Anger and Wing Chun Don’t Mix

A angry mind full of stress, anxiety, and frustration will cloud the judgment of a Wing Chun Kung Fu practitioner—or any martial artist. Saying this and training for a clear mind are two different things, of course. You must make it a practice, so the body can relax and calm its breathing, heart, and mind when under duress.

Anger and Wing Chun Don’t Mix

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Siu nim tao gung fu being practice in our Downtown Lakeland Sifu Och Wing Chun studio

Anger management within the martial arts is extremely important. Anger and Wing Chun don’t mix. Not only is calming the mind important—restraint of primal anger during a confrontation keeps you from having a “fogged” perception. The mind needs to be clear in order to fulfill its full capability and goals.  Wing Chun Kung Fu demands a clear mind swept of anger in order to be filled with purpose, skill and drive.  Though anger can have a drive of its own if not tempered it can run rampant in our lives and destroy that which is built and postive.

Wing Chun Kung Fu strikes such as chops, punches, palms, elbows, head butts, kicks, and knees are coupled with simultaneous blocks, traps, redirects, countering measures, and changing body movements and timing. If you succumb to anger, you won’t have the mental discipline to remember, let alone execute, the required movements to keep you safe. Stand up strikes require extremely fast targeting, and you need to keep your strikes along the centerline principle of the body. The centerline of the body contains most of the vital areas, pressure points and weaknesses.  Though when Wing Chun Gung Fu strikes these points it is concerned with the hitting of fists, elbows and knees into these areas.

Though there are few grappling techniques or holds within Wing Chun Gung Fu as it is seen as a waste to hold when you could be striking.  There is in fact the use of quick Chi Na (wrist and joint lock applications) that are taught widely within this system of self defense.

The discipline of Wing Chun teaches many other techniques such as gun defense, stick and knife defense as well as ground defense training.  Schools like Sifu Justin Och also teach no-gi ju-jitsu as a addition to in-depth Wing Chun Gung Fu instruction.  This addition of no-gi ju-jitsu for ground training and fighting teaches a practitioner that whether stand up or ground Sifu Justin Och students are covered.

Wing Chun Gung Fu is one of the fastest martial arts known, by striking the human bodies vital areas you can shut an assailant down quickly.  Whereas a Wing Chun Gung Fu stylist learns to protect these areas.  The centerline is the most vital battleground and tactic available to a practitioner.  It is the source by which all techniques seek to attain and strike.

All attacks, deflections, redirections, blocks are tools to attack and devastate the centerline vitals such as the throat, knees, groin, eyes, temples, joints, Xiphoid, collar bone and many other areas that can’t be built up.

Gung Fu in Lakeland Florida

combat wing chun fighting resistance focus mitts lakeland florida martial arts sifu och wing chun kung fu lakeland florida martial arts gung fu class
Combat Wing Chun fighting resistance practice with focus mitts in our Lakeland Florida Wing Chun martial arts studio.

The battle ground and warrior tactics within Wing Chun Gung Fu emphasize the short distance between two points is a straight line.  Wing Chun Gung Fu teaches you to strike directly instead of indirectly.  This aims every attack at this centerline.  Wing Chun Gung Fu spends alot of its time training and learning how to direct force, precision and power against this centerline while getting any and all defenses down.

Striking any one of the vitals found along the centerline can end a assailants capability to harm the Wing Chun Gung Fu practitioner.  A powerful blow to the throat, collar bone, eyes, groin, knee or joints could very well shut them down.  This is why Wing Chun Gung Fu has so many tactics from extremely fast chain punches to turning punches that involve the full momentum of the body, hip, torque, weight and speed.  Only one blow is needed but Wing Chun trains for many strikes to ensure increased success for its practitioners.

If above all you want real self defense for you and your family, choose Wing Chun Gung Fu.

Sifu Justin Och is in downtown lakeland florida and has classes that can give you and your family exactly what you need.   A Black and Gold Sash instructor under multiple proven Masters of the system of Wing Chun Gung Fu.  Sifu Justin Och is also recognized internationally as a amazing instructor that looks after his students and trains them to the highest capabilities they can and are willing to achieve.  A hard but fair Sifu in the world reknowned system of Wing Chun Gung Fu.




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