Chinese New Year Celebration: Why Florida’s Chinese Lion Dance Should Be on Your Radar

Experience the Magic: Florida’s Thrilling Chinese Lion Dance Performances

Lion Dance, Florida, Central Florida Lion Dance, Lion Dance Central Florida, Chinese New Year,

The enchanting experience of Florida Chinese Lion Dance performances is highly regarded. As events unfold, vibrant displays of culture and artistry are presented. Each performance is designed to captivate audiences, showcasing traditional techniques and joyful energy.

Traditionally, the Lion Dance has been performed at various celebrations, bringing joy and good fortune. Consequently, it has become a popular entertainment choice for weddings, festivals, and corporate events. Each performance is tailored to meet the specific needs of the clients, ensuring a memorable experience. Furthermore, the talented performers undergo rigorous training to master the art, enhancing the overall quality of the show.

Chinese New Year, Asian Weddings, Corporate Events, our Florida Chinese Lion Dance and Dragon Dance is here for you. You can book your event with us online, We travel all over Florida and will gladly provide you with a variety of exciting, fun and energized performances.

The Power of Performance: Florida’s Stunning Chinese Lion Dance

Moreover, the Lion Dance is deeply rooted in Chinese culture. As a result, it embodies important values such as bravery and strength. Audiences are often engaged through the lively music and intricate movements, which represent good luck and prosperity. Therefore, many individuals feel a connection to their heritage during these performances.

Chinese Lion Dance, Florida Lion Dance, Lion Dance Team, Florida, Central Florida

Places we have performed in the past have ranged from P.F. Changs, Brandenton Museum, Jacksonville Zoo, DLP, Traders Bar and Grill, OM BAR, AA Garden Fusion, PFA, Premier Financial Alliance, Downtown Lakeland Partnership, Lincoln Academy, Many Many Asain Weddings, just to name a few.

florida chinese lion dance performance entertainment sifu och wing chun

Moreover, the Lion Dance is deeply rooted in Chinese culture. As a result, it embodies important values such as bravery and strength. Audiences are often engaged through the lively music and intricate movements, which represent good luck and prosperity. Therefore, many individuals feel a connection to their heritage during these performances.

PF Changs, Lion Dance, PF Changs Lion Dance, Lion Dance Team, Florida

P.F Chang’s, Disney Hotels and Corporate Events, the Sifu Och Wing Chun Florida Lion Dance team has made it exciting and a unique spectacle. The performances are enhanced by live drumming, gongs, and cymbals. In addition, a combination of one to four lions, along with a dragon costume, can be included. Additionally, special patterns and themes are customized to align with the event’s vision.

Choose Sifu Och Wing Chun Florida’s Top Lion Dance Team

Central Florida, Chinese Lion Dance, Lion Dance, Lion Dance team, Lion Dance entertainment

Three key reasons highlight why Sifu Och Wing Chun should be chosen for Lion Dance performances. Firstly, a commitment to cultural preservation is demonstrated. Secondly, professional training is provided to ensure high-quality performances. Lastly, a dedication to client satisfaction is consistently upheld. Thus, an unforgettable experience is guaranteed.

Are you ready to elevate your event with a mesmerizing Lion Dance performance? Don’t wait any longer! Contact us today to book your performance and bring the magic of Chinese culture to your occasion.

Unlock the Culture: Why Florida’s Chinese Lion Dance is a Must-See Event

Traditional Lion Dance performances uplift the spirit and embody the culture of Chinese New Year.  The Footwork of Traditional Chinese Martial Arts while overcoming puzzles, obstacles and retrieving Bok Choy green leaf cabbage symbolizing good luck, fortune, and prosperity.

Celebrate Tradition: The Vibrant Art of Chinese Lion Dance in Florida

The Florida Chinese Lion Dance performance music is provided by a live Drum, gong, symbols providing live music for our clients events.

