Tampa Wing Chun: Brining Authentic Chinese Martial Arts to You

Garret Brumfield is a instructor under Sifu Och his curriculum, student training and experience come from and are certified by Sifu Och Wing Chun. Sifu Garret takes a moment to guest write on our blog and discuss his sparring classes and the training regimen that he offers in his Tampa Bay location.

Sifu Garret on Wing Chun Training : First, I would like to encourage everyone to take part in our sparring classes which I offer every other Saturday here in Lakeland. I firmly believe that learning techniques is important to martial art training but application is vital as well. It’s like having all the knowledge in the world, but if you can’t apply that knowledge to real-life situations or scenarios, you will trap yourself in a rut with only “knowledge.”

Sparring can be very daunting and intimidating but like anything in life, you have to start with the basics. Work it over and build upon what you know. In my very first sparring class, I took the basics that my kung fu students knew and slowly built it into a working, effective combo.

Quality and Easy Training Drills for Tampa Wing Chun

Starting off, martial arts training can be intimidating so I’ve crafted a few key drills to start training that outlines the basics of wing chun, gets the heart rate up, and prepares the mind and body for more advance techniques.

Neckodemos Wing Chun, Wing Chun, Kung Fu, Wing Chun Instructor, Instructor Wing Chun, Kung Fu Instructor, Instructor Wing Chun, Necko, Lakeland, Florida

First, we begin with tan sao punches and worked that over for at least five minutes. Next, I simply added a turning punch. This is so that now they had to mix their footwork with a simple angle step/turning punch combo. We worked over that combo a few minutes as well while an opponent was throwing punches at them. Lastly, we added a flurry of chain punches to the mix.

This is so that now my kung fu students have an effective combo of tan punch/turning punch/chain punch. At the same time I constantly re-enforced that importance of keeping a 50/50 fighting stance. We use angle step when necessary and pushing off the back leg to increase the punching power.

Building a Foundation into Quality Training Experience

All of this works into an effective Wing Chun combo you can use. Everything needs a beginning. The brain does not naturally wire itself to immediately start fighting when thrown into a situation, so it’s important to create the right mindset. It’s only through constant practice and breaking down sections of combos that we can truly become reactive. Our instincts and muscle memory that we continue to build will react for us when sparring or fighting.

realistic advanced wing chun martial arts training demonstration by students

So, please, come on down and join us in Lakeland every 1st & 3rd Saturday Saturday at 9 a.m. in the morning.

116 east pine street, lakeland florida (every 1st and 3rd saturday of the month)

I will be getting there early if anyone would like to run or exercise prior to the start of class. Also, for those in Tampa Wing Chun classes, if you are interested, Sifu Och would like to invite you to his Tampa Wing Chun school. Registration is starting now and I (Garret brumfield) will be his instructor in Tampa for our Tampa Wing Chun school. Classes will begin soon and will be offered twice a week.   So if you are interested you can get on the ground floor of a new beginning and my first line of students.


For more info watch these videos

Sifu Och Wing Chun, Official Banner, Ving Tsun Association, Florida, Southeastern USA, Wing Chun, Ving Tsun, Florida, group, best wing chun, best wing chun teacher, wing chun sifu, best wing chun,

Want to Get Started?
Join Sifu Och Wing Chun today and embark on your journey through the world. Fill out our contact form to discover why we are your best choice for Wing Chun Kung Fu and martial arts training in Lakeland, Florida!

Related articles on the Sifu Och Wing Chun website:

Chinese Martial Arts: History and Philosophy

Understanding Wing Chun Kung Fu

The Benefits of Martial Arts Training


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