Why I Love Wing Chun

Martial arts were something I never thought that I would be interested in. For the longest time I shuddered at the thought of exercise or fighting, but when my father died I looked at the idea in a new light. As a way to protect myself. I started Wing Chun Kung Fu on the suggestion of a friend. He’d told me that he was looking into the practice and that if I was looking into a martial art, that this would be a good place to start. Now I love Wing Chun, and I love Kung Fu.

With the everlasting flow of information on the internet I dove into tons of research on many different martial arts in the surrounding area before I decided to go check out the Wing Chun school that I lived near; and seeing as I’ve stuck with it for an entire year, I’d say it’s turned out pretty well.

I’ve never done any sort of other practice before, the only real experience I’ve had with martial arts prior to Wing Chun was a friend I had back when I was a kid, around the age of 11, who attended Tae Kwan Do classes. I remember seeing small children around the ages of six and seven and wondering how they could have such an advanced belt. Could they really use the techniques and throws correctly? I didn’t believe that a six year old girl can be on the verge of a black belt in a martial art. I don’t think a twelve year old could do it. That was only memorable experience I’ve had.

The World of Kung Fu

Now that I’ve drabbled into the world of Kung Fu I feel that it’s something that I’ll involve myself in in many years to come. Between the physical, mental, and social benefits I’ve gained from it, I find that Wing Chun Kung Fu will now be a permanent part of my life whether I’m living in Lakeland, Florida attending the original studio I learned from, or teaching in another state across the country. The things that I’ve experienced with my new Wing Chun family are ever increasing.

In this past year my confidence has greatly increased, along with my physical capabilities.

A year ago I would be surprised if I could run a mile or do one pull up without passing out but through a continuous work out cycle, courtesy of the boot camp I’m sure, I possess much more physical prowess than that of a year ago.

I feel confident in my abilities to adequately defend myself if the moment came to it which allows me to feel safer than I have been; and being a young female college student who will soon live on her own, I am quite grateful to have this confidence.

I Love Wing Chun Because It’s a Family

Though I think the most that I am grateful for that I have come to know in this past year is my Wing Chun family. The togetherness, bonding and friendships that have grown through the mutual practice of Wing Chun certainly is amazing. In fact, I believe that Wing Chun takes up a majority of my social life outside of school and work. I’m not sure if that’s good or bad yet, but so far I’m enjoying it.

I find myself more focused and driven than I was a year ago. Before Wing Chun I didn’t have the drive to achieve greater things. I had the potential sure, but never that smoldering drive that pushes me forward now, and now that I’ve had a taste I’m sure that I’ll continue pushing forward towards success and goals that I set out. Wing Chun has certainly made a difference.


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