Internal Links to Related Articles:

  1. Understanding the Lion Dance Tradition
    Learn about the origins and cultural significance of the Lion Dance in Chinese celebrations.
  2. The Impact of Lion Dance on Community Engagement
    Explore how Lion Dance performances foster community spirit and bring people together during events.
  3. Lion Dance: A Symbol of Strength and Courage
    Discover how Lion Dance embodies themes of strength and courage in Chinese culture.

Florida Lion Dance Team – Book your Lion Dance Performance today!

Asain Wedding Florida, Lion Dance Florida, Florida Lion Dance, Lion Dance Asian Wedding,

Chinese Lion Dance by Sifu Och Wing Chun & Photo by Rising Lotus Photography by Marilyn

Tampa Bay Wing Chun School | SELF DEFENSE


Tony-Plasse-Tampa Bay Wing Chun Kung Fu Tampa Bay FloridaI have spent the last year training with Tampa Bay Wing Chun School run by Garret and I have noticed improvements in myself.  Garret emphasizes physical training at the beginning of each class.   I have improved muscle tone and stamina.  Wing Chun techniques taught to me have improved my reflexes much to my surprise.

I remember my first introduction to Wing Chun Kung Fu was an Ip Man movie three years ago.  I did not know much about it, but the movie inspired me to research it.  I liked the theory behind and thought it would be more practical for myself.  High flying kicks, although cool looking, are not my style.  When I finally had the opportunity to attend a class near my house I thought, this is great.

The instruction and encouragement I receive is outstanding.  Sihing Garret and Sifu Och inspire me to dedicate myself and continue training.


 Tampa-Bay-Wing-Chun-Florida-Book-NowTampa Bay Wing Chun
10405 N. Nebraska Avenue
Tested, Trained and Certified Sifu Och Wing Chun Studio The Best Tampa Bay Wing Chun school in my opinion, and I hope to be an inspiring instructor one day.   I look forward to progressing and to be a good representative of Tampa Bay Wing Chun Kung Fu and Sifu Och Wing Chun.

Not just in wrist against wrist but in everyday applications.  I react to things such as doors flying at my face, I caught one with a Jum Sau action.  The lady next to me said “Wow! That was like a ninja!”  I also catch the items knocked off shelves with a lot more ease.  The wrist against wrist drill has helped my sensitivity improve into reaction.  It has given me more confidence in handling myself.  I always knew my normal movements gave me power but now I am learning to channel that power more efficiently through stance and technique.  I am more confident that I’m more prepared for situations when I’m out on the town or at work.   I believe there are many applications I could have used previously in my life as a football player.  Namely the footwork and center line punch drill.  Both would have greatly helped me as an offensive lineman and coach.  It also adds to my overall scariness.


As the days grow closer to my son’s birth, I look forward to sharing Wing Chun with him.  I hope he will benefit from Wing Chun training developing skill, balance and confidence.  I see Wing Chun as an opportunity to develop father and son bonds.

I would also like to share a little bit of Wing Chun History with you, a southern Chinese martial art mentioned during the period of the Red Boat Opera in the Late 1800s.  Developed by southern Shaolin monks to help combat the Manchurians.  It is influenced by other Fujian martial arts that preferred short steps and close fighting, with arms placed close to the chest and elbows close to the flanks offering protection.  A simple boxing form quickly mastered by dedicated practitioners.  Two key figures keeping Wing Chun system alive after the burning of southern temples were Yat Chum Dai Si, 22nd generation Siu Lam Grandmaster monk, and Cheung Ng, also known as Tan Sao Ng within the opera.  It was taught to other rebels taking refuge with the opera.  From there it spread along the coast and rivers of south-eastern China by people who lived by and on the water.  The Shaolin nun myth was most likely created to protect the identities of the creators and perpetuators of the Wing Chun system.  Wing Chun translates to Spring Chant or Spring Praise.

