Practical Self-Defense
Making sure you train under a instructor that is looking to cut the fat and show you real skill is like finding a golden needle in a barn sized hay stack at times. If you find one then know that it is worth the travel to get real information and training. Sifu Och Wing Chun has an internationally trained master instructor in Wing Chun Kung Fu Unarmed Combat that can help prepare you for an unsought unprovoked attack in everyday situations.