Kung fu Dying
With the world growing and the globalization of knowledge a digital video away you would think that the traditions, techniques and level of martial artist would rise to extreme new levels. Instead this is had the opposite effect, a fast food effect if you will of martial artists calling themselves Masters of whatever self taught or proclaimed system they have studied. Unfortunately there are always associations and instructors willing to sell certifications, black belts, and certifications to untrained and unwarranted practitioners of the martial arts.
Find me a real Master of the traditional martial arts that has learned, pressed, pushed and dedicated themselves. It is difficult, sure there is a Master on every corner of every street, you can find them self proclaimed and supposedly trained. Though a real Master of Kung Fu who understands, knows and is able to use the very aspects of their Kung Fu system is becoming rarer and rarer.Kung fu dying but you can make the difference in where you choose to learn and spend your time and dedication.
With online digital media everywhere supposedly teaching you whatever you would want to know, see or train in. With this being the case why is it that the knowledge is dying, the information is disappearing and the skills are diminishing. Kung fu dying but you can make the difference in where you choose to learn and spend your time and dedication.
The love and culture of Kung Fu is becoming extinct with the inception of “feeling good”, a “pat on the back”, and get what you can, what you want and then who cares about the instructor or the school.Kung fu dying on however you can have the effect in where you decide to learn and invest your time and devotion. So many people only think of what’s in it for the “me and I”. Kung Fu is disappearing, the culture, the love, the dedication and true practitioners. Wing Chun Kung Fu is among them, coming together so many well versed Masters and practitioners have applications and hidden treasures.
With the inception of the Ip Man movies we have seen so many people claim to be Masters and instructors of this system without warrant or real knowledge. These so called martial art instructors tell you that you can learn system a, b, c, d and oh yea we also teach x. You can have everything in one place they will tell you just like a fast food joint. Multiple systems of the martial arts a little of everything. Chasing many rabbits but never becoming a Master of none. Just like any industry there are people who will say they are something they never were or reached.Kung fu dying but you can make the difference in where you choose to learn and spend your time and dedication.
It is up to you to check around, see the difference in instructors, classes and ability and not just a friendly face looking to enroll you.
With respect we only have so much time in the day, where will you divide it and how? Learn from a instructor dedicated and real one that you have researched, dedicated yourself and learn everything you can. Let’s say the average person with a job and family trains 4 hours a week (with 168 hours in a week).Kung fu dying on however you can have the effect in where you decide to learn and invest your time and devotion. How much time are you spending training? about 16 hours in a month out of 672 hours. So how will you divide your time?Kung fu dying on however you can have the effect in where you decide to learn and invest your time and devotion. Perfecting one to two systems or spreading your time over multiple? If your child came to you and said I am going towards five master degrees, do you truly believe they will attain all of them? Do you honestly feel that they would get all that info down or just kinda understand?Kung fu dying on however you can have the effect in where you decide to learn and invest your time and devotion. How long would it take to concentrate and gain power, skill and ability in each? Do you feel like I do that Mastering one and maybe taking a minor in another would focus their skills, attention and success?
Bruce Lee – ” I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.”
Understanding, training and finding a real Master you can learn from that is dedicated to uplifting you and those around them with true intent, knowledge and skill is a source not taken lightly. I wish you well in your journey as there are many bumps and detours ahead of you. Train hard, take each set necessary to understand, push and gain the entire system for your own sake and the sake of its future, its significance within culture and the legacy of determination, perseverance, confidence and protection it affords all those who dedicate themselves.
Kung fu dying but you can make the difference in where you choose to learn and spend your time and dedication.
Kung Fu and the traditional martial arts were made during times of War thus they were made for survival not for flowery techniques and cool looks. If your interested in learning the Chinese Martial Arts, Traditional Martial Arts or Wing Chun Kung Fu come down to our studio in Downtown Lakeland Florida USA. Sifu Och Wing Chun kung fu is a place where you can keep the traditional martial arts of Chinese Kung Fu alive.Kung fu dying on however you can have the effect in where you decide to learn and invest your time and devotion.

Sifu Och
Wing Chun Kung Fu Black Gold Sash
116 east pine street lakeland florida