Lakeland Afterschool and Summer Camp Fun

Lakeland is a wonderful area for an Afterschool and Summer Camp Program. Our Afterschool program is right in the heart of the city in Downtown Lakeland. We can easily access many schools in the area and bring them back to a centralized location. Lakeland is also perfect for our Summer Camp due to its location. Since we are located in between Tampa and Orlando we have many options at our disposal. In this article we will go over some of our programs and activities for Lakeland Afterschool and Summer Camp Fun.


Our Afterschool program is a hybrid of martial arts and dance. Sifu Och Wing Chun and Just Dance Academy of Etiquette. We use our program to have a fun time with the students but to also instill good principles. During the school year the children are picked up from their locations and brought back to our studio in downtown Lakeland. Once they are have reached the location they start off with snack time immediately followed by homework. This part of our program is integrated with the parents. The parents clarify what they want to accomplish at this point. Whether the children need to focus on homework and not do any activities until they are done, or get as much done until either dance or martial arts.

Following homework time the children have one of two things happening. They will either attend a hip hop\dance class or a martial art\self defense class. Both of the classes have a them of discipline. If discipline is not maintained then teaching anything to the children will be difficult if not impossible. Discipline is kept with a strict set of rules that are enforced but with love.

When a child acts out simply dishing out punishment is not enough. There must be an understanding of why the child is being punished. This is done by simply talking to the child before giving the punishment. The other side of the coin is a repeat offender who knows better or time constraint. In these cases it is acceptable to simply give the punishment needed. Positive reinforcement just as important however. Whenever a child accomplishes something or does follow the rules well, it should be met with an high amount of praise. A sense of pride is instilled and a desire to obey is created and supported.

Summer Camp

Summer camp follows the same schedule as our Afterschool program in the afternoons. The mornings is where the fun happens. Two groups are used at all times. “Big Kids” and “Little Kids” are the two groups. The ages are cut off at 8. With two groups being active we have the freedom to rotate activities and allow parents to decide what to do.

summer camps lakeland martial-arts-summer-camp-lakeland-fl-wing-chun-kung-fu

For example; if we take Big Kids to Mosi one day and the Little Kids swimming. The parent of a child might not have the money or desire to have their child to go to Mosi. What we then do is move the child to the little kids group for the morning. This freedom give the parents a lot more flexibility without having to give up the Summer Camp day. At the end of the day the kids funnel back to the studio to do their martial arts or dance lessons just like during the school year.

This system give the kids consistency throughout the whole school year. Whether they are seeking to become a competitive dancer or prolific martial artist, they can continue their training year round. Take a look at our Kids Afterschool and Summer Camp to see what fun we have with out camp!

Top 10 Reasons to Send Your Kid to Summer Camp

Sending your kid to summer camp can be one of the most difficult and rewarding choices you’ll make this year. Whether it is an all summer long day camp, or a week long overnight camp, the benefits are infinite! But for the sake of brevity, we’ve narrowed it down to ten:

Top 10 Reasons to Send Your Kid to Summer Camp

  1. Fun – Let’s start with the most obvious reason. At any summer camp that you choose to send your child to, fun will be the number one priority (apart from safety of course). The days are full activities, barely allowing a moment’s rest. Children leave camp brimming with excitement over the day’s events, often ready for a quiet evening after having exerted themselves all day.

  1. Time away – On top of having quieter evenings, the days are entirely quiet! Whether you are a stay at home parent or working during the day, camp days are often longer than school days and allow for a little bit of extra rest.

  1. Socialization – While you are enjoying a bit of rest (or productivity), your child is participating in a variety of activities that all encourage different aspects of socialization. They may be learning to share through arts and crafts, the value of teamwork in sports and trust exercises, or even simply how to get along with people that are different than they are.

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  1. Structure – Throughout all of this, there is always a strong sense of structure. Children thrive off of a solid structure. They know the boundaries and are free to operate within them, they also know that there are consequences to breaking the structure; further preparing them for life after childhood.

  1. Increased Creativity – Though camps are certainly structured, there is often designated free time. It is especially during this free time that kids will develop their creativity. The kids will be without direction from their mom, dad, or counselor. This freedom spawns their creativity and the camp environment is the perfect place to let them explore!

  1. New Skills – Along with increasing their creativity in free time, the skills that they learn at camp will broaden their mental and physical capabilities overall. New skills learned at camp will certainly vary among camps, but a few of the most common are: arts and crafts, yoga, swimming, horseback riding, ect. And if your camp specializes like at Sifu Och Wing Chun, they could even learn martial arts or dance.

  1. Active – Many of these new skills will get your kid moving, instilling a sense of how important frequent physical activity is. Summertime was once a time of outdoor exploring and activity, summer camps keep this tradition alive with plenty of activity.

  1. Nature – Recent years seem to have pushed summer activities indoors, limiting a child’s exposure to sunlight and nature. Summer camp ensures outdoor activities in nature, often way more than any of us see in a week.

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  1. Unplugged – Going along with exposure to nature is the huge benefit of unplugging at camp. This is personally my favorite reason to go to camp. Cell phones have taken over our world in a huge way, and this generation’s children will be the first to grow up surrounded by this phenomenon.

  1. Immersion – Being unplugged allows for your kid to be completely immersed in their surroundings at camp. They are able to focus their whole attention to the task at hand and grow as an individual on a higher level than they would be able to with the distractions of daily life. This has the opportunity to start combating ADHD tendencies and possibly reduce the need for medication.

I like to consider summer camp to be education without the rigidity and monotony of school. Children are able to learn so much at camp without ever getting bored! A feat schools have been trying to pull off for decades. So this year consider sending your kid to summer camp. Watch as these ten reasons come to life in the little person in front of you.


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