THE Florida Wing Chun Headquarters

Sifu Justin Och
11 Countries Traveled
Contact us at 863.800.0171
Regional Director for World Ving Tsun Association in charge of entire Southeastern USA
3x certified and tested as an Ip Man lineage Sifu
116 E. pine st, lakeland FL 33801
Fan page – Http://
Website –


Chinese New Year in Tampa | Lion dance Tampa


florida chinese lion dance performance entertainment sifu och wing chunChinese New Year in Tampa may not have a large Chinatown like other large cities in North America, but Central Florida is the proud home of Sifu Och Wing Chun, a well-known and skilled Wing Chun Kung Fu school that goes all over central florida performing for Chinese New Year in Tampa events, celebrations, weddings and corporate events.

Chinese New Year in Tampa is a proud home to the asian community that loves the culture, traditions and cultures with a grand passio.  Asain culture rich with celebration are inspirationally festive during the Lunar Moon and Chinese New Year.

Central Florida Chinese lion Dance

Chinese New Year in Tampa Sifu Och Wing Chun Kung Fu Chinese New Year Lion dance This year Sifu Och Wing Chun Kung Fu celebrates the Year of the Rooster with Florida Chinese Lion Dance performance, live chinese drums, symbols and gongs as well as kung fu demonstrations and prizes!  With hands-on activities for the whole family and traditional chinese lion dance performers we will ring in the New Year with great luck and fortune.

During the New Lunar Moon and Chinese New Year their is always food, singers and celebrations.

Held Every Year at the end of January to the first week in February the Chinese New Year in Tampa provided by Sifu Och Wing Chun provides the city with a real feel of the authentic celebrations and Asian traditions of the Holiday.

Chinese New Year is also known as Spring Festival and is an important, some in the Asian community say the most important celebration of the year.

Chinese New Year in Tampa Florida

From Lantern Festivals to the new moon, the first day of the Chinese New Year in Tampa falls between the January 21st and February the 20th.  Centuries old the festival was a time not only to honor deities as well as ancestors it is celebrated in countires all over Asia.  From The Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, Mauritius, Asutralia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau.

This is also a time for families to clean house, wisk away bad forture and make the new year a new you.  Activities include lighting firecrackers and Red envelopes are distributed with paper money in them into the florida chinese lion dance mouth for good fortune, wealth, and happiness.  Book our traditional cultural performances with the Chinese Lion dances. — Sifu Och Wing Chun the Year of the Rooster!

florida chinese lion dance performance entertainment sifu och wing chunSifu Justin Och
11 Countries Traveled
Contact us at 863.800.0171
Regional Director for World Ving Tsun Association in charge of entire Southeastern USA
3x certified and tested as an Ip Man lineage Sifu
116 E. pine st, lakeland FL 33801
Fan page – Http://
Website –

Sifu Justin Och Fishing Trip

Sifu Justin Och took a trip to the skyway fishing pier with a small group of his Wing Chun Kung Fu students.  Gathering together for fishing, crab hunting and a great burn under the sun the team of students and Sifu traveled west to have a great fishing trip together. Though hard to believe, there is more to life than just Wing Chun. We believe in building friendship, unity, and a family of amazing Wing Chun martial artists growing together here in central Florida.

sifu justin och fishing trip wing chun kung fu trip
Some of our Wing Chun students took a short retreat to do some fishing in sunny Florida. Sifu Och Wing Chun is more than just a kwoon–we’re a family!

More than just a school, the Sifu Justin Och crew is an extended family to all those who are dedicated to this amazing close combat system known as Wing Chun Kung Fu. Sifu Justin Och Fishing Trip met up with his students looking to have under the sun as a group taking a break from rigorous training from the kwoon in downtown lakeland florida.

From crab traps to fishing lines, this Wing Chun school does more than just training they have fun with each other, taking in life and living every moment.

Assembling for angling, crab chasing and an extraordinary retreat under the hot Florida sun, the group of understudies and Sifu Justin Och built fellowship, solidarity, and camaraderie. From kwoon to excursion, we like to think that-as a family-Sifu Och Wing Chun is about buiding relationships, enjoying life together, and helping each other grow together and learn from each other.

Thank you, Sifu Justin Och for having a Wing Chun school that looks beyond just training and self defense to a place where both friendship and fun come together.

