We teach and bring the complete and original Ip Man Kung Fu: Wing Chun in Lakeland Florida. We are the HUB for the Entire Southeastern United States for the World Ving Tsun Association. You won’t find a better Wing Chun Kung Fu studio in Florida. We teach the entire system from beginner to extremely advanced training.
Experience Real Kung Fu in the Heart of Lakeland
Historically, the term “Kung Fu” does not appear in ancient texts found in Asia, China, or surrounding regions. The phrase “Kung Fu” was first coined by Jean Joseph Marie Amiot, a Frenchman and missionary from the 18th century. He used this term “Kung Fu” to reference all of chinese martial arts.
All of these ancient Chinese texts date back to between 1111-255 BC. Originally, Kung Fu referred to expertise in specific life skills, professions, and the pursuit of personal and community greatness.
Join the Best Kung Fu Classes in Downtown Lakeland, FL

A brief history traces the ancient Chinese texts speaking of the philosophy, martial art training, practice, mentality, and concepts of Kung Fu. This history traces back to the Dao De Jing, Zhuang Zi, and Sun Zi Bing Fa. Written by Sun Zi, this is the Art of War.Scholars wrote and documented all of these ancient Chinese texts between 1111-255 BC. The Dao De Jing, Zhuang Zi, and Sun Zi Bing Fa relate and detail the philosophical practice, mentality, and principles of Chinese martial arts. These principles encompass both combative and passive-aggressive approaches. The history of Chinese Martial arts, their complexity, depth and culture influence is deeper then most may understand. The difference in Kung Fu systems is not clear to many Westerners, though to Kung Fu practitioners, it is vast and deep. Techniques exist for fancy application, motion, and movement.
Find Your Focus with Wing Chun in Downtown Lakeland
Techniques also forged in war exist. Sifu Och Wing Chun Kung Fu in Lakeland, Florida, teaches the forged, war-like survival tactics of traditional Wing Chun Kung Fu. Shaolin Monks modernized this style for a new era of combat. Some people know a little Wing Chun or Kung Fu and claim to teach multiple systems, styles, and techniques. However, the terminology of Kung Fu signifies greatness and expertise above and beyond. Sifu Och’s Kung Fu school in downtown Lakeland, Florida, is a prime example. It is a place to rise above limitations of the mind and body.
There are theories on Kung Fu and its written history suggesting that the Yellow Emperor may have written the very first treatise. He reigned from 2698 BC and created the first treatise on Chinese martial arts in ancient times. Others suggest that Taoist monks introduced the art form similar to Tai Chi around the era of 500 BC.

In 39-92 AD, Pan Ku created the “Six Chapters of Hand Fighting.” Historians documented this thesis in the history of the Han dynasty (Han Shu). In 220 AD, Hua T’uo, a physician, wrote a book entitled “Five Animals Play.” This occurred during the growing popularity of martial arts.
Learn from Expert Instructors at Lakeland’s Kung Fu School
By the late 1960s, the word Kung Fu had become common enough that most individuals in Western society knew its name. It references Chinese martial arts and was made popular by Bruce Lee and many martial arts movies. TV programs, posters, and emerging schools also contributed to its popularity. Western society is immersed in Chinese martial arts with figures like Jackie Chan, Jet Li, Robert Downey Jr., and Nicolas Cage. All Chinese airline flight attendants and stewards must train for anti-terrorism using Wing Chun Kung Fu.

The concept and basic principles of Chinese martial arts and Kung Fu, indeed, center around essential life skills, such as self-motivation. Therefore, it is not only crucial but also imperative that a self-motivated student and practitioner possess a strong desire to learn.
As a result, push themselves as much as they want to breathe. In a world where advertisements and commercials attempt to motivate you long enough to buy, Kung Fu and real martial arts aim for more. It offers you more than just the moment; in fact, Kung Fu represents greatness and achievement for a lifetime.
Improve Your Fitness and Focus with Kung Fu Training
Personal self-discipline is a rarity today. A person must be disciplined enough not to let the world’s excuses weigh on them. They should avoid derailing their personal discipline and goals. Lastly, time is essential; it takes time to learn real martial arts. You must develop the skill and truly understand every aspect of what you are taught under pressure. The real motivation behind learning Kung Fu is a desire to push yourself. This motivation provides daily inspiration and is focused rather than forced.
You should crave greatness and development of the mind and body to something greater than what others limit you to. Motivation is a driving force a fuel unlike any other and we can gain it from many sources, competition, life threatening experiences or lack. There is no fast food way of learning Kung Fu. Reaction in all of Wing Chun, all the combinations, all the forms, and all the techniques takes time and intense dedication.

However, understanding, applying, and cultivating that power requires skill and reaction against all signs of pressure. This process takes a lifetime of discipline, motivation, and time. The only question is whether you will give yourself an excuse today as to why you can’t. Alternatively, will you give yourself every excuse to conquer and achieve?
Join Lakeland’s Leading Kung Fu Academy for Skill and Growth
The real motivation behind learning Kung Fu is inspiration and not force, which should come from an inner craving to learn and develop the mind and body. Motivation here is the fundamental driving force. There is no external or worldly gain for the learner, and the only reward is that of knowledge, skill, strength and wisdom.

Wing Chun Kung Fu teaches us that self-discipline complements motivation. Discipline motivates us over time to achieve greater skill, action, and deeds. You must dominate the mind and excuses not to train before you can dominate the body. This is essential to rise above your own limitations.
Most people don’t make the effort because it takes effort. Many will talk about the deeds and things they want to achieve. However, they fail to give the discipline and time needed for a better life. Their minds are dormant as they wait for someone else to “give them” the chance, time, or money. There will never be a perfect time to join, and there will never be enough money with this mindset. You will always see another bill. Instead, make the leap, join, and train. You will find that the money will come, the perfect time is now, and the results are coming!
Train with the Best at Lakeland’s Premier Kung Fu Academy
Kung Fu is like a seed; you plant the seed by joining. Once sown, the seed begins to grow. However, many look at the surface and yell, “See, this doesn’t work! Where is it?” The truth is that the skill is building, and the time is coming. Discipline and motivation are present; just have faith. If you do, the seed will break the surface, and you will start to see the tree grow. However, if you have doubt and stop training, you will see the seed fade, never breaking the surface.
To become a red wood you must reach towards the sun, some people are moss and fungis looking for what scraps are near them a red wood has higher aspirations.
A Kung Fu practitioner doesn’t have time or the privilege to waste time, indulge in wasteful fruitless, and idle activities. A self motivated and disciplined practitioner reflects a person that others are inspired by and want to become.
Sifu Och – Wing Chun Kung Fu
Lakeland, Fl 33801
Start Your Wing Chun Kung Fu Journey Today!
If you’re in Central Florida and ready to experience the unique benefits of Wing Chun Kung Fu, join us at Sifu Och Wing Chun in downtown Lakeland. Our dedicated instructors are ready to guide you every step of the way. Whether you’re a beginner or experienced martial artist, we have a training program tailored to your needs.
Get started training with us today, if your located in Central Florida we are the Top Wing Chun Academy in the State!
Ready to unlock your potential through Kung Fu? Fill out our contact form today to start your training at Sifu Och Wing Chun. Join us in downtown Lakeland and discover why our academy is the best choice for Wing Chun and martial arts in Lakeland, FL!
Variants and Styles: With the passage of time, numerous variants and styles have come up in martial arts, or Kung Fu. Some of the more popular ones include Karate, Escrima, Wing Chun, Jujitsu, Judo, Tae Kwon Do, Shaolin, White Crane, T’ai Chi Ch’uan, and Bagua Zhang.