Why Kung Fu Training is the Best Choice for Personal Growth

Discover the Ultimate Kung Fu Training Experience in Lakeland Today

Wing Chun Kung Fu Training doesn’t emphasize elegance, points, or have a sports-oriented mentality. Its only interest is simplicity and using the most highly effective and proficient techniques. Your understanding and ability are based off of your teacher’s ability and your willingness to learn and practice. If they have it, and can teach it, you’ll be able to learn…if you train. Refining the taught applications can not only build strength, it will make you faster.

When you get faster, you not only move more quickly into your “block while attacking” movements, you develop quick reactions and response times to attacks from your opponent. We believe in conveying real-world training. I’ve heard all too often about students who have studied under instructors and have been led on for over a decade being told that “One day they will release ALL of the REAL information to them if they just stick around.” These same students have come down and—in one afternoon—seen and participated in more effective techniques than they have done in the past ten years—no questions, no tricks, just survival.

Fighting is Chaotic, train reaction and calculated action.

Fighting can be unpredictable and chaotic unless you have trained to respond accordingly to the movements and actions of your assailant.  Wing Chun’s applicable reaction should never be pre-calculated or preconceived. 

Wing Chun, Ip Chun, Yip Chun, Yip Man, Ip Man, wing chun, ving tsun,

How can you decide how a fight will start or end before it has begun?  You can not. Don’t reproduce techniques but rather building direct response. Refining applications, trained as reactions in kung fu training. 

Respond to an opponent’s attack and training combinations that teach flowing response and are continuously interchangeable. You cannot think faster than an unpredictable attack yet you can train to react appropriately and be extremely effective. Reaction is an innate survival response in every creation, only human’s can train in various levels, weapons, styles and degrees of response depending on the situation.

Sifu Och Wing Chun Kung Fu Training in Lakeland FL

IP Chun, Ip chun wing chun, ip man, yip man, Ip chun wing chun, wing chun ip chun, vtaa

You must train the body to naturally respond to any situation even if you have never faced it before. Wrist against wrist, Chi Sau, Don Chi Sau, and Bong Lop are all examples of Wing Chun training for a natural response. Two partners with the goal of assisting the other to develop rooting structure and weed out errors.

With onstant forward energy without leaning or giving up the centerline. Since both practitioners are seeking to train the center offense and defense, a meeting forward energy cancels each other out.

Master the Art of Kung Fu with Expert Training in Lakeland

Wing Chun, Ip Chun, Yip Chun, Yip Man, Ip Man, wing chun, ving tsun,

By rooting, a Wing Chun practitioner takes the partner’s energy and roots it through the body then this energy is pressed back from the ground through the practitioner and into the partner once again. By placing and meeting energy, a practitioner can feel and calculate the next position of the partner before they reach their destination. 

This also means they can diffuse a large portion of the partner’s force as long as proper body structure is maintained (aka don’t lean, stop keeping the arms out from the body, completely relax, or stiffen up and attempt to overpower the partner)

Sifu Och Wing Chun, Official Banner, Ving Tsun Association, Florida, Southeastern USA, Wing Chun, Ving Tsun, Florida, group, best wing chun, best wing chun teacher, wing chun sifu, best wing chun,

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Don’t wait—fill out our contact form to take the first step toward mastering Kung Fu and transforming your life. Discover the unmatched expertise and support at Sifu Och Wing Chun.

“Explore Lakeland’s Most Authentic Kung Fu Training Program”


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