Traditional martial arts 2 Mindset -and- Modern Combat (part 2)

Traditional martial arts 2 Mindset -and- Modern Combat (part 2)

Traditional martial arts 2 Mindset
Ip Man Wing Chun Kung Fu, Complete combat fighting art

(this article can not be copied or used on any other site, permission only to share link) Though we are not MMA, we understand the want for practitioners to feel more secure in their survival.  It is this “Foshan mentality” of the challenge fight that has many martial art businesses evaluating their curriculum and future instruction.  This mentality and reality training in turn has strengthened the resolve in some martial artists about their traditional martial arts 2 style and shaken the core of those styles who have spent the majority of their time on techniques that were more flash than use.

Many schools that did not have the answers before because either they were never taught to them, they had to work with the market they were given which wanted flashy and easy progression or because they never looked deeper into their style to see if the answers were there first have instead brought in other martial art styles to fill the gap. Traditional martial arts 2 is provided by wing chun kung fu school. As the perceptions of preconceived traditional forms and techniques have caused many martial artists to evaluate their techniques for effectiveness and weaknesses.  The answers are their within your art.

Traditional martial arts 2 Mindset -and- Modern Combat (part 2)
From the Movie Ip Man 2, Combat Scene
Wing Chun Kung Fu reflex fighting

The question is do you know them or are you willing to seek them out.  For many it is sometimes easier to dismiss deeper research as it takes a lot of time and money.  Though this is where the original martial art and its intentions get lost and incomplete Masters of styles rise without the understanding of their arts original purpose and techniques.  There is nothing wrong with mixing martial arts as long as you are a Master of both of the ends you mix.  Thus knowing is the understanding and seeking out of all the knowledge of a style and confirming everything you have been taught by more than one perspective and source of applicable knowledge.  Thus knowing and mastering each style you seek out is the pinnacle of mixing instead of a hodgepodge of a few months of training in multiple styles and gaining no real depth to anyone of them.   I believe and respect the practitioner of an art that seeks out all of the practical uses of their style and wants to further the development and laying the foundation for the next generation so that these “original martial artist” are not lost but gain a foothold in the past they were developed in and for and the future that asks for them once again.  Preservation of all applicable knowledge is a task only the dedicated and determined are willing to take up.

Tribute to Traditional Martial Arts and Chinese Shaolin kung fu
Tribute to Traditional Martial Arts
and Chinese Shaolin kung fu


For those practitioners that try to keep their original styles intact while teaching street practicality I give you my respect.  Keeping and training the war like styles that traditional martial arts have come from is difficult. Not only in building a business but in finding practitioners willing to put in the dedication and time it takes to achieve usable advanced understanding and skill.  On top of all of this a Master has to dedicate his life to teaching, exploring, paying and diving deeper into their own system to pass the full knowledge and not just what their teacher’s teacher taught them.  This ensures that the next generation contains as much of the puzzle as possible and not just pieces.

The terminology of Traditional Martial Arts has come with the thought that they are old, useless, rigid, dogmatic, cultist and hold the students mind and body down from further expansion or else they will dishonor there past masters and their sacrifices.  Yet in almost every style of these “Original Martial arts” their masters were constantly looking into themselves, their fights and their styles so that they could become better.  These old Master’s would seek out higher level instructors, train with them day in and day out until they completed the entire style and then after full understanding would incorporate these styles and fighting systems together.

Survival, that was the only goal each original martial art was conceived for. That was why each style was created.  These old instructors trained and traveled to uplift their ability to increase survival.   It was only after this that Masters then took on students to support themselves and the survival of their communities.  It has always been the goal of every original martial art instructor and every reality based martial artist to stick to these war and combat survival tactics.

I wish to further understand the art and honor these past Masters and their sacrifice. Yet nothing can honor them more then becoming the best survivor of your art and diving deeper into the truth of it.

