POSTED: March 23, 2013 | WRITTEN BY: Sifu Justin Och
Jeet Kune lakeland florida
Jeet Kune lakeland florida is your first stop if you want to begin your journey. Bruce Lee trained and practiced his fighting system of Wing Chun Gung Fu under Ip Man way before his creation of Jeet Kune Do. With diligence and determination Ip Man trained Bruce Lee in Wing Chun gung fu attempting to keep the youth off the street where gangs ran rampant on Chinese streets and alleys. Jeet Kune Do was created when Bruce Lee was sent to the USA but had not completed the system. But Bruce Lee only learned 2/3rds of the system, with Grandmaster Ip Man in China and no way to communicate, Bruce Lee had to fill the gaps. Bruce Lee began the journey of Jeet Kune Do by filling in the 1/3 he didn’t have with other systems that were around him, Boxing, Ju-jitsu, and various kicks. With Wing Chun gung fu as a huge base, power, structure and engine Jeet Kune Do was born.
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Within lakeland florida Jeet Kune Do engine is a possibility for you and those you love. But during the 1900’s Wing Chun was obscure at best it was a system in secrecy that only very few knew of and trained. Those that trained in it though became increasingly powerful so much so many became famous in their regions and provinces.
Bruce Lee was a street kid before he met Grandmaster Ip Man, there was no Jeet Kune Do yet (JKD). Bruce Lee was a kid and was one of the few fortunate enough to trained under Ip Man directly. Bruce Lee was able to do this before being sent to the United States by his parents to save him from gang related activities and street brawls. before Wing Chun’s obscurity and lack of large schools and practitioners would not stay for long. Grandmaster Ip Man was and still is one of the greatest teachers and proponents of the System Wing Chun Gung Fu.
Over the years Wing Chun Gung Fu became a dominant force within China as much as it is now and has now become one of the most widely known and practiced Gung Fu Chinese martial art systems within the known world. Thousands now train all over the world in Wing Chun though finding Masters like Ip Man, Bruce Lee, Wong Shun Leung and the like are difficult but not impossible. Jeet Kune lakeland florida and Wing Chun Gung Fu presents its information openly but Mastering it takes real training, time, dedication and understanding. It is thus said that you can find Wing Chun in almost every major city but finding a true Master of Wing Chun is like winning the lottery, you better hold on to that ticket.
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Jeet Kune Do (jkd) is the combination of Wing Chun Gung Fu, Ju-Jitsu, Boxing and Kicking techniques with Wing Chun gung fu as the engine both striking, redirecting and blocking in one quick swift motion. For those looking for Jeet Kune Do in lakeland fl and wanting to follow in the footsteps of Bruce Lee’s Jeet Kune D0 (jkd) martial arts training we suggest you start with the engine; Wing Chun gung fu. Understanding and starting with Wing Chun gung fu you will gain a huge perspective in your journey to become a Jeet Kune Do or JKD fighter. We welcome all martial artists and all levels from pure beginner to full out seasoned vetern, whether you have trained in Wing Chun, Gung Fu, Tiger Claw, White Crane, Snake, JKD, Boxing, Taekwondo, Karate or have been in Jeet Kune Do for years you will get the full picture here of Wing Chun’s fighting capabilities. These abilities combined will take your protection, skill and ability to a insane new level.
Hundreds and Thousands of self defense martial arts today study Wing Chun Gung Fu with all the power and ability it provides them. The true power of Wing Chun Gung Fu awaits you will you take it up, will you recieve the gift of protection, confidence and power? Will you rise to its need for discipline and practice?
Your Sifu, your instructor is Justin Och and he has search the world for Wing Chun Gung Fu to bring back to you the power and prowess.
Looking to start your journey in Jeet Kune lakeland florida, then your Journey starts the same way Bruce Lee did, by learning Ip Man’s Wing Chun Kung Fu.
to start your journey contact
Sifu Och Wing Chun in downtown lakeland florida martial arts
Jeet Kune lakeland florida starting with Wing Chun Kung Fu
Black and Gold Sash Wing Chun Gung Fu
lakeland florida gung fu martial arts