If you do a jump kick, and you teach the purpose on how to “commercial martial arts someone out with it” while showing the 100% full original war/street purpose, I applaud you. If you throw weapons, but you do it because you’re throwing them through an opponent I applaud you. I applaud any and all men and women who teach or seek out such a teacher, that want to instruct them in the “original ways” to survive using a traditional martial art. I also applaud and respect those who are truthful about their teachings and tell a prospective student that by no means will the fancy move they are learning or that throwing or twirling a weapon in the air or around your fingers works on the street, but instead telling them, “Hey, it’s fun isn’t it?”

bart jarm dao butterfly sword classes
To all of you out there who train hard through respect, honor and dedication I bow to you and ask for more commercial martial arts. God knows we need it. We need commercial martial arts more support for all truth bringers within the martial arts from both sides of the fence.
It takes a real hardcore person with a passion to want it, search for the purpose behind it and to learn ALL of it, asking what every moves purpose was for survival. Original martial arts are not easy and not fast food, they are “Kung Fu”. Take the Original Karate from Okinawa Japan, Muay Thai from Thailand, Taekwondo from Korea, Brazilian JiuJitsu from Brazil and in its Original Art form its all “Kung Fu”.
No not because I’m claiming they all came from Kung Fu! No its because Kung Fu means Time, Dedication and Hardwork and are you not then doing Kung Fu when you practice and teach your style? I bet you didn’t realize we were Kung Fu brother’s did you? Well we are so accept it!
So thus commercial martial arts if we are brothers in the art of survival, should we not support one another? We are not rivals we are family, and we train towards the safety and protection of the ones we love. The majority of individuals don’t want to push there body for years under rigorous training that bruises the body, toughens the mind and makes one see through the fancy maneuvers of commercial martial arts Hollywood film drama. Many want to be Bruce Lee without the hard work of Bruce Lee. A body and mind filled with purpose doesn’t need to put down another art. Instead of fake or misleading information or techniques. There are many school which have commercial martial arts. Allow the minds of others to become purposeful otherwise they are like sheep and unfortunately they will not see past the hair in their eyes. Stay alert, relaxed and poised on the results at hand, you will succeed you are purpose driven.
For our school with traditions of honor, respect, Chinese cultural heritage are all encompassed within the art of Wing Chun. Wing Chun is my style of choice just like yours may be another, but we are family in one mindset, self preservation and the preservation of others. More than just kicking and punching Wing Chun for me and those I teach is an art where students can find and grow in the original intentions of their previous masters. An enlightenment through reality based survival and increasing endurance and history.
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