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related images come from the Ip Man movies,,,, and the title image came from;

Authentic Traditional Martial Arts vs Modern Combat We Use Now

For some of us it was always the goal of training within the traditional martial arts to develop a system and practices that would work as a combative technique in modern times. Furthermore, when we talk about traditional martial arts, we refer to training rooted in the tenets. These are the original master of the style or technique set forth. For example, there may have been a change within their school and training as the martial arts have begun steering away from the “fancy” and entertaining styles of the past and more towards the efficient realities of modern combat.

Some martial art schools are playing catch-up, just now seeking to show that they are part of a realistic street protection and combat training system.  In contrast to this, some schools, like Sifu Och Wing Chun have always sought to train you and your family in empty hand combat, knife defense, gun protection, stick, ground, and defense techniques against multiple attackers. You can likely see the difference between tradtional martial arts training and a modern combat system simply by coming down and trying us out for a week or two.

Traditional Martial Arts Meets Modern Combat

The question we ask in developing and honing techniques is “What is real and usable within a particular style”. We appreciate and utilize older, traditional training techniques with two very distinctive goals: First, we actively keep those effective techniques and practices alive, and second, we bring back and incorporate the effectiveness they originally intended to achieve.

Additionally, in the past 60 years of martial arts training we have seen a change in people’s attitudes, goals, and especially their mindset. This is mostly in the West. The focus is on respect to the realities and the myths of combative martial arts styles.

Najai McCullough, wing chun kung fu,

The want and need for reality based fighting is quickly becoming the face of martial arts within many communities.  Though this is nothing new to “Original Martial Artists”. This is a martial artist that seeks the original purpose and effective applications and techniques behind their arts original development. In reality, training for war was the purpose and creation of truly traditional and original combat styles.

For many years the martial arts have placated to those wishing to receive a black belt without the hardcore training it originally required. With eight year olds and teens walking around with black belts with no clue to the hardcore combative nature and application it takes to be a real black belt of their style.

huen sau, phoenix eye fist, pheonix eye fist, centerline punch, centerline punch, central florida, wing chun kung fu, polk county, sifu och wing chun, sparring, fighting,

The Development of Traditional Martial Arts

As martial art schools began giving away belts and levels the truth always has remained evident.  A true combat practitioner and true black belt can and will always be able to beat a person who has not truly earned their rank.  Those who wish to reach a higher skill set and levels for street application will seek out the instruction and institute to reach their intended goals.

Whether you like the uptake of MMA mixed martial arts or not the great part about mixed martial arts is that it has shown people what is working in their system and what doesn’t. It has brought back the days of the challenge match, where one school could challenge the performance techniques of another.

Wing chun kunf fu is a Traditional Martial Arts Academy. Challenge matches in Fushan and all over China became the proving ground for what worked in your style.  It is my hope that this influx brings martial art instructors motivation to push their students and their schools instruction to new heights.

Modern Self Defense

Though mixed martial arts doesn’t inspire everyone to join, more and more people are seeking out traditional or original martial arts styles that can assist them in life-threatening situations.

Wing Chun was a conglomeration of some of the best veteran southern kung fu styles and Shaolin Master’s within the Sil Lum Temple and China’s 5,000 years of war.

chinese martial arts, kung fu, lakeland, florida, kids kung fu, chinese martial arts lakeland florida

They came together as Master’s of individual specialties and created something together, something they felt would be better.  The style itself, a mix of southern Chinese Shaolin martial arts, was created by high-ranking Masters, each at the pinnacle of their fighting style. Wing Chun respects all styles, as we are reminded that it originated from them over three hundred and fifty years ago in the 1700s.

For more info watch this videos

Sifu Och Wing Chun, Official Banner, Ving Tsun Association, Florida, Southeastern USA, Wing Chun, Ving Tsun, Florida, group, best wing chun, best wing chun teacher, wing chun sifu, best wing chun,

Want to Get Started?
Join Sifu Och Wing Chun today and embark on your journey through the world. Fill out our contact form to discover why we are your best choice for Wing Chun Kung Fu and martial arts training in Lakeland, Florida!

Related articles on the Sifu Och Wing Chun website:

Chinese Martial Arts: History and Philosophy

Understanding Wing Chun Kung Fu

The Benefits of Martial Arts Training


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