Learn from the Best: David Peterson’s WSL Ving Tsun Training
David Peterson’s Ving Tsun: The Key to Practical and Efficient Combat
First, let me say I’m not a Sifu or certified instructor under Wong Shun Leung Ving Tsun, or David Peterson or Philipp Bayer. But I do have a deep respect for these men, what they teach and who they represent. Everything I say or write here or elsewhere is out of a deep love and respect for the men what they represent.

No matter your lineage you come from. You will find David Peterson WSL Ving Tsun enlightening, detail oriented, filled with knowledge. You may start your journey with research or David Peterson’s dvd’s. Though this won’t come close to the information he, his instructors, and classes have to offer.
From left to right; Justin Och, Jason Gowan, John Smith, David Peterson, at the London England Wong Shun Leung Ving Tusn Kung Fu Seminar
There are details that are deep within the forms, chi sau, single hand chi sau. Quick combat close range fighting. David Peterson WSL Ving Tsun seeks to improve the understanding, details and applications of every wing chun kung fu practitioner. Friends from every walk of life.

From left to right; Morten Ibsen, John Smith, Justin Och, David Peterson at the Denmark Wong Shun Leung Ving Tsun Kung Fu Seminar
Master Ving Tsun with David Peterson’s Authentic Lineage Training

I would highly recommend training with his Wong Shun Leung instructors. They take their training seriously but are amazingly fun guys to hang around with. A family that wants you to truly understand Wing Chun.
I started speaking with David Peterson back in 2011 and 2012. Though it was in May 2013 when I traveled to London, England. To attend David Peterson’s Wong Shun Leung Ving Tsun Kung Fu seminar. I went to train under the Wong Shun Leung lineage system. Understand where this great fighter, mentor, and instructor of the Ip Man system. Who wanted to take his students and future generations.
From left to right; David Peterson, Justin Och, Elizabeth Och training in Malaysia at David Peterson Headquarters.
David Peterson was joined by many faithful instructors. From John Smith, Ged Kennerk and Jason Gowan as well as many more. After a fun filled weekend filled with techinques, details and laughter. I was invited by David Peterson to join him for his Odense Denmark Seminar. Which I made plans, flight and scheduling at the last moment. To take advantage of this learning opportunity. The seminar was a meeting place for practitioners from every lineage, level and walk of life.

The Secrets of Effective Ving Tsun with David Peterson

Catching a flight from London, England I flew into Copenhagen, Denmark. Then took a 2+ hour train into Odense Denmark. Where I joined the Denmark Wing Chun David Peterson WSL group under Morten Ibsen. Morten Ibsen, John Smith, his wife and students were all extremely welcoming during the Denmark seminar. A great group that led there way, helping, and training practitioners from all over Denmark.
I then took a flight with David Peterson, his wife, John Smith and his wife into Manchester England to participate in all of the David Peterson Wong Shun Leung Ving Tsun seminars. Focusing on specific drills, training, footwork and applicable close-fighting techniques. His instructors are open, welcoming and honest.

David Peterson has a refreshing approach and attitude about the advancement of the Wing Chun system. His approach takes the details of each and every section, form and purpose behind each technique, drill and strike. Wanting those that have real dedication and perseverance to get what they have to offer.
Unlock the Power of Simplicity with David Peterson’s WSL Ving Tsun
It was a pleasure meet and train with David Peterson, John Smith, Jason Gowan, Ged Kennerk, Morten Ibsen and everyone of the instructors and students that I met. Each of them took their personal time to answer any questions and even train personally with me to give and go over the details.
I intend on continuing this training for as long as Wong Shun Leung instructors will have me.

It was also an great honor to hear David Peterson say “When you get back, tell all of your students Welcome to the Wong Shun Leung family”. I hope there is a way to train from afar, but if not I know Wong Shun Leung Ving Tsun will influence my way of training and progress in some of the best ways!
Unlock the Power of David Peterson’s WSL Ving Tsun Training

Other Articles on Sifu Och Wing Chun website
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Full URL: https://sifuochwingchun.com/wing-chun-kung-fu-lakeland-fl/
Article Title: Martial Arts Techniques and Training – Wing Chun Kung Fu
Full URL: https://sifuochwingchun.com/martial-arts-techniques-and-training-wing-chun-kung-fu/
Sincerely, Sifu Justin Och
116 east pine street, Lakeland Florida
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